Town of Warwick Selectboard June 20, 2016 Minutes Members present: Dawn Magi, Lawrence Pruyne, James Erviti Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary and Town Clerk Rosa Fratangelo, Broadband Committee Chair Tom Wyatt, Fire Chief Ron Gates, Highway Superintendent Larry Delaney, School Committee member Martha Morse, WCS Principal Elizabeth Musgrave, WCS students Louise Flagollet, Emmanuelle Flagollet, Joseph Kirley, Natalie Johnson and Laura Kahler, WCS parents Tracey Kirley, Jennifer Core and Carol Kahler, Warwick Representative to the Municipal Coalition Against the Pipeline (MCAP), Broadband Committee member and ZBA member Miryam Williamson, Sue McRae, Kim Smith, Steve Ruggiero, Gary Kmapik, Ashley Arseneau (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order Chair Magi called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm in the Town Hall. II. Minutes Magi MOVED to approve the minutes of June 6, 2016 as printed. Erviti SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. III.Presentations and Discussions 1. MGL 268:20D Exemptions --Young asked the Board to grant an exemption to Miryam Williamson, as she holds the uncompensated positions of Registrar of Voters, Broadband Committee member and ZBA member. Young noted all three positions have been previously designated Special Municipal Employee. Erviti MOVED to grant a MGL 268:20D exemption to Miryam Williamson as Registrar of Voters, ZBA member and Broadband Committee member. Pruyne SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 2. Broadband--Tom Wyatt said that he and David Young had a meeting with MBI liaison Bill Ennen. He said that MBI is now stressing that towns move forward with the funding and readiness process. Wyatt said that the Broadband Committee met on June 13th and voted that wireless is our choice and not to wait for funding. He said that the vote to request the Selectboard proceed with full MBI grant funding and engage in MBI's financial stress test now was 4-0-1, with four members voting in favor while he himself abstained. Wyatt expressed his personal concerns that there is no master plan for Warwick Broadband and thought we should try the upgrade expansion as presented at the Annual Town Meeting. Wyatt said that fiber costs more, takes longer and there is additional technology to deal with, but that he doesn't feel it makes sense to close the door on fiber. He said that we should proceed with the upgrade and see how wireless performs and evaluate how the technology works before completely ruling out fiber. Wyatt explained that MBI has two funding categories: construction and professional services, which includes engineering. At this point Magi said before going any further with this discussion, she wanted to welcome the students, parents and principal of the Warwick Community School. Principal Elizabeth Musgrave said that she wanted to thank the Board for the wonderful greenhouse and garden at WCS. The students presented the Board with plants and flowers grown in the garden. Under the supervision of Tracey Kirley, the students gardened after school every Friday afternoon. The discussion of Broadband resumed. Young objected to Wyatt's earlier comments and said that he had no right to disavow the Broadband Committee's 4-0-1 voted recommendation to the Selectboard. Young said that MBI is clearly ready to show some results and that we should go forward with the stress test and go for funding. Wyatt said that there is a potential allocation of around $800,000.00 with just more than half for professional services, but that would allow for just a few miles of fiber. Young explained that if MBI funding comes through we will hold off on borrowing, and said that he was looking for the Board to approve moving forward with MBI funding and the stress test. Kim Smith of Wagon Wheel Campground asked about plans for the poles and what will be placed on the Kurkoski's property which abuts her land. Young said that something will be attached to a tall pine tree in their woods. Smith expressed concern over metal equipment causing an increase in lightning strikes because the Kurkoski land is all ledge and lightning strikes are already common there. Smith said that she would not agree to a tower but a pine tree may be acceptable. Wyatt noted that proper grounding must be done. Smith said that she had a water issue and a grounding issue which is a safety issue for the campground property. Young pointed out that there is no need for a hearing for placing a pole on private land, but that an agreement is needed. Steve Ruggiero suggested an easement, as that goes with the property when ownership changes. Further discussion ensued, and there was a consensus that it makes sense to use State money before borrowing. Wyatt reiterated that taking money from the State for the last mile build out does not rule out fiber. Miryam Williamson noted that the Broadband Committee did not discuss what Tom Wyatt had spoken about with respect to fiber, etc. and that further discussion amongst the committee was necessary. Pruyne MOVED to seek MBI funding for the build out of our wireless system. Erviti SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 3. Informal Hearing for Town Poles--Young said that he would like to schedule an informal hearing regarding town poles to be installed in the right of way, but he won't be ready by the next meeting (July 5th). He explained that the first step is to mark where the poles would be placed, and the informal hearing would inform the neighbors about the location of poles in the Town's right of way. There was a consensus of the Board to allow Young to schedule when he is ready. 4. Sale of Northfield Mount Hermon Land to Mass DCR --Young said that the Town had received legal notice that Northfield Mount Hermon is selling land to the Massachusetts DCR. There are two parcels of land in Warwick that are part of the sale 37 and 34 acres respectively, He noted that we will do a bit better than the current remuneration by the State. Young explained that no action needed to be taken by the Board, but it was a legal requirement that the Town be notified of the sale. 5. Report on S2311 Zoning and Housing Bill--Young said that Planning Board Chair Ted Cady had written a good letter outlining the Planning Board's objection to Senate Bill 2311. He said that State Senator Stan Rosenberg wrote to inform the Town that S2311 is not moving forward in the current legislative session. Young said that State Representative Lee wrote to thank us for the letter sent to her. Many concur that this urban solution is not good for rural situations. 6. Phone Service Update--Young said that he has discovered that 911 service is not required to be kept on a cancelled line unless a bill in being disputed. He said that, unlike cell phones, there must be a customer on an active landline in order to have 911 service. The lowest cost for a landline is around $30.00 per month. Erviti said that failure on the phone lines results in the inability to dial out and therefore denies customers 911 service, and that Verizon needs to fix active lines to keep them functioning properly. Young noted that the hub by the fire station is so outdated that they need to get parts for it from a junkyard. Erviti reiterated that Verizon needs to fix what they have and update the box by the fire station. 7. Review of MIT Bicycle Race--Young said that the racers at this year's MIT bicycle race had a good time and they want to come back next year if the Town will allow them to return. There was a consensus of the Board that holding the race here each year will be good for the Town and its image to those outside of town. Pruyne MOVED to promote the MIT bike race being held here every year. Erviti SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 8. Highway--Highway Superintendent Larry Delaney said that the Highway Department received permission to resume work on the Northfield Road project. He said that the Conservation Commission concluded its hearing and issued the order of conditions to the Highway crew. Delaney said work would likely commence this week, after work is done on the Quarry Road project. Young explained that a vote of both the Selectboard and the Finance Committee is required to allow a transfer of funds from the Highway expense line item to the Highway wages line item. He pointed out that the amount must not be more than the lesser of $5,000.00 of 3% of the departmenetal budget, which would be around $7,000.00. Young requested that the Board vote, per MGL 44:33B to transfer $4,000.00 from Highway expense to Highway wages. Erviti MOVED to authorize the transfer of $4,000.00 per MGL 44:33B from Highway expense to Highway wages. Pruyne SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Young noted that the Highway trucks and other rolling stock have been neglected and that maintenance and repairs are likely to be needed and planned for in the coming year. He also asked Delaney to keep a list of tasks to be done and to copy that list to the Board. 9. Report on Pioneer District--Young said that this year, for the first time in more than a decade, there were no blanket reduction in the workforce notices issued at PVRS. He also noted that there was far less staff turnover than in recent years. Sue McRae objected to the way in which an agenda item was written. She said that she found on the Warwick website "Recorder editorial is laughable - time allowed for laughter" under #9, Report on Pioneer District agenda item. McRae said that such language on an agenda for a meeting of Town government was inappropriate. She said that "some respect is due and an explanation is required". Young admitted to writing this and said that in his opinion the Recorder editorial was laughable. McRae said that this kind of comment on a government document was done in an inappropriate manner. Erviti agreed that it is not fine for a personal opinion to be inserted onto an agenda. Ruggiero said it would be fine for the "L", not a Selectboard agenda. Magi said that personal opinions and comments are to be left off in the future; Young replied "fair enough". Young said that he sees the School Committee as being supportive of Superintendent Ruth Miller. School Committee member Martha Morse said that the next meeting will be Thursday, June 23 at which time there will be a presentation of the evaluations of Superintendent Miller. Morse explained that every School Committee member is legally required to evaluate the Superintendent. Magi said that she planned to attend the meeting. Pruyne said that he found Miller's handling of the FY 17 PVRSD budget to be pragmatic. 10. Ambulance--Young said that neither he nor Fire Chief Gates made it to the last meeting. He noted that the agreement presented is for three years with a 90-day notice requirement to terminate. Young said that Warwick wants a one year agreement. Young also said that payment is required within thirty days of the date on the invoice, but we pay only for services rendered. There was a consensus of the Board that Young continue to work on a plan with Northfield. Chief Gates said that he will be working along with Young on this matter. Gates pointed out that Northfield is staffed during the day but we will need to work out response on the other shifts. 11. New Fire Engine--Young said that we will be receiving a new-to-us fire engine from the Town of Northfield, which will be paid for and registered on July 1st. The engine was inspected and found to be in good working and running order with no problems with the body, engine or driveline. Chief Gates said that it will here by July 9th for the Firemen's Association chicken barbeque. 12. Green Communities--Young said that there is roughly $40,000.00 not yet spent on our grant, and that the next step is to have highly efficient air source heat pumps installed in Town Hall. Young said that this will provide both heating and cooling and will allow for areas or individual offices in Town Hall to be heated or cooled separately. There was a consensus of the Board that Young may seek technical assistance from FRCOG for the next phase of Green Communities. 13. Net Meter Hosting Contract --Young said that our net meter hosting contract with Seaboard Solar is being sold and split by amendment. He explained that we buy net meter credits and not power, and as we are already under another contract, it doesn't matter that we won't be able to buy credits from our Seaboard Solar project. 14. Selectboard Reports--Magi said that she attended the last School Committee meeting and was "flabbergasted" by the behavior demonstrated by some attendees. She said that she wrote to The Greenfield Recorder and an editorial was done. Magi explained that the Superintendent is legally required to not discuss the situation with the PVRS Principal, and she said that the PVRSD Superintendent deserves our support. 15. Coordinator Report--There was nothing in addition to the written Coordinator report. 16. Public Comment--Williamson said that MCAP has decided not to disband, and that the group will meet in July and then schedule quarterly meetings. She also said that a name change is in the works from Municipal Coalition Against the Pipeline to Municipal Coalition Against the Pipelines, as there are still other pipeline projects to keep watch on. Wyatt asked for clarification on the issue of pole hearings, as he thought he might have given Kim Smith incorrect information. Young said that at the time Wyatt spoke with Ms. Smith the information was considered correct, but now the Planning Board Chair and the ZBA have determined that poles under sixty(60) feet and on private land are not regulated and therefore do not require a hearing. 17. New and Other Business Unanticipated at Time of Meeting Posting--There was a brief discussion of how to distribute the plants donated by the WCS students. It was decided to leave some at the Senior Mealsite tomorrow. IV.Adjournment At 7:31 p.m., Pruyne MOVED to adjourn. Erviti SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Documents consulted at this meeting: *Draft Minutes of Selectboard meeting of June 6, 2016 *Coordinator Report dated June 16, 2016 *Letter from Warwick Planning Board to various Sate Representatives *DRAFT Warwick Broadband Monopole Opinion of Planning Board dated June 14, 2016 *Letter to Warwick Selectboard from Richard T. Wood, President, east Northfield Water Company dated June 14, 2016 Re: land acquisition - Northfield Mount Hermon School parcel and land conveyance - Conservation restriction on Grandin Reservoir watershed; letter included the legal notice from Commonwealth of Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental Protection dated June 13, 2016 *Invoice from Town of Northfield in the amount of $25,000.00 and dated June 1, 2016 for 1989 Pierce Arrow Fire Truck VIN#1P9CA01D1KA040148 *Letter to Warwick Fire Department from Raymond's Repair owner Christopher Raymond dated June 6, 2016 Re: inspection of 1989 Pierce Arrow Fire Truck