Town of Warwick Selectboard August 10, 2009 Abridged Minutes Members present: Patricia Lemon, Rick Abbott, Nick Arguimbau Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Dawn Magi, Wendy Wirth, Jon Calcari, Paula Robinson (Athol Daily News) Chair Arguimbau called to order at 6 p.m. in the Town Hall. Abbott MOVED to accept the minutes of July 27 as printed. Lemon SECONDED. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Lemon MOVED that the board appoint Jeffrey Joyce to the Cemetery Commission until the next Annual Town Election. Abbott SECONDED. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Selectboard Reports--Lemon reported that she had invited Sharon Gillette, head of the Massachusetts Broadband Institute, to the Satellite Internet Dish Toss on August 30 but that Ms. Gillette has accepted a position as Wireline Competition Bureau Chief at the FCC and will be unable to attend, as she will be in Washington DC, by then. Lemon said that she has also invited local politicians and will be following up with telephone calls this week. Town Coordinator Report (see Highlights-- * Town Hall insulation of is complete, and our teen employees will perform some necessary clean up on the next rainy day, marking the cracks where insulation blew out of the walls and ceilings for caulking. There should be sufficient funds remaining in the Town Hall Improvement Account for chimney pointing and to cap the unused chimney, along with installing storm windows on the office side of the building. Arguimbau inquired about the unsightly appearance of the Town Hall roof peak. Young explained that the material now capping the roof, called Graves roof seal, works well and has eliminated leakage and water retention. He noted that the original ornamental tin cap, possibly once copper plated, removed from the roof is in storage, awaiting funding to restore it. * The Speed Report is on its way back, much simplified and with speed limit reductions in several zones. Highway Department Reports (see R. Calcari announced the arrival of the new pager for Animal Control, and gave the new number: 978-217-2681. She mentioned that Vincent Perkins of White Road is missing a small, yellow and white male cat named "Alberto". Public Comment--Magi said that the Town really looks nice now, and inquired why Warwick's Selectboard meetings are not listed in the Greenfield Recorder. Wendy Wirth echoed Magi's compliment to the center of Town, saying it looks great. Lemon MOVED that the board adjourn the meeting at 6:20 pm. Abbott SECONDED. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari