Town of Warwick Selectboard September 4, 2012 Minutes Members present: Dawn Magi, Patricia Lemon Member Absent due to illness: Nick Arguimbau Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, WiredWest Representative Reva Reck (arrived at 6:10 pm), Dan Masscroft (Wendell resident), Police Chief David Shoemaker (arrived at 6:45 pm), Jon Calcari, Jared Robinson (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order Chair Magi called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm in Town Hall. Public Comment None. Minutes Lemon MOVED to accept the minutes of the August 20, 2012 meeting as printed. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. IV. Presentations and Discussions 1. Proposed Energy Contract with Seaboard Solar--Young said that he had received an Email this morning from Town Counsel with all desired changes incorporated into the proposed contract. Wendell resident Dan Masscroft was in attendance, as he had gone through the process of contracting with Seaboard Solar as part of his town's energy committee. Masscroft said that Wendell went through months of revisions on their contract. He suggested that Warwick reserve a couple of megawatts for the Town. Lemon asked Young if doing this would require a revision to the current proposed contract; Young responded in the affirmative. Lemon MOVED that the Selectboard sign the contract when it comes in with the Seaboard Solar signatures. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. Young said that he favored focusing on the adoption of solar options for residents of town. 2. Update on Wired West--Reva Reck reported that WiredWest has been working on putting together a business plan and compiling data for the engineering company Matrix. This company will produce a high level network design for the participating towns and produce cost estimates and evidence of demand for the service, which will be used to seek and secure financing. Reck said that the business plan should be completed by the end of October, at which point they will begin the approach to various financial institutions. She said that she expects financing to be secured next year, and service provided, with total build-out completed within a year and a half to two years. Reck noted that several factors, including the rate at which pole permits are obtained from the utilities that own the poles to be used. Reck said that WiredWest wants to be the internet service provider for the participating towns and their municipal buildings such as town halls, libraries, and schools. She said that she would like to come before the Board again along with some other Wired West personnel to further explain all that WiredWest has to offer. Young gave Reck figures for which to obtain cost quotes on connectivity for Town hall (100 Mb) and Mt. Grace (250 Mb). Reck also mentioned the Support Cards to be sent to every household shortly to help strengthen their business case. She asked that the Board publicize the cards, as word of mouth will help to maximize the documented number of people expressing interest in WiredWest and noted that individuals may respond online, as well (see the August Newsletter). Reck also asked Lemon if, as Warwick's Alternate Representative to WiredWest, she would be able to attend the upcoming meeting in New Salem; Lemon responded in the affirmative. 3. Proposed Broadband Contract Renewals -- Young said that DCR has had the final contracts for more than two weeks. Young asked Lemon to contact DCR tomorrow to move things along; she agreed to do so. Surplus Property Declaration-- The new Ford one-ton dump truck is now in service, and the Board needed to declare the 2001 GMC one-ton truck surplus so it may be sold at auction. Young had also requested that the Board declare an old dry valve and trim as surplus property so he could give them to the Tech School. Lemon MOVED to declare as surplus property the 2001 GMC truck and the Victaulic 4" dry valve and trim. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. 5. The Food Bank of Western Massachusetts Resolution--Board Chair Dawn Magi had received a letter from Andrew Morehouse, Executive Director of the Food bank of Western Massachusetts. In the letter he requested that the Board issue a proclamation officially declaring the month of September as Hunger Action Month in Warwick. The letter included a page intended as a sample proclamation. Lemon MOVED that the proclamation on Hunger Action Month be published on behalf of the Selectboard. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. 6. Hampshire Power Resolution--The Hampshire Council of Governments had sent the Selectboard a letter requesting the Board's endorsement of their petition on Municipal Aggregation of Electricity to the Department of Public Utilities. The proposal had previously been approved by Town Meeting. Lemon MOVED to sign the Municipal Aggregation of Electricity petition on behalf of the Town. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. 7. WCS Sprinkler Code Compliance Work-- Young said that the WCS sprinkler system had been repaired by S&S Fire Service at a cost of $13,364.18. Young went on to say that the deputy State Fire Marshall had ordered additional work to be done within 60 days. This work will include adding a low-water sensor to the tank, repairs to the fire pump controller to provide redundant standing capacity functionality, and adding five addressable monitor modules. The estimated cost for this work is $13,300.00. In answer to a query from Lemon, Young noted that this repair work will use up all available funds in the WCS improvement account. Lemon said that she wanted to see the repair order in writing. Lemon MOVED to approve the S&S Fire Service, LLC contract subject to written order from the State Fire Marshal. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. Selectboard Reports--No one had anything specific to report. 9. Coordinator Report-- There were no questions on Young's written report. Young said that the old highway signs had sold on eBay to a buyer from New York state for $460.00. Young said that there are still seven poles in town that Verizon needed to remove. Chief Shoemaker said that Verizon still owes quite a bit of money for police details, which causes a cash-flow problem for the department. The Chief agreed to supply Young with copies of the invoices he had previously submitted to Verizon, so that Young may resubmit in hopes of securing prompt payment. 10. New and Other Business--Lemon reminded Selectboard members of Bernardston's 250th Anniversary celebration parade on September 22nd in which they have been invited to participate. IV. Adjournment At 7:07 pm, Lemon MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0.