Town of Warwick Selectboard April 21, 2015 Minutes Members present: Dawn Magi, Nick Arguimbau, Patricia Lemon (via remote participation) Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo, Finance Committee member Rick Abbott, Police Chief David Shoemaker, Bill Lyman, Fire Chief Ron Gates, Kim Smith, Sue O'Reilly McRae, Todd Dexter, Vern Bass, Bob Kirley, Jon Calcari I. Call to Order Chair Magi called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm in Town Hall. Bill Lyman announced that he was recording the meeting. This meeting was posted as a Joint meeting of the Selectboard and Finance Committee, but there was no quorum achieved for the Fin. Comm. II. Public Comment Fire Chief Ron Gates gave an update on the Public Safety Building. He said that he had attended a meeting with Don Matthews, Brian Gale and Fred Hayes last week. The Chief explained that the materials must be on site for Matthews to begin the digging work, and estimated that work will commence in about four weeks. Magi noted with sadness the passing of resident Richard Condon and of Board of Health clerk Linda Smith, and Ryan Gauthier, who died an in ATV accident in Warwick. III. Presentations and Discussions: FY 16 Budgets 1. Fire Department--Young said that Article 7 is a borrowing article for $25,000.00 to purchase a used fire engine from the Town of Northfield. Chief Gates said that Northfield is replacing their Engine 1 with a new truck. Engine 1 holds 1,000 gallons of water and can carry 5 fire fighters. He noted that this truck has been very well maintained, is in very good shape and comes with a greatly detailed maintenance record, and that Deputy Weld recommends purchasing Engine 1. The Chief said that if purchased, Warwick would take possession of the truck in September of 2015, once Northfield personnel's training on the new engine had been completed. Young said that this purchase would represent 10 cents on the tax rate for the next three years. Article 16 is for a transfer of $12,300.00 from Capital Stabilization to outfit and put in service a surplus Mack pumper truck. Chief Gates said that a portable pump, holding tank and fittings were necessary for the truck, which was received from the State at no cost. He said that putting this truck into service would make the department in a much better position to fight fires. This truck has a capacity of 2,800 gallons. Rick Abbott asked about Fire Department plans further down the road. Bill Lyman said that grant funds can most likely be used for some future expenses. Chief Gates said that the old Tahoe police cruiser will soon be ready for use on medical calls, which will be less expensive to run than a fire truck. Police Chief Shoemaker spoke about a new unfunded mandate that requires every school to have a School Resource Officer and have hand-held radios for communications. He said that both Police and Fire already have these radios, but WCS will need one, and that Town Hall should also have one. Chief Gates said that one mobile radio will be needed for the forestry tanker, and one for each of the three other trucks in service. Young mentioned a MBG grant that could be used to cover most of the $5,100.00 cost for the radios. Gates also said that four SCBA masks are needed at a cost of $240.00 each, along with a generator to replace the one on Engine 2. Ways to lower costs and to get some of these items figured into the Fire Department budget without a need for separate warrant articles were discussed. 2. General Government --The omnibus budget was reviewed. Young asked Town Clerk Rosa Fratangelo why the $2,500.00 requested amount for elections was not lower. She replied that the AutoMark voting machine must be present and available for use at every election, and that the Town must pay the cost for that machine in local elections. As part of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) of 2002, accessible devices that allow those with physical disabilities to vote the same as an able bodied person must be present at all Federal elections, and the State took it further and made it for all elections as of 2007. As a civil rights issue, the Town could be taken to court and/or fined if we violate HAVA. An increase in training and travel was explained as the need for a new clerk to attend more training than her predecessor Jeannette Fellows, who had held the office for 16 years. The total FY 16 requested Town Clerk budget was $84.00 less than the FY 15 appropriated budget. Young said that the Town Counsel retainer was raised from $2,800.00 to $4,000.00 because we got a new Town Counsel after the FY 15 budget was voted and to whom he had promised a higher retainer. Young noted that Computer maintenance and Repair was decreased by $500.00 and that the total Police budget was decreased by $4,715.00. Magi wanted the police personnel to be given the same 1.5% wage increase as everyone else in order to treat everyone equally. She noted that both Police and Fire had been exceptional in recent emergency events. Young said that outgoing Tree Warden Dana Songer had told him that the Roadside Cleanup line item could be reduced by $1,000.00 and his successor would be able to work with the lower figure. Young said that Chapter 90 funds could be used to cover some eligible items that formerly were a part of the departmental budget. Young pointed out that the $6,000.00 budget for veterans' benefits was budgeted for the current level. He noted that 75% will be reimbursed by the State at some point in the future. 3. PVRSD --Young said that the PVRSD assessment amount had come in at $10,000.00 lower than originally requested and was now $801,085. He said that the total budget represented about a 1% increase. Sue O'Reilly McRae asked Arguimbau what his purpose was for challenging the PVRSD assessment. Arguimbau responded that with substantial cuts from the State, the towns have to pay the costs and he wanted to send a message that we can get the votes to say "no" or else it will just continue to increase. He said that we have to make an impression on the School District that it has to find a different way to deal with cuts from the State without just shifting the burden of costs on to the member towns. He wanted to put pressure on the School Committee which would in turn put pressure on the State to fund mandates. McRae suggested joining with the School Committee in a common cause to do what is best for our students. Young said that about 80% of the budget is staff related, and if the assessments do not pass then there would be layoffs. Lyman asked the Board members what number they felt would be reasonable for our assessment. Arguimbau said last year's figure of $743,095. Young noted that the State's calculation of our minimum contribution was $41,367.00 and that the Franklin County Tech School's assessment decreased by $32,000.00 because we will have fewer students enrolled next school year. Young said that the overall education costs for Warwick was up about 4.02%. Todd Dexter asked what the bottom line on the tax rate would be for each household for the proposed PVRSD assessment, to which Young replied about $60.00 per household. Abbott said that he cannot comment or speak to the PVRSD items because his wife is a teacher. Reducing the requested assessment figure was discussed further. Young said that Bernardston wants to reduce their assessment increase to 2.5%. Lemon MOVED that we recommend an amount consistent with Bernardston's 2.5%. Arguimbau SECONDED. Lemon: AYE; Magi: AYE; Arguimbau: AYE. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Magi said that we should speak again with Bernardston. Young said that he favored getting on board with the School and not to gut Town government. Insurance--Young said that the total Insurance and Benefits line item was about $40,000.00 less, even though the Fire and Police accident line increased due to loss history which resulted in an increased premium. Lyman said that we need to keep the town running and have a community. Young said that the next meeting should be held at 5 p.m. on Monday, April 27th to allow time to have the warrant properly prepared and signed for the Constable to post at 7 p.m. IV. Adjournment At 8:27 p.m., Lemon MOVED to adjourn. Magi SECONDED. Magi: AYE; Arguimbau: AYE; Lemon: AYE. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo