Town of Warwick Selectboard May 31, 2011 Minutes Members present: Dawn Magi, Patricia Lemon, Nick Arguimbau Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Police Chief David Shoemaker, Police Officer Bruce Kilhart, Planning Board Chair Ted Cady, Conservation Commission Chair Karro Frost, Town Forestry Committee member Keith Ross, Attorney Les Black, Nancy Kilhart, Robert Rivers, Jon Calcari, Jared Robinson (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order Chair Magi called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Hall. Magi asked the other Board members how they felt about proposing agenda items for the next meeting at the end of each meeting. There was a consensus of the Board that this was a good idea. II. Public Comment Robert Rivers, a resident of Orange who owns property on Wilson Road in Warwick, addressed the Board. He spoke about the temporary road closing sign on Chestnut Hill Road, posted in February, which prohibits vehicles over 10,000 pounds to travel on the dirt road. Rivers asked if the need for this sign still existed. Young suggested referring the matter to the Highway Department; Rivers noted that the sign is per the order of the Selectboard. Rivers had a scheduled delivery of fuel oil that he could not receive because Roy Brothers would not make the delivery because of the posted sign. Young explained that deliveries are not prohibited, and said that he could check with Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart to see if he feels it is prudent to take down the sign. Chief Shoemaker said that the police never prohibit oil deliveries, and can never prohibit people from getting fuel. Lemon suggested adding a telephone number on the signs for inquiries. Chief Shoemaker noted that surrounding towns have similar restrictions for dirt roads in the wet season. Magi asked Young to contact Roy Brothers Oil and speak with Tim Kilhart about the signs. Keith Ross pointed out that a truck driver's reluctance to deliver on a posted road may be due to possible insurance and liability issues. Magi wanted something put in the next community newsletter to let people know that they may call the Highway or Police departments if they live on a posted road and need a fuel oil delivery. Bruce Kilhart said that the signs are there for a reason, as even the Highway trucks have become stuck on the wet dirt roads in the past. He noted that Flower Hill Road is still too wet to grade, even now. Ted Cady pointed out that even when the center of the road is solid, the sides of the roads can be unsolid. He suggested that the signs could be removed as the shoulders firm up. Lemon MOVED that we inform all interested parties that the closing of dirt roads for mud season does not apply to emergency fuel deliveries. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Cady said that the Town does not accept liability when road is posted as closed. Young said that people must drive according to the condition of the road, and that a driver must be responsible for the safe operation of the vehicle. Shoemaker said that the signs are posted to protect our roads, not the vehicle or its operator. Young said that he wanted to bring this issue to Tim Kilhart, as this is a Highway matter, and Kilhart knows the roads. Rivers was satisfied for now. III. Presentations/Discussions Police Chief Report-- Chief Shoemaker said that the new cruiser has been ordered, and delivery is expected in August. He noted that the cruiser is a 2012 model obtained at the 2011 price. The Chief is taking a 6-week accident reconstruction course, while two officers are taking breathalyzer and roadside sobriety training. Chief Shoemaker said that the police have been receiving calls regarding suspicious activity. Scavengers searching for scrap metal may be looking in our area, and he asked that residents be aware of any suspicious activity, especially around empty houses. He urged that people report any suspicious activity and unfamiliar vehicles, especially if seen more than once. Selectboard Reports-- Lemon said that the Women's Guild had met earlier today to discuss refinishing the Town Hall dining room floor. The Guild has received a bid of $2,000.00 from Warwick resident Bill Lyman. The plan is to sand the floor and refinish with three coats of polyurethane varnish. Lemon said that the Guild is asking that the Town pay for half the project cost, and asked what account would be appropriate to cover the $1,000.00 expense. Young said that the Building Improvement Account has adequate funds, and that it would be appropriate to use money from this account. Cady noted that the floor would have to be very well sanded, and suggested that this floor may not be well suited to varnishing. Ross said that the floor might need to be sanded down and varnished every three to five years due to the amount of use the dining room gets. He said that paint might be easier to maintain over time. Lemon said that the Guild would be discussing the matter further on June 7th. Coordinator Report-- Young has been working on resolving the issue of unpermitted temporary living facilities in town. The Board had requested that he present a report on the buildings and trailers that were built or located without the proper permits. He said that under Warwick's zoning by-laws, these trailers and buildings are unpermitted temporary living facilities. Although taxes are being collected on each structure, no rights to use these structures is implied. Four lots and three owners are involved. Young introduced attorney Les Black, who is representing two of the property owners, each of whom own one parcel of land where travel trailers are located. Black said that the delay for one of his clients has recently been released from a lengthy hospital stay due to open heart surgery. Black stated his intent to file applications with the ZBA requesting a special permit to allow up to two travel trailers on each lot, which is the maximum allowed under a special permit. Magi asked how long the trailer owners have been residing there, to which Black responded since early this decade. He clarified that the trailers are for weekend use and never for more than two weeks at a time. Young pointed out that the limit is fourteen days per calendar year; beyond that it is a violation. Arguimbau asked Black if his clients have committed to taking out extra campers. Black said that these are not used at all as temporary living facilities. Young advised Black that the applications be filed as soon as possible; the attorney agreed. Conservation Committee Chair Karro Frost said that the Conservation Commission has had ongoing issues with work happening on the properties within 200 feet of the stream. They issued a cease and desist order for all activities within 200 feet of the stream and 100 feet of any wetlands. Arguimbau inquired about an enforcement order from 2003 relating to an endangered species habitat, as all campers/trailers entailed a disturbance of that habitat. Frost said that the State oversees that matter via the National Heritage and Endangered Species programs. She also said that the endangered species in question may since have been de-listed and are no longer considered to be endangered. Frost went on to explain that anyone must file a notice of intent with the Con Comm prior to beginning any work, but they have received no filings from the owners of the properties on which the trailers are located. Black said that his clients have indicated to him that they are willing to do whatever is required to come into compliance. Ross asked if there are any penalties involved for failing to comply from the beginning. Young replied that at minimum the trailer owners will have to pay double the building permit fees. Black told Young that he will keep him informed, and that he will be filing the applications with the ZBA very soon. Frost said that the Con Comm recommends no use of the trailers until the ZBA grants the special permits. Young spoke about two additional properties, both owned by the same person. There is a tree house on one property, and a small house on the other. He said the properties have been assessed and taxes are being collected, but there have been no certificates of occupancy issued. Arguimbau MOVED to make the recommendation to the Conservation Commission that it meet as quickly as possible and engage in all enforcement within its jurisdiction with respect to the campers and trailers. Lemon SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Magi asked about the penalties for building without a permit. Cady said that there is a ten year statute of limitation on structures built without a permit. He explained that under our zoning, the ten year enforcement action period begins with the commencement of the building process. Cady suggested this matter be brought up again at a future Board meeting when the Building Inspector can be present. Magi placed the issue on the agenda for the June 13th meeting. 4. DCR Forest Zones-- Young explained that the DCR has come up with their three-zone forest use map. Approximately one half of Warwick has been designated as a "no cut" area. Cady and Ross have been attending various meetings as this map was developed. Cady said that the three zones are Parklands, Reserves, and Woodlands. Parklands are used for recreation, and include Laurel Lake and Ohlson's Field. Reserves allow for the natural process to take place and no cutting will take place. Woodlands areas allow for demonstration forestry, where cutting will be allowed. Cady said that in his opinion the best of Warwick's lands have been designated as no-cut Reserves. Ross said that the focus of having Reserves on all types of land: hilltops, swamps, and highly productive soil. He thought that this map represents a broad first take. Ross said that it will prove to be to the Town's advantage over time to have all three zones. Arguimbau wanted to see a breakdown of figures for anticipated revenue for Woodlands (sale of timber) and Reserves (sale of carbon credits). Cady gave potential examples and estimates. Frost noted that the high yielding areas were designated Reserves, while the low growing areas have been designated as Woodlands. She felt it would be of benefit to the Town if the designations could be changed. Lemon said that the Board needs to look at the map, discuss what the members feel should be done and submit a proposal to the DCR. Arguimbau and Lemon will attend a meeting on Thursday, June 2nd about the DCR forest map. 5. New and Other Business-- Cady said that there will have to be a joint hearing with the Planning Board, Highway Department, Tree Warden and Selectboard on scenic road cutting. He wants to coordinate schedules to determine when a hearing may be held. IV. Minutes Arguimbau MOVED to accept the minutes of May 16, 2011 as printed. Lemon SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. V. Adjournment Lemon MOVED to adjourn the meeting at 8:03 pm. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari