Town of Warwick Selectboard August 13, 2007 Minutes Members present: Rick Abbott, Jim Toth Members absent: Patricia Lemon Others: Jeannette Fellows, Charlotte Weltzin, Rosa & Jon Calcari, Tim Kilhart, Bill Arsenault, Chris Ryan, Steve Kurkoski, Janice Kurkoski, Lorne Petrain The Board signed FY08 Warrant 03. I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Town Hall by Vice Chairman Toth. II. Minutes Abbott Moved to approve the minutes of the July 31 meeting. Toth seconded. VOTED. IV. Reports 1. Highway- Kilhart reported crew is working on Bass Rd., replacing culvert on Old Winchester Rd., possible repair work on Town Hall handicap access planned for this week (to be discussed later in meeting) 2. Fire Department –The Board received a letter of resignation from Chief Marcel Varney effective Aug. 12, 2007. Toth Moved to accept Varney’s resignation as Fire Chief with regret. Abbott seconded. VOTED. 3. Treasurer – The Town had to take out a loan to cover Highway expenses until state Chapter 90 money is received for Athol Rd. work. 4. Other – received ACO and Police reports IV. Public Comment – None V. Presentations/Discussions 1. Highway Dept. Appointment – 2 applications were returned for vacancy. After interviews Kilhart recommended that the Board hire Bill Arsenault, who previously worked for the Town and has plowing & road experience and hoisters’ license. Abbott Moved to hire Bill Arsenault as a Highway Dept. laborer effective September 4, 2007 at the rate of $13.97/hr. Toth seconded. VOTED. 2. Personnel Committee Recommendations – In regards to Hwy. Superintendent’s request for overtime pay, committee recommended reclassifying the position as an hourly paid position, then supt. would be eligible for overtime; and monitoring and reviewing the Hwy. workload to consider a 3- man vs. a 4-man work crew. Personnel Committee does NOT recommend that Board establish structure for salary bonuses for employees. Abbott Moved to table the issue of Hwy. Supt. overtime request until Lemon returns and relates information she received from subsequent Personnel Committee meeting. Toth seconded. VOTED. 3. Town Hall Ramp – The handicap access ramp at rear of Town Hall has holes in it, which the Hwy. Dept. has offered to repair in conjunction with other road patching, to use the hot top economically. Kilhart would absorb the cost, (about $100) in his budget. He proposed removing the slab and putting some pipes and drainage under the ramp to prevent holes from forming. Toth Moved to authorize Kilhart and the Hwy Dept. to do ramp repair work outside the Town Hall. Abbott seconded. VOTED. 4. Surplus Equipment Toth Moved to declare 2 pieces of Highway Dept. equipment as surplus (HP copier and Panasonic phone/fax/answering machine) and initiate the process of disposal. Abbott seconded. VOTED. 5. Special Town Meeting- date set; some unpaid bills, and article from Planning Board to be on warrant. Toth Moved to set hearing for Sept. 10 at 7 p.m. for Hettie Belle Lane/Garage Rd. layout. Abbott seconded. VOTED. 6. Town Hall Energy Plan – The Kurkoskis presented an electrical energy audit report to the Board; only looked at electric lights. Committee is also considering insulation in walls of town hall and replacing/ having more energy efficient hot water heaters. Also discussed programmable thermostats and drop-down ceiling fans with Board. Also plotting electric use and fuel bills over 3 years for town buildings. 7. North Quabbin Loan Fund –informational item: chairman to sign contract to participate as discussed previously. 8. WC School- Building Inspector Pertain addressed the Board about the lack of an occupancy permit at the school following the burst sprinkler system 1 ½ yrs. ago. The fire suppression system still has not been repaired; Petrain wants to see a plan & timetable for fixing the system, so the occupancy permit can be issued and and school can open as scheduled. He is concerned about safety and welfare issues; the alarm system is functioning, but the sprinkler system is not. He also expressed concern about the Old Home Days concert scheduled for Aug. 25 at school in expectation of a large crowd attending. The Board discussed many of the issues surrounding the problem: school is owned by town, operated by district; insurance co., system designer, and contractors involved; possible corrosive bacteria in water damaging system; received proposal from subcontractor to repair system in June; is there a guarantee with that work? How to pay for repair? Who will review repair work? Abbott Moved to instruct the PVRS district to proceed with preparing a contact for Board’s review and execution of repairing sprinkler system at WCS. Toth seconded. VOTED. VI. Adjournment Abbott Moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m. Toth seconded. VOTED. Minutes taken by Jeannette Fellows