Draft Selectboard Agenda Call to Order Reading and acceptance of minutes of June 1 and June 15 meetings Reorganization continued - keeping in communication with the departments, clarifying coordinator's responsibilities re departments. [chair's comments - with regard to the former, I'm thinking of quarterly reports from department heads, to be written with follow-up public presentation, but would love to hear from everyone affected.] Broadband - ownership of equipment, clarification if possible of warranty issues, other issues to be addressed per request of the broadband committee Recognition of graduates and awards capital planning [note from chair - for at least 3 years the BOS and Fincom have recognized the need for a town capital spending plan but have made little progress. This is the time to work on it, when the draft budget is not swamping out other concerns. Let's discuss steps to take.] Special Municipal Employee Designations Selectboard reports Coordinator report Other business Citizen comments Adjournment