Town of Warwick Selectboard May 2, 2011 Minutes Members present: Patricia Lemon, Dawn Magi Member Absent: Nick Arguimbau Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Moderator Miryam Williamson, Reva Reck, Tom Wyatt I. Call to Order Vice Chair Lemon called the meeting to order at 6:07 p.m. in the Town Hall. II. Presentations/Discussions Review Annual Town Meeting Speaking Assignments-- Lemon and Magi determined who would move which articles of the Annual Town Meeting warrant, and who would second them. They decided that Magi would move the odd-numbered articles and Lemon would read the even-numbered ones. Magi said that she wanted to thank all the volunteers who work so hard and make our town a better place. Lemon agreed to read the names of residents who passed away in the last year. Moderator Williamson outlined her duties and actions for the upcoming ATM. Williamson had a question on article 4, which involved the authorization of eleven different revolving accounts. She asked if individual votes would be taken for each account, or would one vote be called for all accounts. Young affirmed that it would be one vote taken at once. Young also noted that prior to the vote he would advise the voters of any changes from last years slate of revolving accounts. 2. New and Other Business--Young explained that three actions were being sought: permission to reserve Fellows Field for Matthew Wyatt's wedding reception on Saturday, June 11, 2011; a one-day beer and wine license for the Fire Department on June 11th; the closure of Hastings Pond Road between Route 78 and Rockwood Road for the wedding reception. Young said that the Town's insurance does provide liquor liability coverage as long as the event benefits the Town, which is why the Fire Department will handle the beer and wine concession. Matthew Wyatt's parents, Reva Reck and Tom Wyatt, will make a donation to the Fire Department Lemon MOVED that the Wyatts be allowed to use Fellows Field for the wedding reception on Saturday, June 11th and that Hastings Pond Road between Route 78 and Rockwood Road be closed to traffic. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 2-0-0. Magi MOVED to grant a one-day beer and wine license to the Fire Department for June 11, 2011. Lemon SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 2-0-0. Single Voting Precinct --Young presented the Board with the written description from the Secretary of State's office of Warwick's boundaries. Young said that this is the last document needed to retain the Town's one voting precinct. The document reads as follows: Warwick Town Precinct 1 All of that portion of Warwick Town bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the Franklin County line and the Northfield/Warwick town line, and proceeding easterly along the Franklin county line to the Worcester/Franklin county line, and proceeding southerly along the Worcester/Franklin county line to the Orange/Warwick town line, and proceeding westerly along the Orange/Warwick town line to the Erving/Warwick town line, and proceeding northerly along the Erving/Warwick town line to the Northfield/Warwick town line, and proceeding northerly along the Northfield/Warwick town line to the point of the beginning. Lemon MOVED to accept the Town boundary description as written. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 2-0-0. Suspension of Selectboard Meeting--Lemon suspended the Selectboard meeting pending the conclusion of the Annual Town Meeting. III. Adjournment Lemon MOVED to adjourn the meeting at 8:52 pm. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 2-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari