Town of Warwick Selectboard August 24, 2009 Approved Minutes Members present: Rick Abbott, Nick Arguimbau; Patricia Lemon Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Forestry Commission member Keith Ross, Dawn Magi, Wendy Wirth, Jon Calcari, Paula Robinson (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order Chair Arguimbau called to order at 6:05 p.m. in the Town Hall. II. Minutes Because Lemon was not yet present, it was decided to delay the approval of last meeting's minutes until her arrival. When she arrived at 6:10 pm., Arguimbau asked that the minutes reflect her apologies for being late. Arguimbau then MOVED that the Selectboard approve the minutes of August 10, 2009 as per Lemon's draft with two exceptions: omit appendices, and add in parentheses the words "available on the Town website" to paragraphs 3 and 4. Lemon SECONDED with a friendly amendment that references to any appendices be replaced with "(see" CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. III. Presentations/Discussions Prior to Lemon's arrival, Abbott and Arguimbau had taken up the first two items for consideration: 1. Pole Hearing for Athol and Hastings Pond Roads--Young recommended a hearing date of Tuesday, September 8 at 7 pm. Abbott MOVED that the Selectboard hold a pole hearing under the provisions of MGL Ch. 166S22 on Tuesday, September 8, at 7 p.m. in the Town hall to hear comments on National Grid's petitions to set utility poles on Athol Road and Hastings Pond Road. Arguimbau SECONDED. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. Temporary Road Closing for Old Home Days-- In accordance with the request of the Old Home Days Committee, Abbott MOVED that Athol Road be temporarily closed to all traffic (except of the abutting residence) in front of Town Hall for Old Home days beginning at Orange Road and ending at the intersection of Hotel Road on August 29th and 30th 2009. Arguimbau SECONDED. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Chestnut Hill Road Bridge--Ross said that he had received a quote from Roberts Lumber for under $9,000.00 for red oak timbers for the Chestnut Hill Bridge. Young noted that this was an unexpected expense, and may require a reserve Fund transfer at some point in the future to cover a portion of the cost for replacement timber. After a discussion of the available options for proceeding, Lemon MOVED to direct Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart to use his best judgment in the matter of the Chestnut Hill Bridge. Abbott SECONDED. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. Content of Minutes--Appropriate content of meeting minutes was discussed at some length. Arguimbau and Lemon preferred some context of discussions, while Abbott and Young expressed a preference of keeping it "short and sweet". Residents Wirth and Magi agreed with the minutes being short and to the point while providing context of discussions as a way for future readers to better understand the rationales for decisions reported in the minutes. 5. Speed Zone Update--Abbott said that many zones were reduced from the original proposed speed limits, which was the anticipated outcome. Young said this was an advisory draft, with the next steps being review by higher-ups at MassHighway, approval by the Selectboard, then final approval by the Registry of Motor Vehicles. 6. WiValley Memo of Agreement--WiValley's attorney had proposed some changes in the language. The sense of the discussion was that the Board will likely vote to approve, but they agreed to postpone a vote until the next meeting to give members adequate time to review the MOA. 7. General Policy on Resale of Broadband Services--Young and Arguimbau had developed a draft policy in conjunction with town counsel: Lemon MOVED that it be Selectboard policy that "The Town may contract with established Internet Service Providers that want to be resellers of Warwick Broadband Service, providing they have competence that is demonstrated by prior experience in the wireless internet service provider business and our system has available excess capacity. Such contracts will include provisions stating that the Town's approval may be subject to conditions imposed by DCR or the State Police on the Town's use of the Mt. Grace tower." Abbott SECONDED. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. IV. Reports 1. Selectboard Reports-- Lemon * mentioned a conference on regionalisation to be held September 3rd at Holy Cross in Worcester. Young and Arguimbau will attend. * informed the other board members that she was going to transmit information from the Assessors' Clerk in response to a request from the Census Bureau for information on new construction over the past ten years for the upcoming 2010 Census. Abbott * said that he will attend the upcoming quarterly meeting of the Massachusetts Selectmen's Association. Arguimbau * had called Town Counsel for advice on a matter earlier in the day and learned that this was Fred Dupere's 35th wedding anniversary. Arguimbau MOVED that the Board send a congratulatory note to Town Counsel Fred Dupere on his 35th wedding anniversary. Lemon SECONDED. Lemon and Arguimbau AYE; Abbott NAY. MOTION CARRIED. 2. Town Coordinator Report (see ) Highlights-- * Young called the Board's attention to two letters from Bernardston regarding the PVRSD budget process. * He said that the Accountant is auditing the contributory insurance account, and certain employees may receive refunds in the future. * Mary Thomas has resigned from the Conservation Commission due to an upcoming move out of town. V. New Business--Lemon wanted another railing to the left (west) side of the front door of the Historical Society building, and will get in touch with someone from the Historical Society to discuss the matter further. VI. Public Comment Magi commented on the lack of parking in front of the Copper Angel Bakery. Young explained this a zoning issue, and that the church has given permission for bakery patrons to park at Metcalf Chapel. V. Adjournment Lemon MOVED to adjourn the meeting at 7:37 pm. Abbott SECONDED. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari and approved on September 21, 2009