Town of Warwick Selectboard April 27, 2015 Minutes Members present: Dawn Magi, Nick Arguimbau Member Absent: Patricia Lemon Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo, Finance Committee members Rick Abbott and Bill Foote, Police Chief David Shoemaker, Bill Lyman, Fire Chief Ron Gates, PVRS Superintendent Dayle Doiron, PVRS Assistant Superintendent Gail Healy, School Committee member Martha Morse, Highway Superintendent Larry Delaney, Broadband Committee Chair Tom Wyatt, WiredWest delegate John Bradford, Steve Ruggiero, Maria Ruggiero, Vern Bass, Todd Dexter, Susan Wright, Jon Calcari, David Rainville (Greenfield Recorder), Paula Lundgren Robinson (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order Chair Magi called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm in Town Hall. Bill Lyman announced that he was recording the meeting. This meeting was posted as a Joint meeting of the Selectboard and Finance Committee, but there was no quorum achieved for the Fin. Comm. II. Public Comment Bill Lyman asked if the petition article for the Pledge of Allegiance could be placed at the beginning of the Annual Town Meeting (ATM); Magi said the warrant would be kept as is. Lyman said that he would like retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Rick Abbott to lead the Pledge of Allegiance at the meeting. III. Minutes Arguimbau MOVED to accept the minutes of April 13, 2015 and April 21, 2015 as printed. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. IV. Presentations and Discussions 1. Review of Omnibus Budget-- Young pointed out that since the meeting a week ago he increased the Police Department wage line by 1.5%, and noted that he was unable to get an ambulance donation update and therefore went with the previous year's figure. He said that he also increased the Fire Department wage by 1.5%, corrected the Fire Department budget recommended to equal the requested amount, and corrected the Police Department wage line so both recommended and requested columns contain a 1.5% increase. The Board discussed the recommended PVRS assessment it voted at the previous meeting which was a $14,712.00 cut from the requested budget assessment. Young said that if voted by two towns it would necessitate cuts to the budget of $157,000.00 resulting in layoffs for all teachers lacking "professional status", which means fewer than three years employment with our District. He said that even if this assessment reduction only cuts a "few" positions this will cause bumping and less than optimum teacher assignment. He argued that we should consider the gains made under the new contract and the minimal budget increase by the school committee and teachers union and recommended that the Selectboard and Finance Committee support the requested assessment. PVRSD Superintendent Dayle Doiron addressed the Selectboard. She reiterated much of what Young had previously stated and asked the Board to reconsider its position relative to the assessment request. Doiron said that the 2.5% increase was the lowest common denominator and pointed out that the request before the Board was slightly under 2.5%. She explained that the State does not allow a town to pay less for its minimum contribution than it did the year before. Doiron noted that there was not a unanimous position shared by the Bernardston Selectmen and Finance Committee, and that she was attending their meeting after speaking here. Arguimbau said that clearly they had done the best they could this year and asked what could be done to keep the numbers from increasing every year. Doiron said that there had been modest growth the past few years following several years of level funding. She stated that the $41,000.00 decrease in our Franklin County Tech School assessment will have to be paid to PVRSD because the minimum contribution cannot be less than the prior year's amount. Abbott deferred to others who could speak to the matter, as his wife is a teacher and he cannot speak to school issues. Fellow Finance Committee member Bill Foote said that he was sympathetic to the points made about the potential impact of cost cutting, but felt that more discussion was needed before making a final decision on a recommended figure. Young said that the Selectboard had to vote now so that the warrant could be legally posted, and pointed out that an amendment can come from town Meeting floor. Arguimbau MOVED to recommend the requested PVRSD budget as is and accept the assessment with the proviso that we expect the District to make tits best efforts next year to reduce the assessment for Warwick. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. Steve Ruggiero inquired as to why the contributory insurance number was cut in half. Young said that someone had been injured on the job and that a settlement had been reached, and that someone had come off the insurance. Arguimbau MOVED to accept the omnibus budget. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. Review of Town Meeting Warrant --Young reported that the ATM warrant has one addition recommended by Town Counsel. It reads: "Article 4: Shall the Town vote to allow town boards and commissions to appoint one of its members to a position under their supervision as allowed by MGL Chapter 268A, section 21A, or take any other action relative thereto." Young explained that we need this for the Assessors and the recommended article comes from a recent question to Town Counsel regarding having a Board of Health member act as their clerk. A Chapter 268 S 20D exemption is necessary for holding two positions in the town, but is not sufficient for a member to work for their board without this ATM permission. Arguimbau MOVED to accept the Annual Town Meeting warrant. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. The board signed seven copies of the ATM warrant, which will be signed and posted by Constable A. George Day, Jr. by this evening at 7 p.m. Coordinator Report --Young said that the Town has received and deposited the $22,000.00 Soltas settlement. He reported that he has contracted with HCOG Power for electric supply for one year at 10.75 cents. Young said that he has corresponded with Orange Court probation department regarding payment of damages for dumping and has suggested community service at the Transfer Station for the defendant if he is unable to pay. Young said that he had invited Representative Susannah Lee to our ATM. Lastly, he reported on prohibited public shade tree / scenic road cutting near Moore's Pond beach which the Planning Board and Tree Warden are investigating. Young suggested possibly making some parking where the trees had stood. Young said that because Town Counsel Jeremia Pollard has four other Annual Town Meetings on May 4th he will not be in attendance at ours, and told the Board members if they have any questions for Town Counsel they should be brought to him prior to the ATM. IV. Adjournment At 5:37 p.m., Arguimbau MOVED to adjourn. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo