Town of Warwick Selectboard May 26, 2015 Minutes Members present: Dawn Magi, Nick Arguimbau, Lawrence Pruyne Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo, former Moderator Miryam Williamson, Ed Hawes, former Tree Warden Dana Songer, Police Chief David Shoemaker, Buildings and Energy Committee member Steve Kurkoski, School Committee member Martha Morse, Broadband Committee Chair Tom Wyatt, Steve Ruggiero, Eaden Marti, Todd Dexter, Jon Calcari, Jared Robinson (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order Chair Magi called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm in Town Hall. Eaden Marti announced that he was recording the meeting. II. Public Comment Steve Kurkoski, speaking as a resident of Town, rather than member of theBuilding and Energy Committee, read a statement on the soon to be constructed Public Safety Building. Kurkoski expressed concern that because the building should be a net zero building. He wanted the Board to take a stance that it will accept only a net zero building, as he said it would be good for the taxpayers now and for future generations as well. Arguimbau said that he favored a net zero building, but Magi noted that theSelectboard has no influence over the Firemen's Association. Young pointed out that the Firemen's Association is a private non-profit that plans to gift the building to the Town once the structure is completed. Young noted that a builder can voluntarily meet the stretch code even though the permit was obtained under the older 2009 IBC (International Building Code), and that it would be cheaper to do things once at the time of construction rather than retrofit at a later date. Young said that most likely a Town Meeting vote would be required to accept the gift of the building. He said we want to avoid costly taxpayer funded issues down the road such as those that have come up with our elementary school. Police Chief Shoemaker said that as he understood it, only a shell would be put up this year, due to lack of funds. He said that the building would notbe completed anytime soon. Kurkoski noted that even a poor quality building can be made a net zero structure, but it requires more solar panels to make up for heat losses. Magi asked Young to confer with Town Counsel on the matter; Young said he would and report back at the next meeting. III. Presentations and Discussions 1. Annual Reorganization--This is done every year after the Town election. Lawrence Pruyne was elected to the Board and replaces Patricia Lemon, who declined to run again after nine years of service as a Selectwoman. Arguimbau said that he did not want to be Chair, even though he favored a rotation so no one person serves in that capacity year after year. He said that because of her level of experience, he would be glad to have Dawn Magi remain as Chair as long as she was willing to have serious involvement in the preparation of the agendas and have final say on what the agenda for each meeting. Magi agreed. Pruyne concurred that the best candidate to serve as Chair is the one with the most experience. Arguimbau MOVED to appoint Dawn Magi as Selectboard Chair. Pruyne SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Arguimbau MOVED to appoint Nicholas Arguimbau as Vice Chair. Pruyne SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Magi MOVED to appoint Lawrence "Doc" Pruyne as Clerk. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Arguimbau advised Pruyne to start preparing to one day become Chair. 2. Recognition of Outgoing Elected Officials --Magi presented outgoing Tree Warden Dana Songer with a certificate acknowledging his "ten years of exemplary service as Tree Warden". Originally, outgoing Moderator Miryam Williamson was also set to be recognized, but due to the length of the discussions preceding this item, she and her husband had to leave. Young said that she and Patricia Lemon would be honored at the next meeting. Tom Wyatt suggested some type of recognition during Old Home Days. 3. Chapter 268:20D Exemptions--Young said that the exemption had previously been voted by the Board for Kerry Cooke, but the form needed to be signed by the Chair; Magi signed. The original vote occurred on March 30, 2015 and included exemptions for both Kerry Cooke and Slater Alden. 4. Town Clerk--Rosa Fratangelo explained that the 5-way tie of write in votes at the May 18, 2015 Annual Town Election constituted a failure to elect, and therefore the Board would need to appoint someone to fill the vacancy until the next annual election. Young said that Todd Dexter had agreed to be appointed. Magi MOVED to appoint Todd Dexter as Transfer Station Commissioner until the May 16, 2016 Annual Town Election. Pruyne SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Fratangelo explained that costs incurred for the June 23rd Special Election would be paid by the Franklin County Technical School District. The Auto Mark voting machine expenses will be paid directly by FCTS, and the Town will be reimbursed for payment to election workers Fratangelo said that she would like the late fees for dog licenses to be changed from June 1 to July 1 each year. She said that changing the date would give dog owners a full three-month open license period, and the late fee of $10 per license would begin in July to coincide with the new fiscal year. Arguimbau MOVED to change the date for dog license late fees from June 1st to July 1st each year. Pruyne SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Lastly, Fratangelo asked that the Board appoint constables for one day for the June 23rd Special Election. Arguimbau MOVED to appoint Calvin Fellows and Rod Whipple as Constables for one day for the purpose of the June 23, 2015 Franklin County Technical School District Special Election. Pruyne SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 5. Minutes-- Arguimbau MOVED to approve the April 27, 2015 minutes as printed. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-1: Arguimbau and Magi - AYE; Pruyne ABSTAINED as he was not yet a member of the Selectboard at that time. 6. Appointment to Recreation Committee--Young said that Denyse Dar was willing to serve on the Recreation Committee. Arguimbau stated his standing objection to appointing people without their appearing before the Board, but he waived the objection because Ms. Dar is so well known in Town. Arguimbau MOVED to appoint Denyse Dar to the Recreation Committee for a term to expire June 30, 2015. Pruyne SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 7. Warwick PD--Police Chief David Shoemaker said that the Tech School students have been doing wiring work at the Police Station, noting improved lighting and security at the station as a result of their work. He said that Steve and Janice Kurkoski of the Buildings and Energy Committee have been conducting an energy efficiency study as well. The Chief said that he wanted to schedule an open house, perhaps in June or July, so residents can see the improvements made to the Police Station. 8. Report on Recycled Purchases for FY 15--Young said that he had sent a memo to all departments and committees with the Town's 1998 Recycled Product Purchasing Policy. He noted that we are in compliance for FY 15 with regards to the purchase of recycled office paper and supplies. 9. Women's Guild Tables--Young said that the Women's Guild is donating new tables to the Town, and requested the Board to accept the gift. He said that a letter of thanks will be written to the Guild. Arguimbau MOVED to accept with great thanks the Women's Guild's donation of new Town Hall tables. Pruyne SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 10. Proposed 5-year Transfer Station Recycling Contract--Young said that under this deal our recycling revenue will decrease about $1,000. He noted that we already lose money on bottles and cans. He said that we are too small and it would be too much of a risk to ignore this contract, as he did not see a better way. 11. Selectboard Reports--Arguimbau said that he had done a report on Marcellus shale, and that it looks as though Marcellus will peak this year and then tumble very fast, which will change the pipeline picture. 12. Coordinator Report--Broadband Committee Chair Tom Wyatt offered an update on WiredWest. He said that the Broadband Committee had met several times and had formed a Friends of Warwick Broadband advisory advocacy group with the goal of being able to present more information and options to the Town. Wyatt said that he was still waiting on Wired West's full business plan, and that in the meantime other options can be explored. Options included: staying with Warwick Broadband and continue to expand the service with no impact on the tax rate; a hybrid method that would mean additional towers being built around town to host fiber optic cable and using MBI funds to get fiber to more of the town; go with WiredWest with a still unknown impact on the tax levy; contract with an outside vendor such as Crocker Communications, a local company in western Massachusetts which could get service completed sooner, but money being recouped by the Town at a later date would be unlikely. Wyatt wanted to know if the Selectboard would like to meet with the Broadband and Finance Committees and representatives from Crocker; there was a consensus of the Board that this would be a good idea. Pruyne said that we need hard numbers about costs that will reveal how viable a plan is. Todd Dexter suggested taking a look at any successful models as a way to make it work here in an affordable manner. He asked the Board to proceed with keeping in mind all the residents on fixed incomes. 13. New and Other Business Unanticipated at time of Meeting Posting--None. IV. Adjournment At 8:00 p.m., Pruyne MOVED to adjourn. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo