Town of Warwick Selectboard August 23, 2010 Minutes Members present: Dawn Magi, Patricia Lemon, Nick Arguimbau Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Kristy and Joe Delfausse, Mary Williamson, Keith Ross, Jon Calcari, Jared Robinson (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order Chair Arguimbau called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Hall. Young suggested removing the DCR survey from tonight's agenda and scheduling a properly posted meeting next Monday. Magi MOVED to schedule a meeting on Monday, August 30th at 6 pm. Lemon SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. II. Public Comment None. III. Minutes Lemon MOVED to accept the minutes of June 28 and August 9, 2010 as printed. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. IV. Presentations and Discussions 1. FRCOG Regional Planning Board Appointment -- Young said that the Town gets two representatives to the regional planning board. Planning Board Chair Ted Cady is one of our representatives, and Young had been the other. He said that the Board could reappoint him or find an individual with an interest in the position. Lemon MOVED to reappoint David Young as the second representative to the FRCOG Regional Planning Board. Magi SECONDED. Arguimbau asked if Young truly wanted to be reappointed, as he had the sense that Young preferred that the Board find someone else to fill the position. Young replied that Arguimbau had accurately read between the lines. Lemon WITHDREW the motion with Magi's consent. The issue will be revisited in four weeks time. 2. Police Officer Appointment -- Young said that Police Chief Brian Peters sent a letter to the Board regarding the probationary appointment of John R. Stewart as a police officer. Young explained that for the next six months, Stewart will ride along with an experienced officer. At the end of the six-month probationary period, the officer will be evaluated. If all is satisfactory, he would then be appointed to a permanent position of police officer. Lemon MOVED to appoint John R. Stewart II to the position of six month probationary reserve intermittent police officer. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. 3. Consideration of Bids -- Young said that he received one qualified bid for the Wendell Road box culvert repair. The bid was $56,800.00 Arguimbau inquired about the accident that had occurred there; Young said that the accident increased the repair amount by approximately $10,000.00 and accelerated the timeline for repairs by about one year. Magi MOVED to accept the bid of Mass-West Construction Inc. of Granby, MA in the amount of $56,800.00 for box culvert repair and guardrail replacement and approve execution of a contract between the Town and the vendor contingent upon approval of necessary permits. Lemon SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Young said that RCI was the low bid for Town Hall roof labor in the amount of $14,600.00. He noted that this bid covers labor only, as the Town will purchase all necessary materials. Lemon MOVED to authorize David Young assuming he has no negative reports on RCI to contract with them to put shingles on the Town Hall roof. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Enumeration -- Young explained that some seasonal camps located at Laurel Lake in Erving are accessible only through Dusty Road in Warwick. The residents of these camps have requested that they be assigned Warwick emergency 911 house numbers. Gunnar Lambert, Warwick Fire Chief and Enumerator, has approved the request. Selectboard approval would add authority. Magi MOVED to approve the request of four Erving MA residents to have their emergency 911 addresses enumerated as a continuation of the Warwick house number scheme and that the properties be known as Dusty Road Erving MA. Lemon SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. 5. DCR Forest Survey -- There will be a meeting on August 30 at 6 pm in Town Hall for this matter. 6. Special Municipal Employee Designation and MGL 268A:20(d) Exemption -- Young said that Jack Cadwell, a member of the Buildings and Energy Committee, needs to be granted a MGL Chapter 268A Section 20(d) exemption so that he may contract to build the new meeting notice board. Young noted that the Board had previously voted to designate the position of Buildings and Energy Committee member a Special Municipal Employee. Lemon MOVED to grant Jack Cadwell an exemption under MGL C. 268A Section 20(d) so that he may contract with the Town to construct a new public meeting notice sign and hold an uncompensated position on the Buildings and Energy Committee. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. 7. Selectboard Reports -- Lemon noted that there has been no further movement on the poles for Gale Road. Other poles have already been placed on Hastings Heights Road. Once one more pole is placed, new cable will go in and everything will be removed from Gale Road. Lemon said that she had checked on the Severance electricity case and that Ms. Severance had told David Young that she has given permission for an easement to National Grid. Young then said that a recent letter received from Mrs. Severance made it clear that she does not want any help from the Town in this matter; she asked that the Town stay out of her business from now on. Lemon said that there will be someone coming with a metal detector to check for the metal pins that outlined the boundaries for the original Town Common. She also conveyed the appreciation of the Historical Society to David Young for his donation of a mannequin to display a ball gown in the WHS building. She encouraged everyone to go see the gown during Old Home Days. 8. Town Coordinator Report -- Young said that the Moore's Pond Beach Committee is looking for some direction with regards to an alcohol policy. The insurance underwriter will check into this and report back to Young. Young said that he had written to the MSBA inquiring about how to begin the process of obtaining their financial assistance for the WCS roof and possibly the sprinkler system as well. Arguimbau asked about the early retirement. Young said that the two individuals currently eligible for early retirement would have to be replaced should they choose to retire. The early retirement option saves money for larger towns that do not fill the positions vacated by those who retire; this would not be the case here in Warwick. 9. New and Other Business -- There was a brief discussion regarding the alcohol policy for Town property. Young explained that the current policy allows that alcohol be served only if special permission is granted for a one-day license, an insurance threshold is met, and the Selectboard votes to approve it. He suggested a no alcohol policy for the beach. V. Adjournment At 6:46 pm, Lemon MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari