Town of Warwick Selectboard June 29, 2009 Severely Abridged Minutes Members present: Rick Abbott, Nick Arguimbau; Patricia Lemon Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary/Animal Control Officer Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Broadband Committee members Les Goodman and Miryam Williamson, Tax Collector/Treasurer/Broadband Installer Terry Kemerer, Board of Health member Liz Whipple, Dawn Magi, Jon Calcari I. Call to Order Chairman Arguimbau called the meeting to order in the Town Hall at 6:07 p.m. II. Minutes Lemon MOVED to accept the minutes of the June 1 and June 15 meetings as printed. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY, with Arguimbau ABSTAINING from voting on the June 1 minutes because he had been absent. III. Presentations and Discussions 1. Reorganization continued - In response to Arguimbau's desire to formalize recent practice of the Town Coordinator acting as the liaison between the Board and all departments, Young agreed to draft an addition to the job description for the Board's review at the July 13 meeting. Arguimbau also wanted a better sense of day-to-day goings-on within the various departments, so Lemon MOVED that Young, with Rosa Calcari's assistance, set up a schedule of invitations to Department heads to attend specific meetings and discuss goings-on within their departments. Abbott SECONDED. Subsequent discussion resulted in Lemon's AMENDING her motion to ask Town Coordinator David Young to meet on a regular basis, and at least quarterly, with department heads and report back to the Selectboard anything that the members need to know, including problems, plans, and anything that might facilitate their work. Abbott SECONDED VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. Joint Meeting with a quorum (Goodman and Williamson) of the Broadband Committee (BBComm) Lemon MOVED to have it put on record that the Board of Selectmen, as governors of the Broadband Enterprise Fund, have agreed that the end user will own the equipment installed by Warwick Broadband System (WBS). Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Whipple's installation at her home was completed in one hour. The draft Service Agreement and Acceptable Use Policy reviewed by Town Counsel needed minor revision related to late-fee implementation. Lemon MOVED to delete "of $" and an extra "TWBS" in the "Payment of WBS Services and Fees" to delete the "Title to Equipment" header and following one-sentence paragraph, and to accept all words highlighted in yellow and changes by Town Counsel Fred Dupere (printed in blue). Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Owners receive one-year warranty coverage on the equipment from the manufacturer, not the Town. The WBS Support Policy adopted June 1 is ambiguous. Lemon MOVED to insert the word "manufacturer" between "one year" and "warranty" in the last paragraph of the Support Policy. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. The BBComm recommended a billing cut-off date of 7 days prior to the end of the month, so those whose service is installed 7 days or less before month's end not be billed on the first of the following month, in effect getting a few days free of charge. Lemon MOVED that the board declare the first day of each month the billing date, with the proviso that subscribers whose service is installed seven days or fewer before the end of the month not be billed for their first full month of service (the next full month of service). Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Goodman wanted to confer with those who can provide more information on how best to proceed with build-out. The purchase and effective placement of additional repeaters, at a one-time expense of $3,000.00 each, is a way to create greater subscriber capacity and optimize system efficiency. Massachusetts Broadband Institute is looking to fund "shovel ready" projects. WBS would need some consulting to plan build-out effectively and prepare an application for funding. Goodman thought that there might be ways to get free consulting, and Young thought WBS was a good candidate for stimulus money, and recommended buying one more access point after identifying areas not currently serviceable. Kemerer could include an insert to alert everyone to the availability of broadband in Town in the FY '10 real estate tax bills he is currently preparing for mailing to get the word out to all property owners in Warwick, provided the information is non-political and does not result in additional postage. Lemon MOVED that the board approve notification of Broadband availability inserts for inclusion in the July tax bills per MGL Ch. 60ยง3A. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Williamson hoped subscribers will permit use their testimonials to reinforce the news that broadband is available in town and working well and recommended that site tests be done for anyone interested in broadband before the leaves come off the trees in autumn, even if they are not yet ready to subscribe. The Broadband Committee will send electronic copies of the Service Policy and Troubleshooting Guide to current subscribers. Installers will take new subscribers two copies of the Service Agreement and Acceptable Use Policy when they go out to make new installations. Kemerer suggested mailing a printed copy to current subscribers, who will already have received an electronic copy, to be signed and returned to WBS. Kemerer asked that installer payments be increased to $150.00 per installation, the going rate for installations of comparable complexity, most of which do not ground the system (as is done here). Board members asked for a recommendation on per installation rate. Williamson brought up the possibility of time payments, which would make broadband more readily affordable to residents who are unprepared for the lump upfront sum. The enterprise fund's revenue stream should be enhanced by allowing competitors to use Warwick's service to create virtual LANs to allow for service in surrounding towns while ensuring that other systems will not weaken or compromise our system's strength and efficiency. This opportunity, once gone, will not come again, so we should seriously consider taking advantage of the potential for revenue from sharing capacity while we can. 3. Recognition of Graduates and Awards - Lemon distributed a list of graduates, the awards they have received, and their plans (Appendix I) and made special mention of rising NMH senior Ivy Santos and '09 PVRHS graduate Justin LeFrenier. Santos is the only Franklin County recipient of the annual Society of Women in Engineering Certificate of Merit, awarded to high school juniors who have excelled in math and science while also being active in their schools and/or communities, and has been selected for an eight-week science and engineering internship at the Office of Naval Research laboratories in Newport, Rhode Island. LeFrenier's art work was recognized at a juried show earlier this year in Boston, one entry receiving a second prize, and another Favorite in Show. The accomplishments of Warwick's children speak well of the Town and its future. 4. Capital Planning - Chris Ryan and David Young will solicit input from the various departments and use it to compile a list of major expenses to be expected in the next five years for presentation to the board as a capital-planning report by the end of 2009. 5. MAC Spay/Neuter Grant Award for FY '10 - Lemon MOVED to adopt a resolution thanking Animal Control Officer Rosa Fratangelo Calcari for her work and congratulating her on her successful application for the $1,500.00 Massachusetts Animal Coalition's "I'm Animal Friendly" license-plate program Spay/Neuter grant. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Selectboard Reports: * Removal of hazardous materials from the Old Center School had begun and would continue through Tuesday (6/30). * The Friends of Warwick's Forests had presented a copy of their proposed mission statement to the Open Space Committee for input. There will be a committee meeting on July 7 to draw up by-laws, and a general membership meeting July 26. 7. Town Coordinator Report (Appendix II) highlights: * The Forestry Commission had told him that the UMass Wetland monitoring project that will test aquatic species on the Hockanum wetland within one of Warwick's town forests will not interfere with any forest management activity. * Bids for the the painting contract for the Town Hall were due by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, July 1. A Selectboard meeting on Tuesday, July 7 at noon to consider the bids and possibly award the contract was agreed upon. 8. Cemetery and Broadband Hiring - Lemon MOVED to confirm the hiring of George Roaf as Mower at $14.50 per hour, and Cody Ross as Trimmer at $11.25 per hour. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Arguimbau MOVED that the board confirming the hiring of Terry Kemerer and Les Goodman as part-time contracted broadband installers. Lemon SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. IV. Public Comment None. V. Adjournment Arguimbau MOVED to adjourn at 8:27 pm. Lemon SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari APPENDIX I 1. Ashley Abbott, Smith College '09, daughter of Kathryn and Frederick H. Abbott III 192 Old Winchester Road, was awarded a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology and neuroscience 2. Erin Abbott, PVRS '07 daughter of Kathryn and Frederick H. Abbott III, 192 Old Winchester Road, has been studying earth science at Fitchburg State College 3. Amanda Cadwell-Frost, PVRS '08, daughter of Jack Cadwell and Karro Frost, 125 Hastings Pond Road, was awarded an Alice, Eric & Oscar Anderson Scholarship to help defray the cost of her studies in computer science at UMass/Amherst this fall. 4. April Celiz, NMH '09 daughter of Vilma Kirley, 321 Athol Road, plans to further her education at Salve Regina University in Newport, Rhode Island. 5. Nicole Crosby, FCTS '08, daughter of Timothy and Lisa Crosby, 103 Wheeler Road, plans to matriculate at UMass/Amherst once she receives her A.A. in English from Greenfield Community College. 6. Eben Curtis-Maynard, PVRS '09 son of Mark Maynard and Regina Curtis, 976 Orange Road, and grandson of Thelma Maynard, 970 Orange Road, was awarded Warwick Community and Anita L. Pike Memorial Scholarships to help defray the cost of his biotechnology studies at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. 7. Robert Ernest, PVRS '09 son of Patricia (Barber) and Charles Ernest, jr., 247 Flower Hill Road, is volunteering at the Young Entrepreneurs Society (YES) in Orange while he explores his options for the fall. 8. Luke Fairman, FCTS '08, son of Ruth Fournier, 486 Orange Road, a biometrics security contractor, also volunteers at the Boston Museum of Science. 9. Margaret (Maggie) Fellows, NMH '09 daughter of Mark and Jeannette Fellows, 74 Chase Hill Road, and granddaughter of Oliver and Virginia Fellows, 105 Athol Road was presented by the NMH Athletics Department with a Dr. Marvin Thompson Blanket Award [accomplished a high level proficiency in athletics and broad participation JV & varsity, cross-country, ultimate Frisbee, crew,in recognition of her prizewinning Nordic Skiing season. She has also been awarded an Alice, Eric, Oscar Anderson Scholarship to help defray the cost of her liberal arts studies at St. Lawrence University, this fall. 10. Molly Fellows, PVRS '07, daughter of Mark and Jeannette Fellows, 74 Chase Hill Road, and granddaughter of Oliver and Virginia Fellows, 105 Athol Road is continuing her studies at UMass/Amherst. 11. Eryca Haase, 425 Winchester Road, has been awarded the Associate of Arts degree in criminal justice by Greenfield Community College. 12. Eric Humphries, NMH '07 son of Janice Starmer, 77 White Road, and Michael Humphries, was awarded a Warwick Community Scholarship to help defray the costs of his continued studies in Chemistry at Northeastern University. 13. Elias Humphries, PVRS '05, A. B. cum laude in psychology, U Mass/Amherst '09 son of Janice Starmer, 77 White Road, and Michael Humphries, is currently employed at Michael Humphries Woodworking 14. Justin LaFrenier, PVRS '09, son of Judy (Barber) and Jeffrey LaFrenier, 293 Flower Hill Road, recognized at a juried show in Boston earlier this year for his art work, plans to pursue his interests in writing and visual arts at Greenfield Community College. 15. James Lisowski, PVRS '0?, Springfield College '09, son of Charles Lisowski and Denise LaPlante, 212 Old Winchester Road, was named to the Dean's List for his final, 2008-9 winter/spring work in physical education and has been given a two-year graduate teaching assistanceship at the University of North Carolina/Chapel Hill. 16. Tyler R. McNamara, son of Pamela Bordeaux, 878 Wendell Road has been awarded a Certificate in Entrepreneurship by Greenfield Community College 17. Ross Petrain PVRS '09, son of Lorne and Ann Petrain, 525 Wendell Road, was awarded an Alice, Eric & Oscar Anderson Scholarship to help defray the cost of studies at Assumption College. 18. Aubriana (Bree) Petrain, PVRS '08 daughter of Lorne and Ann Petrain, 525 Wendell Road, was awarded an Alice, Eric, Oscar Anderson Scholarship to help defray the costs of continued studies at Fitchburg State College. 19. Simon Ross, PVRS '09 son of Keith Ross and Louise Doud, 5 Chestnut Hill Road, was awarded an Alice, Eric & Oscar Anderson Scholarship to help defray the cost of his film studies at the School of Visual Arts in New York City 20. Jensi Rovang, NMH '08, daughter of Howard Mathison and Mari Rovang, 192 Shepardson Road, was awarded a Warwick Community Scholarship to help defray the costs of furthering her liberal arts studies at Boston University in the coming year. 21. Ivy Santos, NMH '10, daughter of Janet Conover, 66 Orange Road, was the only NMH nominee and the only Franklin County recipient of this year's annual Society of Women Engineers Certificate of Merit, "given to juniors in high school who have excelled in math and science, and are active in their school and/or community" and has also been selected for an eight-week science and engineering internship at the Office of Naval Research Laboratories in Newport, Rhode Island. 22. Jacob Smith, FCTS '09, son of Heather Benz, 138 Richmond Road, Specialized in plumbing at Franklin County Technical School this year (2009) and is now employed by an East Longmeadow plumber. 23. Travis Softic, PVRS '06, son of Cynthia Day, 285 Orange Road received his Assocate in Arts degree Mt. Wachusett and will be continuing his studies at UMass/Amherst to prepare for graduate work in pharmacology. 24. Emily Stephens, NMH '09 daughter of Susan Wright, 171 Shepardson Road and Douglas Stephens is doing research in the UMass/Amherst Department of Natural Resources Conservation wetlands laboratory at under the direction of Kasey Rolih, 260 Brush Valley Road, while she decides whether to take up her deferred admission to Skidmore College. 25. Jared Woods, PVRS '09 son of Dale and Andrea Woods, 590 Orange Road and grandson of Ann and Allen Miner, 600 Orange Road completed the requirements for his high school diploma at Pioneer Valley Regional School this year (2009). He has been awarded a Warwick Community Scholarshipto help defray the cost of his liberal arts studies at Greenfield Community College, this fall. 26. Rosanne Wyatt, PVPA '08, daughter of Thomas Wyatt and Reva Reck, 555 Northfield Road, and a singer with her PVPA class' Pop R&B group, has been on a post-secondary sabbatical in preparation for matriculation at Tulane. APPENDIX II * Worked three days during this report period and took a week of vacation and two days of compensatory time off. One week of accrued vacation time remains. * Wrote purchase order for truck mounted highway sweeper. * Called for and posted FinCom meeting for year-end action. * Wrote instructions to accountant for crediting MEMA money. * Updated FRCOG directory information for FY '11. * Submitted notice for town hall insulation project to Central Register. * Answered inquiries regarding town hall painting contracting. Responses due by 5 p.m., July 1. * Followed up on McNamara police fire accident insurance. Got renewal without changes and without lapse in coverage. The previously proposed coverage was for only five years. This policy reverts to this year's terms, until age 70. Premium same as last year's. * Conferred with town counsel on several matters. * Submitted letter of instruction to housing authority on rehabilitation loan. * Met with summer youth employment councilor and youth applicants. * Interviewed broadband installer applicants. Recommending Les and Terry for permanent hiring. * Cemetery Commission recommends hiring as permanent part time employees George Roaf (mower at $14.50/hr.) and Cody Ross (trimmer at $11.25/hr.)