Town of Warwick Selectboard June 15, 2009 Draft Minutes Warrant 25 had been approved and signed before the meeting. Members present: Rick Abbott, Nick Arguimbau; Patricia Lemon arrived after the call to order. Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary/Animal Control Officer Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Broadband Committee members Reva Reck and Miryam Williamson, Wendy Wirth, Jon Calcari, Paula Robinson (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order Vice Chairman Abbott called to order at 6:07 p.m. in the Town Hall. II. Reading of the Minutes of the June 1st Meeting Because Lemon had not yet arrived, and Arguimbau had been absent from the June 1st meeting due to illness, reading and approval of the minutes was postponed until later in the meeting. III. Presentations and Discussions 1. Joint Meeting with the Broadband Committee - The presence of Reck and Williamson constituted a quorum of the Broadband Committee. Prior to Lemon's arrival, a discussion commenced on the various documents and issues to be discussed: 1) Draft Charge to the committee 2) Service Agreement and Acceptable Use Policy 3) Support Policy 4) Installation Policy 5) Troubleshooting Guide 6) Order and Progress on installations. 7) Reva's Report. Selectboard approval of the charge and policies were being sought by the Broadband Committee. At this point, Lemon arrived. After considerable discussion of the Minutes of June 1 among all parties in attendance at that meeting, Lemon MOVED to correct the minutes to include all of Appendix 1 as presented by the Broadband Committee on that date. Abbott SECONDED. CARRIED. Lemon and Abbott: AYE; Arguimbau ABSTAIN. At Williamson's request, Lemon MOVED to strike the sentence "Williamson inquired to what extent Selectboard expected the Broadband Committee to act in enterprise fund matters" and change the last sentence to read "Reck and Williamson agreed". Abbott SECONDED. CARRIED. Lemon and Abbott: AYE; Arguimbau ABSTAIN. Lemon will print corrected minutes for board approval on June 29. 2. Reorganization of the Board - Lemon opened the floor for nominations for Selectboard Chair, Vice Chair, and Clerk. Abbott nominated Arguimbau for Chair; Lemon seconded. Arguimbau noted that he felt it is a good policy to rotate by seniority, which would mean Abbott was in line for Chair. Abbott said he did not have the time to devote to being Chair. By vote of Lemon and Abbott, Arguimbau was elected Selectboard Chair. Lemon nominated Abbott as Vice Chair, and herself as Clerk. Arguimbau SECONDED. By unanimous vote, Abbott was elected Vice Chair and Lemon Clerk. Young noted that the Selectboard Clerk has the authority to certify documents such as those from pole hearings. 3. Continuation of Joint Meeting with the Broadband Committee - Chairman Arguimbau wanted to approach broadband issues in the order listed above, along with a review of Town Counsel's recommended changes to the waiver of liability, and ending with Reck's report on regional and statewide initiatives from stimulus package money. 1) Draft Charge to the Broadband Committee (Appendix II): Lemon reported that Town Counsel had told her that he saw no problems with the charge proposed by the Broadband Committee and carried unanimously at their June 5 meeting. Abbott said he particularly liked the use of "action words". Reck noted that the $500 upfront installation charge and $50 monthly fee is not affordable for many, adding that the Broadband Committee may later propose a sliding scale and making used units available at a lower cost. Arguimbau wanted to suggest wording that could make it possible to expand Warwick Broadband Service to include cell phone service at a later date. Reck expressed a preference for adding that to the charge later on if it were deemed appropriate, as she was uncomfortable adding this issue to the charge when the Broadband Committee cannot possibly take it on at present. Williamson, too, asked that it not be added at this time. Arguimbau brought up the issue of the Broadband Committee advising the Selectboard as to when, whether, and how to seek technology updates to Warwick's Internet service. Young said that from a revenue standpoint as well as to maintain strong technology, there is a need to address the tower facilities and the possibility that we may soon have to share space on the tower. We could potentially lose a revenue opportunity from unserved towns that could petition the DCR for tower space. Reck pointed out that because this involves a revenue stream, and is therefore a money issue and not a broadband-in-Warwick issue, the Selectboard needs to participate in any meetings around the county. Reck also expressed her support for Warwick becoming a locus for regional broadband. Williamson asked that the Selectboard designate a single point of contact for broadband in town; the issue was deferred to later on in the meeting. Discussion of the draft Broadband Committee charge resulted in agreements to make three changes: Separate the two sentences in the first paragraph, making each a paragraph to add emphasis to the sentence reading, "Because the existing equipment on Mt. Grace has the capacity to serve other towns, the committee is encouraged to explore and [make] recommend[ations] to the Selectboard [about possible] participation in a regional broadband enterprise," Add an "activity," to wit, "Advise the Selectboard when, whether, and how to seek improvements in the technology used for Internet service," Add after "When the enterprise fund shows sufficient profit," a clause reading, "advise the Selectboard as to priorities including, but not limited to, delegating management and repaying the $40,000 seed money borrowed from the town for the purpose." Lemon MOVED to adopt as edited the charge to the Broadband Committee (Appendix II). Abbott SECONDED. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2) Service Agreement and Acceptable Use Policy (Appendix II) Young said that Town Counsel's changes to this policy were very minimal. Apparently contradictory wording was discussed, clarified, and refined. Young said that the $200.00 early termination fee was too punitive; Arguimbau suggested lowering the fee to $100.00. Williamson suggested having a lawyer review all proposed changes. Arguimbau pointed out that a public entity cannot violate first amendment rights, and suggested changes that would eliminate amibiguity and the insertion of the phrase, "legally permissible" in the first paragraph following the "Reselling and Transferability..." header to eliminate a possible First-Amendment violation. Lemon MOVED to adopt the Service Agreement and Acceptable Use Policy as edited and corrected. Arguimbau SECONDED. CARRIED: Lemon and Arguimbau AYE; Abbott NAY. 3) Support Policy (Appendix III) Reck passed out an updated version of the document drafted by the Broadband Committee, but said that she would like to see a better policy later on, as subscriber numbers grow. Currently, the installers are staffing the support line. Lemon MOVED to adopt the Support Policy as written. Abbott SECONDED. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4) Installation, Maintenance and Repair Policy (Appendix IV) Town Counsel had made changes to the copy previously reviewed and CARRIED at the June 1 meeting. Copies of these revisions were not in the Board's agenda packets, so Young went to copy Town Counsel's version but was unable to locate it. Since Selectboard members had received it before the meeting, Arguimbau MOVED that the board approve Town Counsel's recommended changes to the waiver referred to on page 1 of the Installation Policy. Lemon SECONDED. CARRIED: Lemon and Arguimbau AYE; Abbott ABSTAIN. 5) Troubleshooting Guide (Appendix V): Williamson said that this was a purely technical document written by installer and committee member Les Goodman, and had nothing to do with either policy or money. Lemon wanted copies to see what is being used. Arguimbau agreed the Board should see what is being used but said that the Board did not need to approve it. The Board would need to become involved only in case of a dispute. The other members of the board agreed. The same determination was made for the New- Subscriber Information Sheet. Troubleshooting Guide (Appendix VI): 6) Orders in Progress Arguimbau wanted as many installers as can be recruited and installations performed as fast as possible. Williamson said that the Broadband Committee had agreed to an installation policy at its June 12 meeting, and will supply the minutes to the board as soon as they are approved. Installation requests are handled on a first-come first-served basis, except that since installations at sites with direct line-of-sight to either tower are completed the fastest, they are given first priority. 6) Invoicing procedure: Arguimbau suggested that the Broadband Committee and Young decide how to bill subscribers. Williamson pointed out that this is a money issue and is therefore the purview of the Selectboard. Lemon suggested starting with both paper and electronic invoicing, and later moving solely to electronic invoices, with subscribers' consent. Arguimbau suggested billing both ways until September 1st, then reevaluating the process. Young wanted to look into the possibility of making it possible for subscribers to pay invoices by credit card; Reck wanted the board to take this on as well. 7) Reva's Report - Reck and Williamson had recently attended a Western Massachusetts Broadband Committees meeting, where establishing a cooperative Western Massachusetts non-profit ISP was discussed. Reck said that the control would stay local in our region, and it would be possible to take advantage of stimulus package funds, which must be distributed quickly. 8) Enterprise Fund Bookkeeping - Arguimbau wanted to be able to walk into the Selectboard office at any time and request and receive complete copies of Broadband Service accounts and understands that is what David is committing to do by the end of July. All concerned agreed on a goal of September 1st for recommendations on getting broadband service management off of the Town Coordinator's desk and managed outside of Young's purview. 4. Special Municipal Employee Exemptions - Animal Control Officer/Animal inspector/Town Secretary R. Calcari had requested a more specific vote by the Board regarding her exemption under MGL Ch. 268Ap20 (d). An attorney from the State Ethics Commission had recently advised her to seek the exemption under the "tiny town" provision. Lemon MOVED to allow Rosa Fratangelo Calcari to hold the appointed positions of Animal Control Officer, Animal Inspector, and Town Secretary at the same time and be paid for all three positions, and to approve her exemption per MGL Ch. 268Ap20 (d), which says in part "This section shall not prohibit an employee in a town having a population of less than three thousand five hundred persons from holding more than one appointed position in said town, provided that the Board of Selectmen approves the exemption of his interest from this section." Abbott SECONDED. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. Recognition of Graduates and Awards - Lemon said that she needed more information before presenting this item and preferred to postpone it until the next meeting. 6. Town Coordinator Report (see Young spoke first about the FEMA ice storm reimbursement and accounts. He then spoke about the Highway Department's street sweeper, which is 36 years old and requires frequent, costly repairs. There is an opportunity to purchase a new sweeper that mounts on the front of the new truck and runs off its hydraulics. Young said that $9,800.00 is available in the FY '09 Highway budget, plus the $2,500.00 which budgeted for sweeper repairs in FY '10. Lemon MOVED that the board authorize Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart and Town Coordinator David Young to proceed with the purchase of the new MB model TKH-TR sweeper for $12,290.00, with $9,800.00 to come from FY '09 Highway budget balance and $2,500.00 from FY 10 maintenance and repairs. Abbott SECONDED. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Emergency Management Director Jim Erviti had told Young that the Town needs to adopt one emergency management system, which must be done by Selectboard vote. Erviti had recommended adopting the National Incident Management System (NIMS). Abbott MOVED that the board adopt NIMS as the Town's all-hazard incident management system. Lemon SECONDED. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Young said that on Tuesday, June 16, at 6 am, the pavement overlay for an approximately 2-mile stretch of Route 78 will commence. The paving company has admitted fault and will pay for all aspects of the job including police details. Finally, Young gave a brief update on the Renewable Energy Trust and their Clean Energy Choice (GreenUp) program. The state has ended its matching contribution, but the Town can submit a grant application later this year and designate desired eligible products or services with funds already earned. FCRDA needed a formal waiver of the limit in the amount of long-term, low- interest rehabilitation loans they can award on Warwick's behalf to release $56,000 for a resident to complete court-ordered work on his house. Lemon MOVED that the board authorize the FCRDA to loan out the funds on Warwick's behalf for project 09-RLF#1. Arguimbau SECONDED. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Selectboard Reports: Lemon reported that in preparation for demolition of the old Center School building, the Firemen's Association had contracted for a survey of hazardous materials in the building, which had been completed. They then sent out a request for proposals to carry out the abatement work, and beginning June 29 and 30, the hazardous materials will be removed by Dec-Tam Corporation of North Reading at Firemen's Association expense. 8. Appointments for FY '10 - Three new appointments for FY '10 were needed: an FRCOG Transportation Representative - Arguimbau asked for a volunteer to replace him on the committee, given his difficulty in attending meetings in Greenfield, but agreed to accept reappointment when no one else volunteered; a ZBA member; a registered Republican to serve as a Registrar of Voters Lemon MOVED that the board appoint registered Republican A. George Day, 313 Orange Road, to a four-year term ending June 30, 2013, as a Registrar of Voters, Joe Paul, 496 Old Winchester Road to a five-year term ending June 30, 2014 on the Zoning Board of Appeals, and Nick Arguimbau Selectboard Representative to the FRCOG Transportation Committee for FY '10. Abbott SECONDED. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. IV. Public Comment Wirth inquired about the status of repairs to the new highway truck and was assured that they had been completed expeditiously and inexpensively, since when it was taken apart, the damage proved to be much less serious than originally feared. She also asked about the compilation of the Selectboard meeting agendas and the availability of same to the public prior to the meetings. Young said that a draft agenda is usually posted on the "L" the Friday preceding the meeting, and explained that agenda items are included by request of a board member, another board, committee, or department or one or more residents. Wirth then praised the positive attitude reflected in Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart's submission in the June Community Newsletter. V. Adjournment At 9:32 pm., Abbott MOVED that the meeting be adjourned. Lemon SECONDED. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari