Town of Warwick Selectboard September 10, 2007 Town of Warwick Minutes Members present: Rick Abbott, Patricia Lemon, Jim Toth Others: Jeannette Fellows, Tim Kilhart, Dana Robinson, Dick Whiting, Miryam Williamson, Mary Williamson, Harriet Green, Jan Conover, Fred Dupr The Board signed FY08 Warrant 05. I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:38 p.m. at the Town Hall by Chairman Lemon. II. Minutes Lemon Moved to approve the minutes of the Sept. 4 meeting. Abbott seconded. VOTED. III. Presentations/Discussions 1. Highway Superintendent Kilhrt's request for overtime Toth Moved to approve the Highway Superintendent's revised contract effective until 6/30/08 adding 1) Patriot's Day as a holiday, 2) clarification of holiday compensation time, and 3) adding overtime pay for winter snow and ice hours to the Supt. salary at the rate of $31.88/hour. Lemon seconded. VOTED. Both the SelectBoard chair and Kilhart signed the contract. 2. Treasurer - Robinson requested that the Board approve the Town's borrowing of $222,076.94 with $1466.01 for interest. The Board and Town Clerk signed the appropriate notes. Toth Moved to approve the Treasurer's request for borrowing. Lemon seconded. VOTED. 3. Treasurer's Bond -the amount was incorrect. The additional cost to increase the bond from $80,000 to the state-required $100,000 for Robinson will be about $60/year. 4. Thank you notes - being sent to Van Johnson for picnic table repair, Jack Cadwell for window repair at Town Hall, Mr. Dauphinais of Arizona and Steve and Janice Kurkoski for mailboxes at Town Hall, and to George Day for paying proposal fees for people who inspected Town Clock for repairs. 5. Town Clock Repair - The Board discussed the 3 proposals received and compared work and quotes. They discussed the extent of the work, installing an "actuator" to set time when the clock will ring, repairing the strike and drum. Toth Moved D'Avanza's proposal to install an actuator. Lemon seconded. No action taken on motion. [I'm pretty sure I made the motion, since I offered to withdraw it; I don't remember which of us seconded it.] Considerable discussion and calculation ensued. Abbott Moved to use D'Avanza's options 1, 3, and 4 for $6125 to repair the Town Clock. Lemon seconded. VOTED. 6. Town Flag - briefly discussed creating flag for Warwick to hang in Hall of Flags at Statehouse. 7. Library Fountain flowers - The Board received a $21 bill for flowers from Library Trustees to come from Fountains and Grounds account. 8. November 19 meeting - will change to Tuesday, Nov. 13 due to conflicts 9. Road Layout Toth Moved to reschedule the public hearing for the layout of Hettie-Belle Lane/Garage Rd. to Sept. 24 at 7 p.m. Abbott seconded. VOTED. IV. Public Comment - None V. Reconvened Hearing on East Rum Brook Road - The Board reconvened the public hearing at 7:40 p.m. After an abbreviated discussion and receiving some information from Dupre, the Board held a vote. Lemon Moved to discontinue maintenance of East Rum Brook Road, according to MGL Chap 82, Sec. 32A: the Town shall no longer be bound to keep such way or public way in repair and upon filing of such declaration with the Town Clerk such declaration shall take effect, provided that sufficient notice to warn the public that the way is no longer maintained is posted at both ends of such way or public way, or portions thereof. Toth seconded. VOTED. The hearing concluded at 8:00 p.m. VI. Adjournment Lemon Moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 p.m. Toth seconded. VOTED.