Town of Warwick Selectboard June 1, 2010 Minutes Members present: Dawn Magi, Nick Arguimbau, Patricia Lemon Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Jon Calcari, Paula Robinson (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order Chair Arguimbau called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. in the Town Hall. II. Minutes Lemon MOVED to approve the minutes of the May 24, 2010 meeting as printed. Magi SECONDED. Motion Carried by a vote of 2-0-1. Arguimbau abstained due to his being absent from that meeting. Lemon MOVED to approve the minutes of May 17, 2010 as printed. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 2-0-1. Arguimbau abstained due to his being absent from that meeting. III. Presentations/Discussions Appointment of Burial Agent--Young explained that the Cemetery Commission reorganized at its last meeting. Jeffrey Joyce is now the Chair, and Jim Toth is the Secretary. The Commission has requested that the Selectboard appoint Jeffrey Joyce as the Burial Agent. Lemon MOVED to appoint Jeffrey Joyce as the Burial Agent. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Wired West Appointment--Young said that Warwick voted to join with other towns throughout western Massachusetts to bring rural fiber to the home. The Wired West Organizing Committee recently sent a letter asking that Warwick select one representative and one alternate to attend monthly meetings. The Broadband Committee requested that Reva Reck, who is highly motivated and very interested to serve as the primary representative, be appointed. Young recommended Recks' immediate appointment so she may begin attending meetings immediately. He also inquired if a Selectboard member might be willing to serve as the alternate. Lemon MOVED to appoint Reva Reck primary representative to Wired West and to appoint Patricia Lemon as the alternate. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Surplus Property Declarations-- Young said that he is working toward removing expensive-to-operate printers from Town Hall. The multi-function HP printer/scanner belonging to the Board of Health recently quit working. Magi MOVED to declare the Board of Health's broken multi-function printer surplus so that it can be scrapped or recycled. Lemon SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Young said that last week the Town closed on the purchase of the Moore's Pond beach. He explained that the Open Space Committee has requested that the Selectboard declare as surplus the two old wooden sheds so they may be removed from the lot. He intends to auction the sheds on eBay and require a deposit to insure timely removal of the sheds by a date certain. Magi MOVED to declare the two sheds at the Moore's Pond beach surplus so they may be auctioned for sale and removal from the site. Lemon SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Selectboard Reports-- Magi said that she has been reading the Selectmen's Handbook with great interest. Lemon spoke about the Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA)'s upcoming meeting to be held June 12 in Sturbridge. Lemon said a recent MMA meeting was both interesting and informative. All three Board members plan to attend the June 12th meeting. Lemon brought up the serious nature of the moisture problem in the Historical Society building. She noted that on May 31st a safe in the building was opened, and that the covers of the documents discovered inside were covered in mold. Ed Lemon and others have been working to clean the building and inventory its contents. Insulation and heating the Historical Society building will most likely become necessary. Lemon wanted to serve as the liaison between the Selectboard and the Historical Commission, a Town board with the power to bring issues to Town Meeting floor. Arguimbau asked Young if there are is identifiable money that could go towards starting to remedy the problem. Young said that he thinks a town meeting vote would be necessary to appropriate funds, but he will check on what funds are available to the Historical Society and report back at the next meeting. Town Coordinator Report-- Young said that the Buildings and Energy Committee has assigned top priority to the chimney repair at Town Hall. Young is seeking quotes on removal and carpentry of one chimney separately from the flashing and pointing of the "live" chimneys. Once the chimney repairs are finished, the roof and solar array can be completed. Young admitted to the ambitious goal of getting all work done during this summer construction season. He also noted that Cabot Risk Management is the new carrier for the Town's "McNamara police and fire accident coverage. The benefits have doubled, and the premium increased around $400.00, which is $500.00 less than anticipated. Young announced that the forest gate across from Hockanum Road is now installed. He also said that postcards informing residents of the June 7 Special Town Meeting were mailed to all households. Lemon inquired where we stand on the WCS sprinkler system. Young said we need to wait for the outcome of the STM vote before moving forward, and if the vote is in the affirmative he will re-open negotiations with Simplex Grinnell. He expressed concern over the cost of materials, as any delay will likely result in a higher overall cost. New and Other Business-- Arguimbau wanted to change the order of future agendas so that Public Comment would directly follow action on the minutes. Young supported the idea. Lemon then suggested moving New and Other Business to follow Public Comment. Young mentioned that many meetings often close with a "good and welfare" section, which the Board could use to have anything the members felt needed to be put on record be reflected in the minutes. Arguimbau decided to continue this discussion until the next meeting. Young made it clear that the Warwick Selectboard allows citizen input on any agenda item, as citizens may be heard outside the Public Comment segment of the meetings. IV. Public Comment-- J. Calcari brought up the subject of people who allow their dogs to defecate on public property without picking up the feces. He suggested implementing a $25.00 fine for anyone caught doing so. V. Adjournment Lemon MOVED to adjourn the meeting at 7:05 pm. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari