Town of Warwick Selectboard April 30, 2012 Minutes Members present: Dawn Magi, Nick Arguimbau, Patricia Lemon (arrived at 6:30 pm, having depended on an erroneous email message saying the meeting would begin at 7 pm) Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Police Chief David Shoemaker, Jon Calcari I. Call to Order Chair Magi called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm in Town Hall. Public Comment None. Minutes Arguimbau MOVED to accept the minutes of the April 2, 2012 meeting as printed. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. IV. Presentations and Discussions 1. Nuisance Dog Report --ACO Rosa Fratangelo Calcari said that it would appear that the dogs at 171 Shepardson Road re no longer presenting a public safety risk due to their now being kept indoors. She said that people have called to tell her that no one actually lives in the house anymore. R. Calcari noted that she has been in contact with MSPCA Law Enforcement and has also been updating Police Chief Shoemaker on the situation. 2. Forest Legacy Conservation Restriction Contract-- Young said that he does not as yet have the contracts for the Forest Legacy conservation restrictions for the Ralph Jay property. Young noted that the contract form was reviewed and approved by Town Counsel 3. Police Mutual Aid Agreement with Winchester, NH -- Police Chief Shoemaker gave the Board copies of the new mutual aid agreement with Winchester, NH. He explained that the original agreement was executed in 2007 when Brian Peters was Police Chief. Shoemaker noted that while there is no expiration date on mutual aid agreements, the Winchester Police Chief wanted to execute a new agreement because there had been a change in Police Chiefs. Magi said that she wanted to review the agreement and vote on it at the next meeting. Appoint Member and Alternate to Regional Dog Officer Control and Kennel (DOCK) Committee--After a brief discussion of possible appointees, Chief Shoemaker recommended David Young as the Representative and Patricia Lemon as the Alternate. Magi MOVED to appoint David Young as Representative and Patricia lemon as Alternate to the DOCK Committee. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. 5. Update on WCS Energy Saving Betterment Performance Contract Proposal--Young said that Bernardston is taking the matter under advisement, and that the Northfield Buildings and Energy Committee is supportive. Young noted that Northfield's BEC's first priority is moving forward with the Green Community certification. He pointed out that there is no time limit, so the matter can continue into next year's round of town meetings. The first step in the process will be Warwick's vote at this year's ATM. 6. Highway Department Clothing Allowance and Coffee Break Policy--Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart had submitted a new coffee and food policy for the Highway Department. The policy, dated May 1, 2012, reads as follows: Coffee and Food Policy The Town of Warwick prohibits Highway employees from leaving town for the purpose of getting coffee and/or food. An exception will be allowed if an employee is going out of town to obtain parts and/or supplies for the highway department. Only one highway employee will be allowed to go get parts and/or supplies unless a vehicle is being dropped off for service or after obtaining permission from the Highway Superintendent. This policy becomes effective immediately. Kilhart had also requested a $450.00 yearly clothing allowance, and included a list of comparable allowances for some Franklin County towns. Magi said that the towns of comparable size to Warwick allow less than $500.00. Arguimbau said that the workers have earned an allowance. Arguimbau MOVED to approve the Coffee and Food Policy and a $500.00 clothing and boots allowance per full-time employee. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. Young noted that the Coffee and Food Policy will become effective May 1st, as will the clothing allowance, which will be pro-rated for the remainder of FY 12. Update on FEMA/MEMA Contracts-- Young said that the second contracts are not yet available to sign. He noted that Tim Kilhart is actively staying on top of the situation. Young said that he hopes to have the funds available for FY 13. Lemon arrived at 6:30 pm. She had been under the impression that this meeting was to begin at 7 pm. Correspondance--Young passed out invitations to several events, including the dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony for the John W. Olver Transit Center on May 4th. Chair Magi said that she will attend. Other invitations to the ribbon cutting for the North Quabbin Entrepreneurship Center in Athol on May 9th and the OSD Expo in Worcester on May 2nd will likely not be attended by any Board member. Public Hearing on Discontinuance of Maintenance of Tully Brook Road--Magi declared the hearing open at 6:37 pm. Young confirmed that all abutters had been notified of the hearing via certified mail, and that two legal notices were published in the Athol Daily News. He also pointed out that it is within the power of the Selectboard to discontinue the maintenance of town roads. He noted that upgrades to this road would be extremely expensive and could cost at least $100,000.00. Young said that Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart favored discontinuing maintenance, and that the Planning Board had voted to recommend this as well. He also said that there were no objections from the Police or Fire departments. Magi closed the hearing at 6:42 pm. Vote on Discontinuance of Maintenance of Tully Brook Road-- Lemon MOVED to discontinue maintenance of Tully Brook Road in its entirety. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Selectboard Reports--Lemon reported on the Community Preservation Act informational meeting held on April 29th. She praised Keith Ross for his presentation and handling of questions and concerns of those in attendance. Lemon noted that residents of Royalston and Phillipston had attended the meeting to share their experiences, as their towns had already voted in the CPA. IV.Adjournment At 6:51 pm, Arguimbau MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Lemon SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari