Town of Warwick Selectboard June 1, 2009 Draft Minutes Ingeborg P. Wirth May 3, 1922 - May 29, 2009 Members present: Patricia Lemon, Rick Abbott Member absent: Nick Arguimbau Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary/Animal Control Officer Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Broadband Committee Members Miryam Williamson, Reva Reck, and Les Goodman, Wendy Wirth, Jon Calcari, Northfield resident Judy Phillips,Paula Robinson (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order Chairwoman Lemon called to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Hall. II. Minutes Lemon MOVED that the Selectboard approve the Minutes of the May 18 meeting as printed. Abbott SECONDED. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. III. Presentations and Discussions 1. Reorganization - Normally, since Town Election had been held on the previous Monday and Lemon reelected, the Selectboard would have reorganized, electing new officers and assigning liaisons to committees and other entities, but in Arguimbau's illness and consequent absence, it was agreed that reorganization would be done at the June 15 meeting, instead. 2. Joint Meeting with the Broadband Committee - Reck, who had previously sent Selectboard members a list of Items for Discussion (Appendix I), requested the Board clarify or redefine the charge originally given to the Broadband Committee on November 6, 2006. The committee and coordinator provided handouts on issues for discussion including concerns, goals, an installation policy for the broadband equipment and, fiscal information. Reck said that the committee is at a critical point which makes it important to clarify the intention of the charge under which it functions, and reiterated the need for clarification of the expected extent of the committee's involvement and oversight of daily operations. Young concurred. Lemon gave high praise and commendation to the committee for their work to date. Williamson inquired to what extent Selectboard expected the Broadband Committee to act in enterprise-fund matters. Lemon explained, with Abbott's concurrence, that the Selectboard has ultimate responsibility for the enterprise fund and is concerned about interfering with Broadband Committee members' professional commitments, they need not take on responsibility for the enterprise fund but that any advice they might want to share would be welcome. Consequently, Lemon and Abbott asked the Broadband Committee to draft a new charge for the Selectboard's consideration in time for discussion and possible adoption at their June 15 meeting. Reck said that technical support and the definition of subscriber expectations need to be addressed immediately. Young wanted to consider adding cell service, but with Williamson was strongly opposed Lemon and Goodman agreed that it would be preferable to wait until tasks associated with and issues contingent on broadband service being opened to any resident in signal range before addressing cell phone service in a more active way. Reck agreed, and Williamson acceded. Goodman, Reck, and Williamson spoke with Abbott, Lemon and Young about the basic installation policy and the waiver of liability form drafted by Town Counsel, and indicated they are ready to begin installations but needed Selectboard authorization and direction in several areas to proceed. Lemon, with support from Abbott and Young, requested that the committee also draft a written policy on installation, technology, billing, and support that can be given to subscribers when they inquire about installation and that can be posted on in time for Selectboard consideration prior to their June 6 meeting. Lemon MOVED that the Selectboard authorize Town Coordinator David Young to advertise and post openings for installers so Young and the Broadband Committee can review applications and recommend suitable individuals to the board; directs, that the installers be authorized to perform installations for the fee of $100.00 per successful installation that has been signed off on by the subscriber, that subscribers be charged $50 for the installation, $400 for equipment, and $50 for the first month's service, for a total of $500 payable within two weeks of the installation and be asked to make a one year commitment for a monthly fee of $50, and that ask the subscribers be asked to sign waivers of liability at the time of installation. Abbott SECONDED. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Reck then asked if the board felt ready to vote on other portions of the Broadband-Committee-recommended installation policy. Lemon MOVED to adopt the Broadband Committee's recommended Installation Policy, page 1 of 3, as printed (Appendix II). Abbott SECONDED. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Abbott MOVED to appoint Les Goodman and Terry Kemerer as authorized temporary emergency installers, and David Young as an unpaid installer. Lemon SECONDED. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Northfield resident Judy Phillips, who had attended Governor Deval Patrick's broadband meeting last week in New Salem, praised the Town for its initiative and innovation regarding broadband and its advocacy for her during the December ice-and- snow emergency. Although she does not live in Warwick, she owns property here and also has utility service through Warwick. She expressed her hope that the Selectboard would accept her as a Warwick-broadband-service subscriber. Lemon MOVED that all Warwick taxpayers within the service area be eligible for Warwick broadband service. Abbott SECONDED. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Lemon reiterated the board's request that a committee-drafted charge and subscribers' handbook be submitted in time for the Selectboard to consider and vote on at the next meeting. Therefore, another joint meeting will be held at the June 15th meeting. 3. Annual Appointments - Young presented a list (Appendix III, corrected) updated by R. Calcari (after contacting most everyone due for reappointment) of new appointments and reappointments for the Board's final review and vote. Lemon noted the additions of Barbara Walker to succeed Charlie Brown as Caretaker of Flags, Ed Lemon to replace Larry Carey on the Historical Commission, and Martha Kitchen to replace Jeannette Fellows on the Cultural Council - as well as Mary Thomas' appointment to replace Cheryl Matthews on the Conservation Commission. Calcari had been unable to get a response from Paul Hadsel, sr., about reappointment to the Memorial Day Committee; Abbott, who is also a member, suggested leaving Hadsel's name off the list on the assumption that he would most likely let the Board know if he wished to be reappointed and that no attempt be made to fill the vacancy left by Calvin Fellows' resignation from the Veterans' Memorial Committee, since the committee would have fulfilled its charge once all outstanding invoices are paid and would probably be disbanded a that time. Abbott thought that any follow-up needed would be taken care of by the Memorial Day Committee, of which he is also a member. Lemon pointed out that Janet Alden's tenure on the Council on Aging does not expire until June 30, 2010, so she need not be reappointed this year, although a new member to fill a vacancy in the class of 2010 is needed. She also reported that there are actually no vacancies on the three-member Crockery Committee and that the three-member Town Forest (not Forestry) Committee currently has more members than the three originally mandated by Town Meeting. R. Calcari also reported that Jack Cadwell felt unable to serve on both the Buildings and Energy and Open Space Committees, that he thought he could better serve the town on the Buildings and Energy Committee and that Mary Williamson did not feel that filling his slot was necessary. Lemon also reported that the latter had told her that the twelve-member committee, as it was initially constituted by Town Meeting, was too unwieldly. Although the board had previously added the duties of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator to Young's job description, the latter told board members that the law requires that the coordinator be reappointed annually. Lemon MOVED to appoint everyone on the list as corrected. Abbott SECONDED. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Selectboard Reports - Lemon said that although it seemed basically to have been set up as a press conference, Governor Patrick's Broadband meeting in New Salem last week was interesting and somewhat informative and had given her an opportunity for discussion with Linda Dunlavy of the new Massachusetts Broadband Institute and Western Mass Connects boards and to thank Congressman Olver for his successful sponsorship of a bill she had asked for his help on. Lemon had prepared a tentative Selectboard meeting schedule (Appendix IV) for FY '10, which was reviewed and discussed. Lemon MOVED that the Selectboard adopt the corrected FY '10 meeting schedule. Abbott SECONDED. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. Town Coordinator Report - In the interest of time, Young said that everything he had to say was included in the report he Emailed to all Board members prior to tonight's meeting. IV. Public Comment Williamson told of the recent death of longtime Warwick resident and Women's-Guild treasurer Inge Wirth. V. Adjournment Lemon MOVED to adjourn at 7:57 p.m. Abbott SECONDED. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari