Town of Warwick Selectboard June 30, 2008 Minutes Members present: Patricia Lemon, Rick Abbott Member absent: Nick Arguimbau, who arrived after the meeting had been called to order Others present: David Young, Rosa Calcari, Miryam Williamson, Jon Calcari, Terry Kemerer, Paula Lundgren (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order Chairman Lemon called the Meeting to order at 6:05pm at the Town Hall. II. Minutes Abbott MOVED to accept the minutes of the June 16 meeting as printed. Lemon SECONDED. VOTED UNAMINOUSLY. III. Presentations/Discussions 1. Committee and Other Appointments Lemon MOVED to change the appointments for the Open Space Committee to reflect the reappointment of Christine Duerring, and Clare Green, Mary Williamson, Maria Whitney to terms commencing July 1, 2008 and ending June 30, 2009. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Lemon MOVED to appoint Joseph Paul to the Zoning Board of Appeals and Robert Croke as alternate on the same board for five-year terms ending June 30, 2013. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Lemon MOVED to appoint Brian Peters as Police Chief for a three-year term commencing July 1, 2008, and ending June 30, 2011. Arguimbau SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. Performance Evaluations and Reappointments - Young noted that Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart received a strongly positive evaluation. Lemon MOVED that the Board accept Town Coordinator Young's and Selectboard Liaison Arguimbau's review and recommendations with regard to Highway Superintendent Kilhart and reappoint him to the position for a three-year term ending June 30, 2011, at the compensation level authorized by the Annual Town Meeting. Arguimbau SECONDED for the purpose of discussion. Young noted that while the matter of overtime and the Snow-and-Ice Budget need not be decided at this meeting, he strongly advises that the Board take some action so as to clarify its intent. Lemon asked for recommendations from the other Board members on the issue of overtime. Arguimbau wanted to hash it all out prior to making the reappointment. Lemon wanted to take overtime off the table until the Board can delve into the issue more deeply. She said that Kilhart had previously asked for overtime, and the Personnel Committee had recommended overtime for the Superintendent with a three-man crew. Young will work with Kilhart and the Finance Committee to come up with a recommendation by September. Once a recommendation is given to the Board, Lemon will forward it to the Personnel Committee for review. Lemon said that Kilhart's appointment letter should include a sentence informing him that the issue of snow and ice and overtime will be revisited by September. Abbott inquired as to whether Kilhart was aware that his performance evaluation was being brought before the entire Board, to which Young responded in the affirmative. Arguimbau spoke of the number of consecutive hours that the Highway crew sometimes worked during winter storms. Members agreed that the number of hours worked should be guided by safety concerns rather than the standard of no complaints. Williamson said that in that case, the Board must back Kilhart and his crew with the public. Lemon said that it has come to her attention that Kilhart's crew is indignant at the notion of being reappointed, as they consider themselves to be hired by the Superintendent, and to have become permanent employees once they had been employed for six months. Section VI, Paragraphs D and E of the Personnel Policy support that view. Members noted that the Personnel Policy is silent on the issue of the six-month review for exempt vs. hourly employees and that this is an issue on which they need the Personnel Committee to consider and make recommendations. Arguimbau wanted to set the date for review of the Personnel Policy by September 30, 2008. VOTE TAKEN on Lemon's Motion: VOTED UNANIMOUSLY The review of the Snow and Ice Budget may culminate in the matter being brought to a Special Town Meeting. Abbott wants Kilhart to come before the Selectboard with a plan, as requested earlier. 3. Registrar of Voters Appointment - Lemon explained that, by law, the Registrar of Voters may not include more than one registered voter (including the Town Clerk) from any political party. The Town Clerk nominates the choices, and the Board approves and makes the appointments. Town Clerk Jeannette Fellows nominated Rosa Calcari, as there is currently no Democrat among the Registrars of Voters. Lemon MOVED to accept the Town Clerk Jeannette Fellows' request to appoint Rosa Calcari to the Registrar of Voters for a term commencing July 1, 2008, and ending June 30, 2009. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. Buildings and Energy Committee - The desired end result is to transition this ad hoc committee to an "official" status. Lemon MOVED that the Selectboard establish an advisory committee to succeed the ad hoc group called the Buildings and Energy Committee with the same name; that it be given the charge of assessing town buildings' energy and maintenance needs, researching and recommending options to reduce energy consumption in town properties and optimize their maintenance, and encouraging Warwick townspeople's own efforts in renewable energy production and carbon footprint reduction; that at the next Town Meeting, townspeople be asked to establish this committee as an official town entity with six members serving overlapping three-year terms; and that in the meantime Steve and Janice Kurkoski be appointed to terms beginning July 1, 2008, and ending June 30, 2011; Dan Dibble and Jim Toth be appointed to terms beginning July 1, 2008, and ending June 30, 2010; and Jack Cadwell and Les Goodman be appointed to terms beginning July 1, 2008 and ending June 30, 2009. Arguimbau SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. Chapter 90 Authorization - Kilhart's project request must be accepted by the Board. Arguimbau congratulated Kilhart for being able to pull this project together. Lemon concurred. Arguimbau MOVED that the Selectboard authorize the Chair to sign the Massachusetts Highways Chapter 90 Project Request Number 51015 for Orange Road in the amount of $320,500.00. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Date and Warrant Articles for Special Town Meeting - In a discussion involving setting a date for a Special Town Meeting, Young said he was in favor or holding the meeting sooner rather than later. He pointed out that the Broadband Committee is ready to act once it receives funding, and there is intense competition for a place on the installer's schedule before winter. Dates in August were considered, with the understanding that the meeting must be posted two weeks in advance. Lemon MOVED to open the warrant for the Special Town Meeting to be held Monday, August 18 at 7 pm. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Tax Collector Authorization to Pay Assistant Out of His Salary Line - The Board previously allowed the appointment of Janice Alden to the unpaid position of Assistant Tax Collector. As Alden's period of training is now complete, and she has been bonded, Tax Collector Terry Kemerer would like to be able to pay his assistant out of his salary line. This will not cost the Town any additional money. Arguimbau questioned this at some length, but was satisfied with the assurance that there is precedent for this practice in Warwick. Lemon MOVED the Selectboard authorize the Tax Collector to pay the Assistant Tax Collector from the Tax Collector salary line item at his discretion without additional funding for the office of Tax Collector requested or provided. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. WCS Sprinkler System Update - Young reported that last Thursday and Friday, and again today, the plumber was at the school. He said Bussolari e-mailed him that the system is being tested for air leaks and progress is being made. Building Inspector Phil Delorey wants the system up and running by August 15. 9. Selectboard Reports - Abbott gave an update on the Veterans Monument, in which he informed the Board that the hole has been dug and filled with concrete, which needs three weeks to dry. He said the stone is on the way to Athol Granite Works, and the monument should be completed in time for Old Home Days. Arguimbau said he talked with Kilhart and Young about the access road to Mt. Grace. He said he is convinced that, because the Town is not required to do repairs with gravel, this is not a "black hole" provision. He reported that Kilhart is still opposed to the involvement of the Highway Department, because although it is the responsibility of the Town, it is a State road and not a Town road and therefore may not be within the Highway Department's purview. Lemon commented that it would seem to be up to a Town vote and the Board to determine the responsibility of performing the repair work. Lemon said she called the ADA 's office in hopes of scheduling a seminar on both the Open Meeting law and conflicts of interest. The seminar(s) would be open to the public. She also reported that there was a good turnout for the Friends of Mt. Grace State Park meeting on June 27. She described the event as cooperative and productive. DCR 's Conrad Crawford will provide advice on organizing, including the possibility of incorporation as the best manner in which to proceed. Lemon broached the subject of purchasing a Town of Warwick flag to be placed in the Hall of Flags at the Statehouse in Boston. Lemon MOVED the Selectboard order a Warwick flag for the Hall of Flags and to encumber $354.50 for the purchase of the flag. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Lemon said that for $350, Dale Woods will make another pendant sign in time for Old Home Days just like the first one he donated on behalf of the TCC. Lemon MOVED to order one pendant sign from Dale Woods, and to encumber $350.00 for the purchase of the sign, which Woods will make in time for Old Home Days. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Lemon mentioned that Jim Vitous, who made the Welcome to Warwick sign, will make individual event inserts for $35.00 apiece. Young said he wanted to hold off ordering anything more, preferring for now to make do with what we already have. 10. Town Coordinator Report - Young said that lightning damaged the satellite Internet system and the Town Hall fire/heat/smoke detection system. Greenwood made repairs on the Town Hall alarm system, adding lightning arresting technology. Soundpower was working on the Hughes Internet system. He also reported being able to get the bond company to combine the Treasurer and Tax Collector bonds, despite their initial refusal. The bond is for the person, not the position, and currently the same person holds both positions. This change resulted in a $400.00 savings to the Town. Young also said that he has written a letter of thanks to Peter Gerry of Pete's Tire Barn for his gift of tires to the Fire Department for one of their fire trucks. IV. Public Comment None. V. Adjournment Arguimbau MOVED at 7:52 pm. to adjourn the meeting. Lemon SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari Patricia Lemon, Frederick H. Abbott III, Nicholas Clapp Arguimbau, Selectboard Chair Selectboard Member Selectboard Member Rosa Fratangelo Calcari James David Young Selectboard Secretary Town Coordinator