Town of Warwick Selectboard May 18, 2009 Draft Minutes Members present: Patricia Lemon, Rick Abbott, Nick Arguimbau Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary/Animal Control Officer Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Tax Collector/Treasurer Terry Kemerer, Cemetery Commission member Jim Toth, Miryam Williamson, Wendy Wirth, Jon Calcari, Paula Robinson (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order Chairwoman Lemon called to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Warwick Free Library. II. Minutes Lemon MOVED that the Selectboard approve the Minutes of the April 21 and May 4 meetings as printed. Arguimbau SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. III. Presentations and Discussions 1. Approve Cemetery Commission Job Descriptions - Job descriptions for the positions of Grounds Mower and Grounds Trimmer were discussed. The Cemetery Commission hires people for the positions, and the Selectboard confirms the hiring. Pay for both positions comes from the Perpetual Care Fund. Lemon MOVED that the Selectboard approve the Grounds Trimmer and Grounds Mower job descriptions as printed. Arguimbau SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. Overview of Upcoming Appointments - Young said that the Town Clerk asked for the creation of a single document with all the appointments. R. Calcari had compiled two lists for the Board's review, one with all appointments and another with appointments that expire June 30, 2009. The Board will look over the lists and discuss any changes deemed necessary at the June 1 meeting. Calcari noted her inadvertent omission of the Town Custodian on both lists. Lemon asked Young to please contact all whose appointments are due to expire and confirm their willingness to be reappointed. 3. Selectboard Representation at Memorial Day Observance - Lemon said that a representative from the Board needs to give a brief welcoming speech at the Memorial Day observance Saturday, May 23 at 1 p.m. Arguimbau agreed to be the Board's representative. 4. Special Municipal Employee Exemptions - This issue came before the Board because Les Goodman and Terry Kemerer are testing and installing broadband systems in Town. Broadband Committee member Les Goodman, Tax Collector/Treasurer Terry Kemerer, and Library Trustee Lisa Vanderstelt have filled out the appropriate Disclosure of Financial interest by Special Municipal Employee forms required by G.L.C.268A20(c) and 20(d). The Selectboard must vote the positions as Special Municipal Employees as well as individuals holding those positions exempt under the provisions of MGL Ch. 268A#20(d). Lemon MOVED that the Board declare Les Goodman, Terry Kemerer and Lisa Vanderstelt exempt under the provisions of MGL 268#20(d). Arguimbau SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Kemerer mentioned that in a conversation he had had with a lawyer from the Ethics Commission, any Town Meeting member who works for compensation on a town-owned enterprise needs an exemption as well. Lemon MOVED that the Board designate the positions of Town Meeting Member (registered voter), Broadband Committee Member, and Library Trustee as Special Municipal Employees. Arguimbau SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. Selectboard Reports - Lemon said that last Friday samples were taken from the old Center School for an asbestos/hazmat survey paid for by the Fire Department. Minor amounts of hazardous waste, a form of asbestos called chrysotile, were identified in three areas of the building. The Firemen's Association will next solicit proposals for the required abatement, and when that is completed, they can then apply for demolition permits from the town and the Commonwealth Department of Environmental Protection. Don Matthews had arranged in 2005 for the demolition waste to be hauled away, and most likely, he will be able to make the same arrangements when the time comes. Bids for clean-up will be sought from the company that performed the survey along with others. 6. Town Coordinator Report - Young spoke first about the FY '09 fuel-oil contract. Due to measures to improve efficiency and conservation of resources, fuel oil consumption is markedly down, but the contract requires we purchase 90% of the bid for 6500 gallons. Currently we have taken delivery on 79% of the 6500 gallons, and the tanks may not be able to hold the additional 1,348 gallons that we are contractually bound to purchase. A buy-out at $4.00 per gallon is a possibility. Young praised Bill Lyman for his excellent work repairing and painting the play structure at Fellows Field. He also reported that the cell tower is now on-line and providing a broadband signal. Young has applied for a summer youth employment program grant, which would allow him to hire one young person for clerical work and another for maintenance. Young gave the Board copies of an incident report he requested be written by a resident who had had a terrifying encounter with a neighbor's dog on her property. The owner of the dog is a tenant at a rental property, and the landlord of that property had ordered the dog removed by this evening. ACO R. Calcari explained the procedure for a Nuisance Dog hearing. Lemon MOVED that per MGL 140#157 the Board authorize and hold a Nuisance Dog hearing for the brown and white intact male pit bull called "Damon", owned by Jeff Lafond of 1712 Shepardson Road, if the dog is still in Warwick by May 19, 2009. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. IV. Public Comment Williamson conveyed the importance of insuring that the humidifier for the piano in the Main Hall of Town Hall be kept plugged in at all times. Young suggested placing a sign to that effect. V. Adjournment Lemon MOVED to adjourn at 7:05 pm. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari. Patricia Lemon, Frederick H. Abbott III, Nicholas C. Arguimbau Selectboard Chair Selectboard Vice-Chair Selectboard Member Rosa Fratangelo Calcari James David Young Selectboard Secretary Town Coordinator