Town of Warwick Selectboard September 15, 2014 Minutes Members present: Nick Arguimbau, Dawn Magi, Patricia Lemon (via Remote Participation, joined meeting at 6:02 p.m.) Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Bill Lyman, Fire Chief Ron Gates, Jon Calcari I. Call to Order Chair Arguimbau called the meeting to order at 6:01 pm in Town Hall. Bill Lyman recorded the meeting. II. Public Comment Fire Chief Ron Gates said that Nick Arguimbau had called him with concerns after being transported by ambulance. Gates said that one of Orange's ambulances broke down, losing power on Route 78 and not able to travel over 25 m.p.h. The Chief said that protocol was followed and a back-up ambulance from Athol was called. Gates pointed out that there are two ambulances available for back-up, and noted he is trying to get Northfield as a secondary responder as well. Arguimbau was under the impression that the ambulance that broke down belonged to the Town; Chief Gates explained that this is a common misconception, but Warwick does not have its own ambulance. Young said that Orange has had a history of financial difficulties over the past few years and has had difficulties keeping the ambulances running well. Young said that each year the Town makes a donation to Orange for use of the ambulance, noting that Orange considers this fee an assessment. Magi said that she had always had good experiences when an ambulance was needed at her residence. Chief Gates said that he would address the issue in the upcoming community newsletter. III. Minutes Lemon MOVED the minutes of September 2, 2014 and September 8, 2014 as printed. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. IV. Presentations and Discussions 1. Prepare for Special Town Meeting--Young said that the Moderator likes to know which Board member will move which articles, and who will be the first speaker for each article. Magi suggested Janice and Steve Kurkoski for the Stretch Code and Ted Cady for the Zoning By-law. Young said that he would be able to speak to the zoning issue if Cady does not wish to be the first speaker. Young also suggested that the Board recommend the articles on the warrant. Magi MOVED that the Selectboard recommend Article #1 and Article #2 on the September 22, 2014 Special Town Meeting warrant as printed. Lemon SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Young reported that there was a good meeting held last week on the Stretch Code. He said that he anticipated a very interesting Town Meeting. Lemon said that she wants to listen in on STM by remote participation. Lyman said that he understood that the Board and Town Coordinator would be seeking grant money for the Town if these two articles pass, but in his view passage of these articles would usurp the property owner's rights and impose the neighbors' ideas of how to live. Lyman said that this could be harmful to some residents. Lyman said that he always expected to be able to build the type of home he wanted to build, which in his case is an off-grid home. He said that he planned to vote against the Stretch Code because he does not want to be told how to build his home. Young noted that the Stretch Code affects all who build, not just an individual. Lyman countered that the individual has the right to exceed the existing code if he or she chooses, therefore keeping their individual rights. It was decided that Magi will move Article #1 and Arguimbau will move Article #2 at STM. Lemon said that she needed to leave the meeting and asked that discussion of her letter to Governor Patrick be postponed until she can attend in person. 2. Election Worker Appointments--Town Clerk Rosa Fratangelo said that Arthur Long and Ann Kendall asked to work at future elections, and requested that the Board please appoint them both as Election Workers for a term ending August 31, 2015. Magi MOVED to appoint Arthur Long and Ann Kendall Election Workers for a term ending August 31, 2015. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. 3. Execution of Transfer Station Inspection Contract--Young explained that the Transfer Station must undergo an annual inspection, and that the best deal is with the Franklin County waste Management District at a cost of $75.00. The board needed to vote its approval for the contract. Magi MOVED to approve the inspection contract and authorize Chair Arguimbau to sign the execution of the third party inspection of the Transfer Station with the Solid waste District in the amount of $75.00. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. 4. Litigation: Wagon Wheel Campground v. Warwick ZBA--Young said that the owners of the Wagon Wheel Campground have filed an appeal of the ZBA decision in Superior Court. He noted that the lawsuit has two counts, and that Town Counsel Jeremia Pollard will be asking the Judge for a bill of particulars or to strike the second count. Town Counsel will also ask the Judge to strike the request for attorney fees. 5. Selectboard Reports--Arguimbau said that someone told him that there had not been enough notice of the Winchester Road closing. Young pointed out that lighted signs had been on the road for a week; Fratangelo said that there were signs posted on the front and back doors to Town Hall. Young said that a Police detail will be present to assist motorists, and that ample notification was made to discourage through traffic. Police Chief Shoemaker said people must have had their own comfort and convenience in mind when posting to the Warwick "L" on the subject of the road closing. Lyman said that he hoped the Highway workers would be treated well and with respect; both he and Magi expressed being upset by recent conversation on the "L" regarding this matter. Shoemaker noted that as Chief he had received no questions or comments from anyone. He noted that he had conferred with the Fire Chief and Highway Superintendent and that all parties wanted the road closed. Magi said that a policy needed to be made for road closures. Young said that under the law the power of road closure lies with the Chief of Police. Magi MOVED that the authority for road closures be recognized to be the Chief of Police. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. Young said that a Town official had e-mailed a Selectboard member about "the nasty bullying attitude towards Town residents on the part of Coordinator David Young". He asked the Board if he needed to cancel his personal account and represent the Town 24-7. Arguimbau recommended that Young explicitly say that whenever it is his personal opinion being expressed that he is posting as a resident and is not acting as Town Coordinator. Magi concurred. 6. Coordinator Report--Young said that he could not thank George Day and Robert Day enough for their work repairing the water manifold at the fountain. Calcari suggested that Young put something in the newsletter, and Magi said that a thank you letter should be sent to George and Robert Day. Young said that he will be publicizing the Franklin County Housing Authority/Rural Development Agency rehabilitation loan program for which the Town will be applying. He also noted that he is working in conjunction with the Board of Health to continue the clean up at the McKnight property, and that the disposal of tires was particularly problematic. Chief Shoemaker said that he would call someone who might be able to provide some ideas on how to deal with the situation. Young said that CDBG might have a grant to fund clean-up if there were a declaration of spot slum and sight blighting, and that he would look into that possibility. Magi suggested that the discussion of the pipeline letter to Governor Patrick be postponed until corrections were made and fact checking was completed. Young said that what we want is that the Governor withdraw his support for the pipeline and make it a priority that it not be permitted. Magi said that the letter needed to be addressed solely to the Governor, and that she was willing to write the letter and provide a copy to Arguimbau. 8. New and Other Items Not Reasonably Anticipated Prior to Meeting Posting--None. V. Adjournment At 6:57 p.m., Magi MOVED to adjourn. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo