Town of Warwick Selectboard April 5, 2010 Draft Minutes Members present: Rick Abbott, Nick Arguimbau, Patricia Lemon (arrived at 6:06 pm) Others present: Town Coordinator David Young (arrived at 6:06 pm), Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Miryam Williamson, Dawn Magi, Jon Calcari, Paula Robinson (Athol Daily News) Call to Order Chair Arguimbau called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. in the Town Hall. Arguimbau removed the Corporate Speech item from the Selectboard Reports portion of the agenda, as this is still a work in progress and not yet ready for presentation. Lemon and Young arrived at 6:06 pm. II. Minutes Lemon MOVED to approve the minutes of March 17, 2010 with Arguimbau's corrections. Abbott SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Lemon MOVED to approve the minutes of the March 22, 2010 minutes as printed. Abbott SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Presentations/Discussions Review ATM Warrant Draft and Omnibus Budget -- Young explained changes made to the draft warrant since the last meeting. He noted that the Buildings and Energy Committee has proposed an additional warrant article for $10,000.00 to hire a building system analyst/energy auditor for the Warwick Community School. This item did not yet appear on the draft warrant, and the funding source would be Capital Stabilization. Young said that the amount requested in Article 6 was being doubled, to $10,000.00. In speaking about Article 8, he said that while the PVRS budget would be level funded, the Town's share would increase due to increased Warwick student enrollment. In discussing Article 11, Young noted that if an enterprise fund shows a deficit at the end of a fiscal year, free cash will decrease by that same amount. He spoke in favor of Article 12, saying that this would eliminate the use of a heavy truck for work for which a light truck is sufficient. Placing debt exclusion to a vote on the ballot for the May 17 annual Town election for the WCS sprinkler system and the Highway one-ton truck with dump body was mentioned. The Omnibus budget was reviewed line by line, with changes discussed and sources of funding identified. Young said he will schedule a joint meeting of the Finance Committee and the Selectboard on April 20 in hopes that the Board and Fin Comm will jointly be recommending the warrant. 2. Selectboard Reports-- Lemon announced that the NRC (Nuclear regulatory Commission) meeting has changed to April 12 at the Ramada Inn on Putney Road in Brattleboro. Young said that the meeting will be a nine hour long open house format. 3. Coordinator Report - Young said that the Fire Department intends to sell as surplus the 1980's Ford pumper/tanker. Fire Chief Lambert thinks it was purchased by the Fireman's Association, and it is unclear how the vehicle is titled. Lemon MOVED that the Town declare surplus the Town's interest, if any, in Warwick Fire Department Ford pumper/tanker truck and assign disposition to the Warwick Fireman's Association who originally paid for it. This action is taken in case the vehicle is titled in the name of the Town. The Association is delegated to trade the truck, sell it and retain the proceeds, or gift the vehicle to another municipal or not for profit entity. Abbott SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Fuel bids were submitted to the FRCOG for diesel and fuel oil. Young was looking for a Selectboard vote authorizing him to enter into the FRCOG contract at his discretion. Abbott MOVED that the Town Coordinator, in his capacity as procurement officer, be authorized to appoint FRCOG to contract on our behalf in cooperative bidding for fuel oil and diesel bids for FY 11 and further, that he be authorized to enter into a fixed price contract on behalf of the Town at his discretion. Lemon SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Lemon MOVED to authorize Tim Kilhart or David Young to submit a $42,000.00 Chapter 90 Project request for the Hockanum Road project and crumb rubber application. Abbott SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0 4. New and Other Business - None. IV. Public Comment Miryam Williamson said that she hoped future meetings would be held downstairs, where the seating arrangement is both more comfortable and spacious. V. Adjournment Lemon MOVED to adjourn the meeting at 7:57 pm. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari