Town of Warwick Selectboard July 12, 2010 Minutes Members present: Dawn Magi, Patricia Lemon, Nick Arguimbau Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Steve and Maria Ruggiero, Carol Foote (Council on Aging), Jon Calcari, Jared Robinson (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order Chair Arguimbau called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Hall. Young added an agenda item for the lease of a compactor at the Transfer Station. II. Public Comment Steve Ruggiero asked if the Town has more than one Animal Control Officer. The differences between Field Driver, Animal Inspector and Animal Control were discussed. Young said that issues can be questions, concerns, or complaints. It was determined that there are questions and concerns, but at this point no complaints requiring the protocols for complaints about town employees to be followed. Lemon MOVED to invite Field Driver Gerald Whitney and Police Chief Brian Peters to a meeting to discuss the situation. Magi SECONDED. After some discussion, Lemon WITHDREW the Motion. Arguimbau MOVED the Board request Chief Peters to investigate within the bounds of Field Driver, Animal Inspector and Animal Control Officer job descriptions, the question of whether the Field Driver is overstepping his bounds and whether the Field Driver has complaints about the Animal Control Officer that may be justified, and respond to the Board within two weeks. Lemon SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. III. Minutes Magi MOVED to accept the minutes of June 28, 2010 as written. Lemon SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Young wanted to change the way in which the Board's corrections of the minutes is handled to insure that there will be no violations of the Open Meeting Law. There was a consensus of the Board that procedure will now be that the Coordinator and each Board member will send his or her corrections and comments to the Secretary without cc's to the others, and she will in turn incorporate them into the minutes. The Secretary will then send the draft minutes to the Coordinator. The Secretary will also print out all Emails from the Board members and bring them to the meeting at which the minutes will be discussed prior to approval. IV. Presentations and Discussions 1. Authorization Extending Temporary Hiring for WCS Improvements -- Young explained that the Warwick Community School reduced the hours of custodian Nate Towne for the summer months, and that he hired the custodian at $13.00 per hour to paint trim and do roof repair. To allow this individual to be hired for more than two weeks, the Board must approve an extension of the temporary hiring and authorize the Coordinator to make the hire. Lemon MOVED that the Town Coordinator be authorized to extend the temporary hiring of the WCS custodian under his direction as a part time town employee through the end of August. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. 2. Authorize Placement of Red Beetle Traps in Town Forest for Data Collection-- Young said that Forest Committee Chair Rod Whipple requested the Board's approval for the placement of a data collecting insect trap in the town Forest. Magi MOVED that the Selectboard ratify the authorization given to a Federal agency by the Town Forest Committee Chairman which placed an insect trap in a red pine grove in the Town Forest. Lemon SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. 3. Town Hall Use Policy for Private Business Use -- Young said that he has been approached by individuals wanting to make use of the internet connection at Town hall and office space for personal for profit business use. He wanted to know if the Board wanted to create a policy for such usage. Arguimbau wanted to discuss the policy of what will be charged for public records. Lemon said that she did not want the Board to be non business friendly, but wanted assurance that the bandwidth used by the public would not have a negative impact on the speed of the internet connection for Town Hall business. For now, Young will deal with requests on a day-to-day basis, with what is allowed for one being allowed for all. Magi suggested residents be allowed to use their lap tops but not print anything; Young noted that computer generated copies cost less than photocopies. Young will pursue the matter further. 4. Budget Transfers and Authorizations -- Young explained that we have until July 15th to make departmental transfers. There was a request from Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart for the Board's permission to transfer $500.00 from the salary account to the expense account to cover the purchase of a fire hose for the Fire Department that will be shared with the Highway Department. Lemon MOVED pursuant to MGL 44 Section 33B that $500.00 be transferred from the FY 2010 Highway Department wage account to the expense account. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. 5. Special Municipal Employee Designation and MGL 268A:20(d) Exemption -- Young said that Firefighter Bill Lyman is also working as a contractor, and the Board should declare firefighters special municipal employees and give Lyman a MGL 268A:20(d) exemption. Lemon MOVED to declare the positions of firefighter and assistant emergency management director as Special Municipal Employees and to grant William D. Lyman an exemption under MGL Chapter 268A Section 20D as requested. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. 6. Budget Authorizations-- Magi MOVED that the Town Coordinator be authorized to use the Town Hall Expense account to pay for mowing and related grounds expenses. Lemon SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Lemon MOVED that up to $250.00 of Interoffice Supply Expense be authorized for the purchase of archival supplies to protect historical records. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Lemon noted that this is for the preservation of documents in the vault in the Town Clerk's office. 7. Compactor -- Young said that the Board of Health recommends that the Board approve a two-year lease of a compactor. Young's analysis projected a savings in hauling expenditures over time. Magi MOVED the Town enter into a contract with Complete Disposal of Westfield, MA for a two-year lease of one reconditioned two yard compactor with single phase motor, heater, and box for $350.00 per month. At the end of the two-year lease the Town will own the compactor and may rent the box for $125.00 per month. Lemon SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. 8. Selectboard Reports -- Lemon said that last week during a Fire Department EMT call, it was discovered that the temperature in the home was over 90 degrees. A portable air conditioning unit was brought from the Fire Station to the resident's home. Lemon said that a solution is needed to prevent citizens from suffering in their own homes during periods of extreme heat. She proposed a cooling station at a location such as the Library or Dan Dibble's suggestion of the Metcalf Chapel basement. Council on Aging Chair Carol Foote suggested using the Town Hall dining room, as it is easily accessible to seniors. Young said that window air conditioning units would be possible. Young also suggested that the town obtain multiple air conditioners that could be lent to elderly or disabled individuals for use in their homes during heat waves. Foote noted that a COA grant could help pay for the purchase of an air conditioner. Young and Foote were willing to work together on this issue. Lemon MOVED that David Young and Carol Foote collaborate with the Buildings and Energy Committee to come up with a good solution and bring it back to the Board. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Lemon also spoke about the National Register. She said that grant money could be available to rehabilitate or refurbish buildings or a district listed in the National register, and suggested the center of Town be listed as an historical district. Maps, photographs, and descriptions for proposed listings are required. Lemon said that the Selectboard and/or the Historical Commission should contact the Massachusetts Historical Commission to inspect and identify appropriate places in Town. Magi said she received a call from the Governor's office seeking her support in Deval Patrick's reelection campaign. She asked that the Governor's office look into the feasibility of cell phone service in Warwick. The person who called back told Magi that zoning, the EPA, and too small a town were reasons given for lack of cell service. 9. Coordinator Report -- Young said that a pole hearing for the Northfield Road will be held at 6:30 pm at the Selectboard meeting on July 26th. He will get a recommendation from Tim Kilhart for the hearing. 10. New and Other Business -- Arguimbau suggested that in the future to avoid scheduling musical events during meetings in Town Hall (there was a jazz session being conducted in the Main Hall during a portion of this meeting). V. Adjournment Lemon MOVED to adjourn the meeting at 7:43 pm. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari