Town of Warwick Selectboard August 30, 2010 Minutes Members present: Dawn Magi, Patricia Lemon, Nick Arguimbau Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Open Space and Conservation Committee member Mary Williamson, Forestry Committee member Keith Ross, Planning Board Chair Ted Cady, Planning Board member Brad Compton, Conservation Commission members Kasey Rolih and Ann Kendell, David Brown, Paula and Jared Robinson (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order Chair Arguimbau called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm in Town Hall. II. Presentations and Discussions DCR Forest Survey -- Young explained that all cities and towns in the Commonwealth, including Warwick, were invited by the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) to complete an online survey on forestry and DCR use plans. The Selectboard wished to have public input while completing the survey, which was viewed on the projection screen in the Town Hall's main hall. Paula Robinson entered the answers to the survey questions. Each of the questions was discussed and answered. Issues important to Warwick were identified, and included the following topics of concern: Better communication More active forest management More community involvement in decision making Invasive species control More local field personnel Excessive erosion of trails by ATV's Options chosen for the best ways for the DCR to communicate and gather information from the community included: Email DCR website Local newspapers Letters to the Selectboard Communication with other elected officials Expansion of listserv Networking through key regional organizations like Regional Planning Organizations Social Network Tool: Facebook Benefits of DCR forestry operations identified by the group included: Scenic enjoyment Maintains rural character Revenue to the Town Wildlife habitat Local employment and economy Maintains DCR forest infrastructure The biggest potential interests or concerns with the zoning of DCR land was answered as follows: "Keep in mind balance of the three zones within the Town of Warwick. We the townspeople of Warwick would like to have a significant role in the analysis and decision making process of the forest zoning in Warwick." The entity completing the survey was identified as a "Town Hall meeting of community stake holders". It was also noted that additional comments on the survey would be e-mailed to the DCR. Additional comments to be compiled for inclusion in the e-mail to the DCR included: Specification that better communication between the DCR and both Town officials as well as the general community was desired Explanation that the response "I Don't Know" was chosen to the question about which, if any, meetings listed were attended by a representative of Warwick, because the person who attended at least one of the meetings listed was there as an individual The majority of people in Warwick do not have high speed internet access in their homes There is a need for good notification of available data. The board executed documents for sprinkler system borrowing. This is bridge financing. Town is borrowing $200,000 for one year at 1.3 % annual interest. III. Adjournment At 7:21 pm, Arguimbau MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Lemon SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari