Town of Warwick Selectboard Joint Meeting with Planning Board and Tree Warden July 13, 2011 Minutes Selectboard Members present: Dawn Magi, Patricia Lemon Absent: Nick Arguimbau Planning Board Members Present: Ted Cady, Brad Compton, John Williamson Tree Warden Dana Songer Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart, Open Space Committee members Mary Williamson and Clare Green, Conservation Commission Chair Karro Frost, Gary Lucas, Kevin and Anita Alden, Kristy Dalfausse, Jon Calcari, Paula Robinson (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order Selectboard Chair Magi called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm in Town Hall. The purpose of the meeting was to conduct a public hearing to hear comments and concerns on proposed roadside maintenance cutting of trees by the Highway Department on Royalston Road, Bliss Hill Road, and Bass Road. The hearing was held pursuant to MGL 40:15C(Scenic Roads) and MGL 89:3 (Shade Tree Law) and was chaired by Tree Warden Dana Songer. II. Presentations and Discussions Public Hearing -- The hearing commenced at 7:04 pm. Songer explained that he and Tim Kilhart had used blue and white flags to mark the beginning and end of the cutting on each of the three roads. Trees within the cutting areas designated as do not cut were marked with pink flags, while trees larger than 6 inches in diameter and designated to be cut were marked with orange flags. Songer noted that hazardous trees were unmarked, because there is no need to hold a hearing on trees deemed hazardous by the Tree Warden. Planning Board Chair Ted Cady said that he had received a telephone call from Emily Jones regarding concerns she had about trees slated to be cut on Royalston Road. Jones did not want any big trees cut, and requested that the Highway Department inform her when cutting was to occur on Royalston Road. Kilhart said that he would be able to contact Ms. Jones prior to maintenance cutting. Young said that he would like it on record that he disagreed with the premise of cutting trees just because they are dead. Young pointed out that dead trees provide habitat to wildlife, and favored cutting only those dead trees which are also deemed hazardous. Songer said that his criteria for determination of a dead tree as hazardous are if the tree is leaning towards the road or may lean towards the road in strong winds. Open Space Committee Chair Mary Williamson asked about brush cutting. Kilhart said that the general practice is to keep the smaller brush and cut only that which hinders visibility. Williamson commended Songer and Kilhart for their job of marking trees. Conservation Commission Chair Karro Frost said that she had marked some trees on Bliss Hill Road with yellow tape clearly labeled as Conservation Commission. Trees marked with yellow tape and labeled with the name of the individual or town department were to be left uncut unless otherwise determined at this hearing. Kilhart explained that the three hemlocks and one birch would pose a risk of damage to a metal culvert if left uncut. He said that hemlocks grow laterally and seek sunlight, which would cause the trees to grow towards the road. Frost agreed that the Con Comm could live with the cutting of these trees, as they pose potentially serious problems for culvert #3 on Bliss Hill Road. Songer gave his blessing to Kilhart to cut the trees. The hearing was closed at 7:24 pm. 2. Deliberation -- Cady MOVED that cutting be approved as marked and the yellow flags be honored except those four trees by culvert #3 on Bliss Hill Road. Compton SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Lemon MOVED that cutting be approved as marked and the yellow flags be honored except those four trees by culvert #3 on Bliss Hill Road. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 2-0-0. III Adjournment At 7:27 pm, Lemon MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 2-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari