Town of Warwick Selectboard May 20, 2008 Minutes Members present: Patricia Lemon, Rick Abbott, Nick Arguimbau Others present: David Young, Rosa Calcari, Miryam Williamson, Jon Calcari, Tim Kilhart, Paula Lundgren (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order The Meeting was called to order at 6:05p.m. at the Town Hall by Chairman Lemon. II. Minutes Lemon MOVED to accept the minutes of the April 18 and May 5 meetings as printed. Abbott Seconded. VOTED. Lemon - AYE; Abbott – AYE; Arguimbau -Abstain, as he was not a member of the Selectboard at these meetings. III. Presentations/Discussions 1. Selectboard Reorganization - Customarily done when a new member is elected to the Board. Nick Arguimbau was sworn in by Town Clerk Jeannette Fellows at 5 p.m. today. Arguimbau MOVED to nominate Patricia Lemon as Chair of the Selectboard and Rick Abbott as Vice Chair. Abbott Seconded. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Highway Truck - Kilhart reported that he had spoken with both vendors, each of whom needs a letter from the Selectboard authorizing the purchase of the truck. He said the anticipated delivery time is about four months, because each vendor estimates about 8 weeks of build time. Kilhart pointed out that it is advantageous to send the letters out now rather than waiting until July 1, as many other towns do, since waiting would delay delivery into snow season. Kilhart said the purchase price for the cab and chassis plus options is $72,488.00, and the price of the body and plow frame is $40,220.00. The extended warranty offered would be $6,286.00 at time of order, which represents a 10% discount from the price if it is purchased at time of delivery. The standard warranties included are 2 years on the electrical systems, and 3 years on the engine and drive train. Purchase of the extended warranty would provide 6 years on the electrical and 8 years or 7,200 hours on the engine. The option of a wing plow and the additional costs associated with it was discussed in considerable detail. Kilhart expressed his opposition to the purchase and use of a wing plow. Lemon requested that in the future Kilhart provide the Board with documentation of the possibilities he has considered and the rationales for his conclusions, leading them through the decision-making process rather than making a decision and then lobbying for it. Arguimbau said that while Kilhart had made a convincing case for buying the truck, the election vote on the debt exclusion ballot question had been so close that it was clear many are not in favor of borrowing, as it will raise taxes. He said Chapter 90 funds should be given another look. The current plan involves borrowing $120,000.00, with a $10,000.00 down payment from Capital Stabilization, and a $4,000.00 trade-in for the old truck. Kilhart indicated that the bids for fuel oil and the proposed roadwork on Route 78 will come in by June 2, so until then he will not know where he stands with funding and expenses. Young said that today Kilhart needs only the letters from the Selectboard authorizing the purchase of the truck. Since the vote passed at both the Annual Town meeting and the Annual Town election, the financing options have been put in place, and the funding decisions need not be made at this meeting. Arguimbau MOVED to authorize the purchase of a new Highway truck in the amounts of $72,488 (base price plus options for the cab and chassis), and $40,220.00 (body and plow frame), for a total of $112,708.00. The Motion excluded the extended warranty and was made with the proviso that Kilhart would come back to the Board with more information regarding the extended warranty, and that the method of funding the purchase would also be revisited by the Board. Abbott Seconded. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Fordson Tractor - Kilhart has submitted a letter to the Board requesting that a 1950-ish Fordson 8N tractor with serial number 8N-500094 be declared surplus equipment. In discussion, it was the consensus that the tractor would be put in working condition before being put on the market. Young offered to place the tractor on Ebay if appropriate, without charging the town for the service. Lemon MOVED to declare the Fordson 8N Tractor, Serial Number 8N-500094 surplus equipment. Abbott Seconded. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. Selectboard Liaisons - Lemon posed the question of whether this Board wished to continue the practice of assigning individual Board members as liaisons to Town departments and committees, or if it prefers that the Town Coordinator act as a general liaison, leaving each Board member free to work with these entities as they see fit. Abbott, noting his general opposition to the liaison system, reluctantly agreed to keep it as is for now, pending a review of the Job Description and desired hours for the Town Coordinator. Arguimbau consented to accept the liaison assignments formerly held by Jim Toth. Young will assist Arguimbau if necessary. 