Town of Warwick Selectboard June 3, 2013 DRAFT Minutes Members present: Dawn Magi, Nick Arguimbau, Patricia Lemon Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Ernest Horn (Municipal Consultants of New England), Fire Chief Ron Gates, Deputy Fire Chief Roland Weld, Firefighters Bill Lyman, Adam Holloway and Brian Miner, Fire Captain Joe Paul (arrived at 6:10 pm), Police Chief David Shoemaker, Steve Pontz, Jon Calcari, Robin Whitney I. Call to Order Chair Magi called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm in Town Hall. Public Comment None. Minutes Magi MOVED to accept the minutes of April 29, 2013, May 8, 2013 and May 10, 2013 as printed. Lemon SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Magi noted with sadness the recent passing of former Warwick resident Carrie Matthews Williams. IV. Presentations and Discussions 1. Steve Pontz -- Former Selectman Steve Pontz presented the Board with a letter from President Barack Obama in honor of Warwick's 250th anniversary. Mr. Pontz had sought and received recognition from the President in a letter dated May 7, 2013. Magi read the President's letter aloud in which our Town was congratulated on this special milestone. Mr. Pontz requested that copies be made and the original be given to the Historical Society. Young said that he would scan the letter and post it to the Warwick website as well. 2. Ernest Horn and WFD Study -- Magi asked Mr. Horn for a brief synopsis of the proposed project. Ernest Horn introduced himself as the owner of Municipal Consultants of New England and said that he had been contacted by Board member Patricia Lemon for a management review of the Fire Department. He outlined his background in public safety which included extensive police and fire experience, tenured fire chief and police chief positions, and a recently earned law degree. Horn noted that Warwick is the smaller than any other town that he has worked with. He said that he recently completed a management review for the Sturbridge Fire Department. Pontz asked what would be looked at in the review. Horn cited commander control, which includes how the department operates and how the chain of command flows down through the ranks; training; equipment and maintenance thereof. He said that all talks with Fire Department members will be confidential, and that he will hold at least one citizen's night where townspeople can speak with him. Horn explained that he makes recommendations based on national standards, state laws and manufacturer's recommendations on equipment. He said that he will return for a compliance check if asked to do so. Lyman asked Horn what he does when the Fire Department and Selectboard disagree. Horn replied that he tries to build an effective communication link between both parties so that they make work toward the common goal of best serving the community. He said that teaching good and effective communication skills to build a bridge between the parties. He said that while he makes recommendations, it is up to the parties involved to try and follow those recommendations to build trust and confidence. Lemon said that she had asked Chief Gates to contact Mr. Horn, but that Bill Lyman had been the one to speak with him. Lyman read aloud the letter Ron Gates had sent to Ernest Horn which asked him to provide five references from other fire departments he had reviewed. This letter also included an invitation to attend the Firefighters chicken barbeque on July 14th , with an offer to sit and talk with Mr. Horn and show him the fire station and the community support for the department. Chief Gates said that at this time he was not willing to agree to hire Mr. Horn, as he first wanted to speak with the Fire Chiefs Association, as well as try to work out personnel problems within the department. He noted that he had talked Deputy Chief Roland Weld into rescinding his resignation and talked several firefighters out of resigning. Magi said that this started because of the receipt of negative comments about the Fire Department. Because the Board is not qualified to evaluate the situation, they wanted an independent consultant to conduct an expert and unbiased review. She emphasized that the goal here was to receive guidance on how to improve. Arguimbau said that the Board would not hire anyone the Fire Department does not want to hire; there would be a hire only if the Fire Department and Selectboard were in agreement. Gates said this was a witch hunt, while Lyman cited increasing hostilities. Magi countered that she only wanted to make a better department and never intended that anyone lose their job, and that she felt that there was no hostility on the part of the Selectboard. He pointed out that he never recommends firing someone unless criminal activity is discovered. Horn said that he had only been in contact with Patricia Lemon, and had about three E-mails from her. He stated that he never had the impression that firing the Fire Chief was ever the goal, but that an independent evaluation of the department was desired. He noted that his own fire department went through an evaluation, one to which he himself was originally adamantly opposed. He said that the evaluation took to task the Fire Department, Selectboard and Finance Committee, telling each where they had gone wrong and how to fix the problems. Horn said that it turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to that department. Lyman asked what the timeline would be for an evaluation. Horn said that the review would take about one week, with a written report would be done within two weeks. He said that once he received a written charge from the Selectboard with agreed upon terms, he would then contact the Fire Chief. He said that everyone needs to respect the same goal of serving the people, but realize that they have very different jobs. Chief Gates and Mr. Horn left the meeting to have a private talk. 3. Employee Evaluations --Young said that it was time to develop a plan to evaluate himself as Town Coordinator, Police Chief Shoemaker and Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart. Lemon MOVED to set up a schedule to evaluate the work of the Town Coordinator, Police Chief and Highway Superintendent by the first meeting January 1, 2014, to commence subsequent to receipt of the report on the Fire Department. Arguimbau SECONDED. Chief Shoemaker noted that he had an evaluation the first year of his term, and had requested an annual evaluation. He wondered why the wait until January; Lemon said that it could be earlier. Young said that the evaluation tools were already in place, and agreed that evaluations should be conducted annually. Magi made a Friendly Amendment that the evaluations begin by the first Selectboard meeting in September. Lemon and Arguimbau ACCEPTED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Chief Gates and Mr. Horn returned from their talk. Chief Gates said to go ahead and hire Ernest Horn and let him make his evaluation and report. Mr. Horn signed the contract previously signed by Board Chair Magi; Young made copies. Arguimbau MOVED that henceforth David Young will no longer have any function of internal workings of the Fire Department. Lemon SECONDED for the purpose of discussion. Ernest Horn explained that as a Strong Chief, Ron Gates has exclusive and complete control over the Fire Department and that it is the Chief who runs the day to day operations. Gates told Arguimbau that he appreciated the intent of the motion, but felt it was unnecessary. Arguimbau WITHDREW the motion. Arguimbau MOVED that before the Town Coordinator commences an investigation for corrective action or dismissal of an employee he shall first receive authorization in writing from the Chair of the Selectboard and that such authorization will be concurred upon at the next posted Selectboard meeting. Lemon SECONDED for the purpose of discussion. Horn said that a town coordinator cannot act exclusively without authorization by Selectboard vote. Arguimbau WITHDREW the motion. Arguimbau MOVED that henceforth it will be the policy of the Selectboard when interviewing applicants for jobs that it is done with copies of the job description in the hands of each Selectboard member and the applicant. Lemon SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 4. Pay Rate Increase for Custodian and Broadband Installer--Young said that the pay raises he was requesting were for Custodian and Broadband installer Ray Lemek. The requested pay increases were from $10 an hour to $15 per hour for the custodian and from $15 an hour to $25 per hour for broadband installer. Young pointed out that there are sufficient funds to support a pay increase for the custodian, and that the pay increase for broadband installer would put Lemek in line with the other installers and the terms of the MBI grant. He noted that Lemek has gained significant experience since he first became a broadband installer. Arguimbau MOVED to increase the pay for Ray Lemek to $15 per hour as Custodian and to $25 per hour as Broadband Installer. Lemon SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 5. Set date for Pole Hearings--Young said that there were three pole hearing requests; one for Northfield Road, one for the intersection of Flower Hill and Winchester Roads, and one for the intersection of Royalston and Chase Hill Roads. He noted that Joyce Anderson had some concerns, and would be sure that she had the opportunity to voice them at the hearing. There was a consensus of the Board to hold the pole hearings on June 24th at 6:30 pm. 6. Seaboard Solar Project Update--Young said that construction will likely begin in Ware and West Brookfield by December of this year. He said that it is possible that the Warwick Municipal Light Plant established by the Town could be a net meter host, which would provide additional revenue to Warwick. Young said that he has asked Russ Dupere from Town Counsel Fred Dupere's office for some advice on the matter. 7. ADA Infringement--Patricia Lemon pointed out that the two recent joint meetings of the Selectboard and Fire Department were held at the Fire Station, which is not an ADA compliant facility. She said that while she had been asked if it was alright to hold the meetings there, she did not attend because the stairs in the fire station are not ADA compliant. She just wanted to point out that all public meetings must be held in an accessible facility. 8. Annual Representation to EOAF regarding GIF vs. Hampshire Trust Health Insurance--Young explained that each year we are required to submit a report to the Executive Office of Administration and Finance (EOAF) on why we do not participate in the State's GIC insurance plan. The Town does not participate in GIC because of the annual savings of $13,000.00 by participating in the Hampshire COG Insurance Trust. Lemon MOVED to sign the report and forward it to the Executive Office of Administration and Finance. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 9. Selectboard Reports--Lemon said that she attended an FRTA meeting last week, which was very interesting and attended by a good variety of people. 10. Execution of Election Warrant--Each Board member signed six copies of the election warrant for the Special Senate Election to be held on Tuesday, June 25th. 11. Coordinator Report--Young presented the Board with an MOA which required the Chair's signature. Lemon MOVED to authorize the Chair to sign the Memorandum of Agreement between FRCOG and the Franklin County Emergency Communication System and the Users of the Franklin County Emergency Communication System. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 12. New and Other Business--Fire Chief Ron Gates spoke about a match grant from DCR that needed to be submitted by June 5th. He said that the grant funds could be used to purchase forestry fire hoses and turnout gear. The DCR forestry grant would disperse funds in April of 2014. Magi asked that because he had stated his intent to look for another job that David Young give a list to the Selectboard detailing work that must be performed in his office on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. Young concurred, and added that he should also provide a detailed document about the working of the wireless broadband system. Lemon MOVED that David Young be asked to provide the Selectboard with a list of daily, weekly, monthly and annual tasks that have to be done, and to document Broadband protocols. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. V. Adjournment At 8:00 pm, Lemon MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari