Town of Warwick Selectboard August 20, 2007 Minutes Members present: Rick Abbott, Patricia Lemon, Jim Toth Others: Jeannette Fellows, Colleen Paul, Larry Carey, Phil Delorey, Jon Calcari, Rosa Calcari, Janice Starmer I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Town Hall by Chairman Lemon. II. Minutes Lemon Moved to approve the minutes of the August 13 meeting as changed. Toth seconded. VOTED. III. Presentations/Discussions 1. Community Development -Delorey encouraged the Board to create a list of town priorities working towards a community development strategy and asked the Board to send a letter of support. Lemon signed the application to be part of the North Quabbin Small Business Loan Program and signed the inter-local agreement with other towns involved in the program. At next week's Board meeting there will be a public hearing to discuss the town's goals. 2. WCS Sprinkler System and Contract - The Board received a proposal from Dobbert Heating & AC to repair the WCS sprinkler system via Pioneer Superintendent Courtney. Dobbert originally installed the system at the school. Repair work could begin this week. The Board held a discussion regarding the proposed contract with Supt. Courtney via speakerphone. Some issues raised included: accessible drains in problem areas, issue of treated water being required/recommended for system, system testing requiring frequent draining will deplete water supply, who will provide oversight on project?, consultant to review work after completion, who will maintain system? The Board revised the agreement/contract and will send to Courtney and the Dobbert Co. for their approval. Attach copy of revised contract to minutes Lemon Moved to accept the Dobbert proposal as amended. Toth seconded. VOTED. 2a. Counsel to review WCS Contract - discussion of hiring an independent counsel to review PVRSD lease of WCS because our Town Counsel, Dupr, also works for PVRS district. $175/hr rate for Alan Seewald, former Amherst Town Counsel. Lemon Moved to authorize Board chairman to forward the WCS lease to Seewald for review, not to exceed $600. Abbott seconded. VOTED. 3. Old Home Days - Carey & Paul presented an events schedule to the Board and invited the Board to be in the scheduled parade. Carey also encouraged the Board to find an Old Home Days organizer to replace him, who he will help, but Carey does not want to continue to be in charge. Toth Moved to close the Athol Rd. from Rt. 78 to Hotel Rd. from 7a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sat, Aug. 25, and borrow signs from the Highway Dept. for Old Home Days. Abbott seconded. VOTED. 3a. Women's Guild Sign Project -Guild has been discussing erecting a sign on granite posts in the center of town welcoming people to town. Will have sample designs for public to vote on at Old Home Days. R. Calcari announced Bake-off fundraiser for Yelp for Help Sun. during Old Home Days. 3b. Zoe Darrow concert at WCS -going on as scheduled; Toth will speak to Petrain 3c. Arts Council Tent -Arts Council is offering their tent for sale to the Town for $2000. The tent has been loaned for free to many school, fire deptartment, Town, and church events; Michael Humphries stores it and erects it, but is a large job and becoming too time-consuming. Board discussed how to proceed with finding interested people to use and erect the tent and possible storage places for it. IV. Reports - received from ACO, Highway, Town Clock Caretaker- awaiting proposal for repair from 3rd repairman. Fellows left the meeting at 8:00 p.m. VI. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m. after Selectmen signed revised Dobbert proposal. Minutes taken by Jeannette Fellows IV.1 Town Accountant, Janice Barrett (978-544-3845) Town Hall Office Hours 9-5 on alternate Thursdays IV.2 ACO/Animal Inspector, Rosa Fratangelo Calcari pager (888) 679-6831 IV.3 ADA4 Coordinator, Regina Curtis IV.4 Broadband Committee next meeting Wednesday, 8/29 at 7:30 PM at Town Hall New Salem is the only Eastern Franklin County town selected for the Connect Beta Test Program. IV.5 Board of Assessors Town Hall Office Hours: Mondays 9a.m.-noon IV.6 Building Inspector, Lorne Petrain (978) 544-5735 permit applications in boxes on wall to the right, just inside the front door of the Town Hall IV.7 Burial Agent, Janet Conover/Cemetery Commission IV.8 Town Clock Caretaker George Day IV.9 Conservation Commission/Open Space Committee IV.10 Council on Aging IV.11 Crockery Committee Meets irregularly, as needed IV.12 Cultural Council Meets in the fall, as needed IV.13 Emergency Management Director (James Erviti) IV.14 Finance Committee IV.15 Fire Department IV.16 Forestry Committee IV.17 Franklin County Solid Waste District IV.18 Franklin Regional Council of Governments Transportation Committee Jim Toth, Warwick SelectBoard Representative IV.19 Franklin Regional Council of Governments Planning Board IV.20 Board of Health (Jim McRae, Chair) IV.21 Highway Department Warwick Highway Weekly Log August 20-26, 2007 none received IV.22 Memorial Day Committee No meetings scheduled IV.23 Old Home Days Committee (Larry Carey, Chair) Historical Commission (Larry Carey, Chair) no meetings scheduled IV.24 Town Moderator, G. Allen Mexcur IV.25 Personnel Committee (Regina Curtis, Chair) No further meetings scheduled IV.26 Planning Board (Ted Cady, Chair ) Next meeting September 13 at 7:30 p.m. in Town Hall (meets regularly on the 2nd Thursday of the month) Zoning Task Force (a subcommittee of the Planning Board) Next meeting August 29 at 5:30 in the Town Hall Village Center Subcommittee of the ZTF Next meeting September 5 at 7 p.m. in the Town Hall Zoning Board of Appeals (Jaylin Dibble, Chair) Next meeting, August 21 at 7 p.m. in the Town Hall IV.27 Police Department, Chief Brian Peters Dispatch (978) 544-2244 IV.28 Recreation Committee Meetings at the Community School, 6:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of every month IV.29 Recycling Coordinator IV.30 SelectBoard, 978-544-6315 Town Hall Office Hours, M-F 8-9 a.m. Next regularly scheduled meeting, September 10 at 6 p.m., in the Town Hall IV.31 Tax Collector, Terry Kemerer, (978) 544-3845 Town Hall Office Hours, Mondays 9-1 & 5-6 p.m. IV.32 Town Buildings/ Energy Committee (ad hoc) All meeting minutes have been posted on Next meeting September 12 at 7 p.m. in the Town Hall. IV.33 Treasurer, Dana Robinson, (978) 544-3845 Town Hall Office Hours, Mondays 1-5 p.m. IV.34 Veterans' Monument Committee Next meeting September 5 at 7 p.m. in the Town Hall The three bids received will be opened. Appendix A. Worksheet Tasks Assigned to and by the Warwick, Massachusetts, SelectBoard Date Assigned To5 By Date due/ Completed Task Progress/Outcome 7/07 PD FD EMD MEMA 12/31/07 Complete an EMS Service Zone Plan for Warwick No progress report received to date PL JT RA NIMS 9/29/07 NIMS certification In progress 1 Committees/offices in bold face print have submitted reports (attached or to be summarized verbally) or indicated their intention to report in person. 2 Americans with Disabilities Act 3 Earlier if all abuttors are present. 4 Americans with Disabilities Act 5 RA=Rick Abbott, JF=Jeannette Fellows, PL=Patricia Lemon, JT=Jim Toth Page 1 of 8