Town of Warwick Selectboard April 21, 2009 Minutes Board members Present: Patricia Lemon, Rick Abbott, Nick Arguimbau Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Selectboard Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Board of Health/Finance Committee member Dick Whiting, Finance Committee member Jim Deming, Fire Chief Gunnar Lambert, Deputy Fire Chief Roland Weld, Firefighters Bill Lyman, Brad Matthews, Brian Miner, Mike Mankowski, Rich Nalweski (National Grid), Personnel Committee members George Day, Martha Morse, Arline Lincoln, Dawn Magi, Wendy Wirth, and Jon Calcari. I. Call to Order Chairwoman Lemon called the Meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. at the Warwick Free Library with two Finance Committee members (less than a quorum), all Personnel Committee members, four firefighters, and the Fire Chief in attendance. II. Minutes Lemon MOVED that the board accept the Minutes of the April 6 meeting as corrected. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. III. Presentations/Discussions 1. Firefighter Pay Petition Article - Young had passed along the board's invitation to the Finance and Personnel Committees along with the Fire Department to discuss the latter group's petition article for the Annual Town Meeting, which seeks compensation for call firefighters. Lemon said she had contacted all Franklin County towns of size similar to Warwick's regarding pay for firefighters. She found some pay at an hourly rate that varies from town to town and some of these offer EMTs a minimum number of hours per call, whereas others pay a stipend, but said there is a wide range of possibilities to consider. Fire Chief Lambert gave an overview of the issue from the Fire Department's point of view. He said firefighters had begun the discussion of pay, seeking to lessen the burden of lost wages, and out-of-pocket expenses for fuel, which has now come to a head, about two years ago. Lemon asked those present how much they give up for leaving work to answer a fire or medical emergency call. The answers ranged from $15 to $55 an hour. Lambert gave a partial breakdown of calls in 2008 based on the nature of the emergencies, which totaled up to 604 man hours. It was pointed out that if firefighters receive pay rather than reimbursements for costs incurred, they will become Town employees. Young said that because the state does not require that firefighters be covered under workmen's compensation, paying them would have no impact on the Town's insurance rate. The question of W-2 or 1099 income tax paperwork was brought up. As the discussion continued to wander further afield within the basic question, Young urged everyone to keep the focus on the petition article, which seeks a $10,000 appropriation to compensate call firefighters for responding to emergencies. Day expressed townspeople's gratitude for the men and women who have served on the Volunteer Fire Department over the past 60 years but went on to say that he is unhappy with the way this issue has been handled, using the petition-article approach instead of adding a new line item to the Fire Department budget that would, in turn, lead to review and discussions with the Selectboard and Finance Committee. At this point, Lemon suspended the discussion for a scheduled Pole Hearing, which she declared open at 6:30 pm. Chase Hill Road Pole Hearing This hearing was held to review a National Grid's proposal to move poles on Chase Hill Road. Nalewski explained that this was an action similar to the previously heard Shepardson Place proposal that had and approved by the Board. Nalewski explained that the plan was for poles and wires would be relocated from their current off-road sites to the roadside and replace failing steel conductors and that some tree trimming and tree removal would also be performed on Chase Hill Road near Athol Road. Young reported that he had corresponded with all concerned parties, and none had raised issues or concerns. Lemon Closed the Hearing and resumed the board meeting at 6:37 p.m. Arguimbau MOVED that the board approve the National Grid proposal to relocate poles on Chase Hill Road. Lemon SECONDED. Arguimbau then WITHDREW his motion due to his concern that no details were provided as to the number of trees affected by trimming or cutting. Lemon Agreed. Arguimbau then asked the other Board members to voice their opinions and thoughts on the matter. Abbott said he was fine with it, while Lemon admitted she was uneasy that there was no diagram of the proposed tree work but went on to say that because Young had contacted all parties and none of the parties involved had come forward with any complaints, she was willing to move forward. Arguimbau MOVED that the board approve National Grid's proposal to relocate poles on Chase Hill Road. Lemon SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Looking over the paperwork to be signed after the Pole Hearing, Young inquired whether anyone had been designated Clerk of the Selectboard, for the purposes of signing such documents. None having been designated, Lemon MOVED that Nick Arguimbau be authorized to act as Clerk of the Selectboard. