Town of Warwick Selectboard August 18, 2008 Minutes Present: Board members: Patricia Lemon, Rick Abbott, Nick Arguimbau (arrived at 6:13 p.m.) Others: Town Coordinator David Young, Selectboard Secretary Rosa Calcari, Broadband Committee member Miryam Williamson, Tax Collector and Treasurer Terry Kemerer, Finance Committee member Dick Whiting, Town Moderator Allen Mexcur, Town Counsel Fernand Dupere I. Call to Order The Meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. at the Town Hall by Chairman Lemon. II. Minutes Lemon MOVED to accept the Minutes of the August 11 meeting as printed. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. III. Presentations/Discussions 1. Tax Collector and Treasurer - Lemon said that according to her notes from the April 2, 2008, Selectboard meeting, during which Terry Kemerer was appointed Treasurer, while the Board did not vote this explicitly at that time, on the advice of Town Counsel they believed the appointment fell under this exemption but did not realize that formal approval was necessary. This motion will correct that oversight. Lemon MOVED that the Selectboard approve the exemption of Tax Collector Terry Kemerer's interest from MGL 268A 20(h), which reads, in part, 'This section shall not prohibit an employee in a town having a population of less than three thousand five hundred persons from holding more than one appointed position with said town, provided that the Board of Selectmen approves the exemption of his interest from this section.'. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Arguimbau MOVED to revise the previous motion to say it shall be retroactive as allowed by law. Lemon SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. Special Town Meeting - There was a brief discussion of which Board member will move which articles, and who will second those motions. At 6:24 p.m., Lemon announced that the meeting would go into recess until after the conclusion of the STM. The board reconvened at 8:45 p.m. 3. MOA with DCR regarding the use of Mt. Grace Tower–Special Town Meeting having discussed and approved ARTICLE 4 of the warrant, which provided seed money for a pilot Broadband program, Lemon MOVED that the Board sign the MOA with DCR. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. All three Board members signed the document. IV. Public Comment None. V. Adjournment Arguimbau MOVED at 8:55 pm. to adjourn the meeting. Lemon SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari Patricia Lemon, Frederick H. Abbott III, Nicholas C. Arguimbau Selectboard Chair Selectboard Vice-Chair Selectboard Member Rosa Fratangelo Calcari James David Young Selectboard Secretary Town Coordinator