5. Treasurer - Three applications were before the Board for consideration. Each member reviewed the cover letters and resumes of all candidates, and the issue of whether additional interviews were necessary was discussed. Arguimbau said he felt that the only qualified candidate was Terry Kemerer. Arguimbau Moved that, there being only one qualified candidate, a candidate who had been interviewed recently, no further interviews were indicated. Abbott Seconded. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Lemon MOVED to appoint Terry Kemerer as Treasurer in accordance with the Personnel Policy and Job Description. The appointment is to commence July 1, 2008 and end June 30, 2009, to be paid at the rate approved at the Annual Town meeting of May 5, 2008. Arguimbau Seconded. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Building Inspector - Young reported that Building Inspector Lorne Petrain had submitted a letter of resignation, effective June 30, 2008. He said that traditionally a local person has held the job, but by statute the Building Inspector is also the zoning enforcement agent, and this is problematic because it potentially involves action against neighbors and friends. Young recommended splitting the duties so that the Building Inspector could appoint an assistant to handle the enforcement portion of the job. If the Selectboard wished to appoint two individuals separately, a Town meeting vote would be required. Young said a quote from FRCOG is around $9,000.00, which would allow the Town to be covered as of July 1. Young said he will explore other options locally, and inquire how other towns deal with the issue. He said he will ask FRCOG to submit a formal proposal for the Board's review at their next meeting. FRCOG's fees for this task have in the past been excessive for Warwick's needs, but are based upon a 3-year rolling average of building permit applications, of which there have been none for two years in Warwick, making their services affordable at this point. Williamson noted that she is in favor of an out-of-town person performing the enforcement aspect of the job. 7. Employee Evaluations - Young said he is in the process of gathering examples of evaluation instruments from FRCOG and other towns. 8. Selectboard Reports - Abbott said that two weeks ago the area for the Veterans monument was assessed. The hole will be dug, the concrete will be poured, and must set for one month. He hopes for the project to be completed by July 4, but he said the contractor will definitely have it finished by Old Home Days. Lemon reported that the Town has begun two separate zoning enforcement procedures. Since in the past there, have been complaints that the Town has been somewhat lax or remiss in this area, she wanted to make everyone aware that things are now moving forward with assistance from the state Department of Public Health, town counsel, Attorney Michael Ciota of Fitchburg and officers of the Springfield Housing Court. 9. Town Coordinator Report - Young asked that the Selectboard Chair be authorized to sign two grants: DCR Forestry Grant and an Emergency Management Grant from Vermont Yankee. Lemon MOVED the Chair be authorized to sign the DCR Forestry Grant and the Vermont Yankee grant. Arguimbau Seconded. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Lemon MOVED to accept Access Plus Comm as our vendor for DCR for the purposes of a memorandum agreement. Abbott Seconded. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Young reported meeting with the phone installer for the Warwick Community School's proposed new phone system. Young said changes were made to Town Hall wiring, and alarm port one was changed to a dedicated line. Separate voicemail boxes were set up for the Selectboard/Town Coordinator, Board of Health, and Building Inspector. IV. Public Comment J. Calcari said that he had recently heard of a program in which Governor Deval Patrick is designating money to parks on Cape Cod and in the Boston area. He suggested someone take a video of the Mt. Grace picnic area recently decimated by State logging and send it to the Governor, to give him a new perspective on parks in need of funding for restoration to prior glory. Lemon notes at this time [June 2, 2008] for the record that she liked that idea and would like to begin organizing a "Friends of the DCR" group with the potential of allowing for better communication and increased opportunity for volunteers' involvement in decision-making and work on DCR-owned lands in Warwick - in other words, setting up an avenue for a return to the way things were done before the Picnic-area debacle. V. Adjournment Lemon MOVED at 8:13 pm. to adjourn the meeting. Abbott Seconded. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari Patricia Lemon, Chair Frederick Abbott, Member Nicholas Arguimbau, Member Rosa Calcari, Secretary J. David Young, Coordinator