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. Firefighter Pay Petition Article Discussion, Continued - Day suggested that an amendment could be made on Town Meeting floor specifying that if the article passed, the funds should be put on the Fire Department budget as a new line item to be administered by the Fire Chief. Deming was in complete agreement with the funds being a line item in The Fire Department budget. Agreeing, Lemon asked Day to Email her language to be used for in such an amendment. Day then said that he preferred the budget line be labeled a stipend rather than an hourly payment, expressing dissatisfaction with the rushed process, which meant the issues had not been well enough talked through. For that reason he preferred passing over the article for the purpose of further study. Whiting agreed, citing insufficient research and the need for further discussion with the Personnel Committee as reasons to pass over the article at Town Meeting and revisit it at a Special Town Meeting in a few months. Young suggested that it would be preferable to start with a stipend, a fixed amount unaffected by the number of hours worked. In reply to Lemon's query, Lambert said there are currently 12 active firefighters with the Department. Lemon then noted that $6000 would cover a $500 stipend for each firefighter. Lemon asked that the Fire Department begin submitting weekly reports as to the number of calls, responders, and hours worked to provide the board and committees with more information, yet she did not want to delay to the point of causing hardship to the firefighters. She said she would recommend the article with considerable restrictions. Abbott said the Personnel Policy would govern how payments are handled. Arguimbau was uncomfortable with all the open questions with so few answers. He favored passing over the article, but not postponing the issue more than one year. Young suggested various possible amendments to be presented on Town Meeting floor. Lambert concurred that the Fire Department needs more time to more properly formulate their proposal, and that the Special Town meeting option was agreeable to him. Deming said he wanted to see the stipend amount added to the salary line item currently in the Fire Department budget. Lemon MOVED that the board recommend on Town Meeting floor an amendment reducing the amount in the petition article to $6,000.00 for stipends. Arguimbau SECONDED. After some discussion, Lemon WITHDREW her Motion. Arguimbau Agreed. Lemon then MOVED that, provided the Finance Committee agreed to add $6,000.00 to the salary line item in Fire Department budget the Selectboard agree to recommend that the petition article be passed over. Arguimbau SECONDED, and added a friendly amendment that the words "as stipend" be included. Lemon then WITHDREW her Motion with Arguimbau's agreement. Finally, Lemon MOVED that line 180 of the FY 10 Omnibus Budget be changed to read "Stipends", that $6,000.00 be added to the $2,500.00 currently in that line item, and that the Selectboard recommend passing over the petition article (Article 20). Arguimbau SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. Formal Approval and Signing of the Annual Town Meeting Warrant - Young pointed out changes to the warrant from its most recent draft. The Right-to-Farm By-Law article had been omitted for the time being, while the article to create an Agricultural Commission remained. Arguimbau MOVED that the board approve the 2009 Annual Town Meeting Warrant as presented. Lemon SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Appointment of Trench Permitting Authority - Young explained that last year the Commonwealth had passed a law specifically defining a trench and requiring a permit be obtained in order to dig a trench. Jim Toth had agreed to serve and been appointed Trench permitting Authority at that time, but did not wish to continue in that capacity. Young explained that since trench permits need to be handled quickly, the permitting authority needs to be readily accessible, and suggested appointing himself or Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart, saying that he preferred it be Kilhart. Lemon MOVED that the board appoint Tim Kilhart Trench Permitting Authority. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. Mileage Reimbursement Rate - Young suggested that rather than come up with a new rationale every year for the Town's mileage reimbursement rate, it would be preferable to adopt a policy that would set the rate in accordance with that of the IRS. Arguimabau MOVED the Town mileage rate mirror the IRS rate. Lemon SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. Annual Town Election Warrant - All Board members signed the election warrant. IV. Reports 1. Selectboard Reports - Abbott reported that FRCOG had revised their budget and lowered employee raises to .7%. 2. Town Coordinator Report - Young had high praise for resident and Planning Board chairman Ted Cady for skillfully cutting the trees behind the underground Fire Department water tank. Cady will receive a letter of thanks from Young on the Board's behalf. This spring the solar collector that lights the Veterans' Monument and flag will be relocated to the rear of the structure to make the collector less obtrusive. Steve and Janice Kurkoski had suggested making this endeavor an educational solar electric project, which Young also favors. Young is still collecting reports on the quality of Verizon telephone service. V. Public Comment Wirth inquired whether all Selectboard meetings are open to the public, to which Lemon responded in the affirmative, explaining that such meetings are, by statute, open to all. She also explained the nature of executive sessions. VI. Adjournment At 8:07 p.m., Arguimbau MOVED that the meeting be adjourned. Lemon SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari.