July 28, 2008 Selectboard Minutes Present: Board members Patricia Lemon, Rick Abbott, and Nick Arguimbau, Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Calcari, Miryam Williamson, Jon Calcari, Cemetery Commissioner/ZBA Clerk Janet Conover, Tax Collector & Treasurer Terry Kemerer, reporter Paula Lundgren (Athol Daily News) The Meeting was called to order at 6:00p.m. at the Town Hall by Chairman Lemon, who then announced the death of longtime Warwick resident and former school nurse Helen Jay on July 26. Arguimbau MOVED to accept the minutes of the July 14 meeting with the following corrections: The inclusion in item III.6 after the sentence ending in "...with monthly charges," of the sentences "Arguimbau said that he had a long list of questions for the Broadband Committee that he deemed necessary to be answered prior to next month's Special Town Meeting. Young said that Arguimbau had first brought the questions to him, and he had sent it out to the committee. He also explained that an enterprise fund, once established for the Broadband Committee, would last three years and allow the Town to borrow for betterments". Lemon SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. Appointments: Corrections and Confirmations - Lemon MOVED the following reappointments: Gerald Brousseau as Plumbing Inspector; John Dolan as Gas Inspector; Bill Johnston as Wiring Inspector; George Day as Caretaker of the Town Clock; Charlie Brown as Caretaker of the Town Flags; Fernand Dupere as Town Counsel; Rick Abbott and Paul Hadsel, Sr. as members of the Veterans' Monument Committee; Leo Parent as Veterans' Agent, with all terms to expire June 30, 2009. The Motion included the appointment of Town Coordinator David Young to replace John Columbus as Workers' Compensation Agent for a term ending June 30, 2011. Arguimbau SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Arguimbau MOVED the Board confirm the complete slate of appointments as printed in Agenda packet, with incumbencies confirmed, and as necessary, individuals named be appointed to the indicated positions. Lemon SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Lemon MOVED that the following paragraph be inserted after the "Facilitates communication" paragraph in the "Essential Duties" section of the Town Coordinator's Job Description to reflect the committee and other appointments David Young has accepted to date: "Acts as ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Coordinator, Workers' Compensation Agent, and Selectboard representative to the Broadband and Finance Committees". Arguimbau SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY 2. Special Town Meeting Warrant - Articles were forwarded to Town Counsel Dupere. There was consensus that proposed Articles 9 through 13 would be better presented at Annual Town Meeting than at a special town meeting. Lemon MOVED the mileage reimbursement rate be changed to bring it up to the IRS-approved Federal level of 58.5 cents per mile. Arguimbau SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Lemon MOVED that the Warrant be approved as presented but that the original Article 6 of the Special Town Meeting not be put on the warrant unless Town Counsel deems it necessary to do so, and that Articles 9 through 13 be deleted. Arguimbau SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Arguimbau had three issues with Article 4: Whether a full $10,000 should be included for Mt. Grace road repair without clarification that it was for the 5-year duration of the contract with DCR rather than only the first year, inclusion of language that best efforts would be made to retrieve the $40,000 appropriated through user fees, and clarification of the benefits of the program for public safety. It was agreed to have this placed on the agenda for the next meeting, which is scheduled for after the Broadband Committee holds its informational session. 3. Broadband Information Session to provide voters with information on Article 4 of the Special Town Meeting warrant: Monday, August 4 at 7 p.m. in Town Hall. 4. Speed Signs - Highway Superintendent Kilhart cannot put up new signs or take down old ones, yet. First, a speed study (including Athol, Orange, Winchester, Wendell, Northfield, and Hastings Heights Roads, plus Richmond Road from Athol Road to the old prison camp) must be conducted and submitted to Mass. Highway. If Kilhart's request to adopt MGL 90:18 is approved, he can order all advisory signs needed to be placed around Town per the Selectboard vote of April 7, 2008. Kilhart and Police Chief Brian Peters will reevaluate the speed limits after reviewing speed-study data. Lemon MOVED to adopt Chapter 90 Section 18 of the Mass General Laws for all paved roads with existing speed limits and to authorize FRCOG to perform a speed study. Arguimbau SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. MOU with Solid Waste District - There will be a Solid Waste Collection Day in September for the safe disposal of hazardous household waste. Board members signed two copies of the agreement. Lemon announced that she was placing a box at the Transfer Station for the recycling of CDs and DVDs. People are advised to make sure data from CDs is unrecoverable either by breaking the discs or by sanding the readable surface before depositing them. The board discussed posted office hours in Town Hall, and how best to communicate changes to the public. 6. Highway Department Truck - Tim Kilhart requested authorization to purchase two extended warranties for the new 2009 International dump truck. The total cost of these warranties, one of which covers the chassis and wiring, the other the engine and engine electronics, is $6,286.00. Arguimbau MOVED the Board authorize the purchase of extended warranties on the new Highway truck, for the sum of $6,286.00. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Selectboard Reports - Annual reports for FY '08 have been received from the Planning Board and the Buildings and Energy Committee. Seminars on Open Meeting Law (Tuesday, ) and Conflict of Interest (Thursday, August 7) are scheduled for the Town Hall. The Ethics Commission requires a minimum of thirty people be signed up to attend the Conflict-of-Interest seminar. Arguimbau is comfortable with the resolution of his concerns about insurance coverage and liability with respect to the WCS sprinkler system. The next sprinkler system test will be held July 29 at 11 am. Abbott reported on an initiative slated for the November election ballot to do away with income tax, but not identifying other funding source to replace revenue. FRCOG staff will research and provide public education on the issue and its potential ramifications. Former PVSD Superintendent Kevin Courtney was appointed to Phase Two of the Franklin County Public School Project. The site of the old Toyota building in Greenfield will be the new Franklin Regional Transit Center. The old building will be torn down to make way for the new hub for buses. The Veterans' Monument is now up, with a formal dedication to take place during Old Home Days. Abbott said that there is about $3,000.00 left over, and that any unexpended funds would eventually revert to the General Fund. No Public Comment Adjourned at 8:15 pm.