Town of Warwick Selectboard April 19, 2011 Minutes Members present: Patricia Lemon, Dawn Magi, Nick Arguimbau Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Police Chief David Shoemaker, Nancy Kilhart, Jon Calcari, Dave Rainville (Greenfield Recorder) I. Call to Order Chair Arguimbau called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm in Town Hall. Public Comment None. III. Minutes Young said that he preferred the Roadside Wood Policy be included in the body of the minutes rather than being added at the conclusion of the minutes. Lemon said that the policy should be added prior to the Board's vote. Magi MOVED to approve the minutes of April 4, 2011 as amended. Lemon SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. IV. Presentations and Discussions 1. Vote to Establish Copier Donation Account -- Young requested that the Board vote to establish a copier donation account. The vendor for the new copier sent a check to pay the remaining balance owed on the old copier. Young discovered that the vendor for the old copier would charge $100.00 for early termination of the lease, and $400.00 to pick up the copier. He explained that by keeping the old copier in the Accountant's office the Town will avoid all fees. The establishment of a copier donation account will provide a proper account into which the check from the new copier vendor may be deposited and from which the remaining lease payments may be made. Once the lease in paid off in August of this year, the old copier may be offered to Town departments, or to the public at its value of $336.00. Lemon MOVED to set up Copier Donation Account. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. 2. Police Mutual Aid Agreements and New Cruiser Purchase Discussion -- Police Chief Dave Shoemaker said that he would be requesting the Board to resign mutual aid agreements already in existence between Warwick and the towns of Royalston and Winchester, New Hampshire. He pointed out that it is a good idea to renew mutual aid agreements when a new Chief is appointed. Young gave each Board member a copy of the existing mutual aid agreements. Shoemaker said that he wants to create a mutual aid agreement with Northfield, as none currently exists. He said that he has been in contact with the Northfield Police Chief regarding this matter. Chief Shoemaker explained that mutual aid is rendered only upon the request of the town seeking assistance. Arguimbau asked the Chief to please provide copies of the agreements upon which he wants the Board to vote about a week prior to the meeting at which the matter will be considered. Shoemaker also provided the Board with a copy of his latest monthly Police report. Young spoke about the police cruiser issue. He explained that the current cruiser is over ten years old and needs to be replaced, as it is no longer reliable. He said that the Finance Committee had voted to recommend a new 4-wheel drive cruiser that will be procured through the statewide bid system. The old cruiser will be kept for minor duties. Young said that he concurs with the Finance Committee in recommending Article 12 of the Annual Town Meeting warrant, which asks "Shall the Town appropriate $46,128.00 for purchase of a new four-wheel-drive police cruiser or take any other action related hereto?". Arguimbau MOVED to recommend to Town Meeting the purchase of a new four-wheel-drive police cruiser for $46,128.00. Lemon SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. 3. Review Town Report -- Lemon handed out draft copies of the FY 10 Annual Town Report for the Board members to proof read. She asked that any corrections be made and communicated to her by Thursday, April 21st. Chief Shoemaker asked that the address for all police officers be listed as 12 Athol Road. 4. More Action on Census for Secretary of State-- Young explained that there were more certifications to provide the Secretary of State's office with regards to the 2010 census and our single voting precinct. He said that all materials sent need to be attested by the Town Clerk. Documents that are required by the Secretary of State included a certified copy of the Selectboard vote, an official town boundary description, an official block listing, and a map of the single voting precinct that was sent to the Town by the Secretary of State's office. The map needed to be signed by all Board members. Lemon MOVED to approve the map and the official block listing. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 2-0-1.Lemon and Magi: AYE; Arguimbau Abstained as the road on which he resides, Kirk Road, was not on the map. 5. Selectboard Recommendations to Annual Town Meeting -- Young said that the Finance Committee has recommended the omnibus budget and all warrant articles. He gave copies of the full ATM warrant to all Board members for their signatures. Lemon MOVED to sign the Annual Town Meeting warrant. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Lemon MOVED that the Board recommends the omnibus budget and all the articles. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0 6. Sign Annual Town Meeting and Annual Town Election Warrants -- The ATM warrants were signed by all Board members. Lemon MOVED we sign the Annual Election warrant. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. The annual election warrant was signed by all three members of the Selectboard. 7. Selectboard Reports -- Arguimbau said that he noticed lots of trash accumulating along the sides of Route 78. Young noted that the Roadside Cleanup will occur soon, usually in conjunction with Earth Day. Lemon asked Magi to take over the editorial duties of the FY 11 Annual Town Report; Magi agreed to do so. Magi then reported on the Selectmen's Association meeting she attended on April 9th. She said that representative Kulick spoke briefly about Chapter 90 money and redistricting. Magi gave out copies of a handout from that meeting entitled "Improving Our Workplace: Communicating Internally and Externally". Magi said that she wanted to recognize the volunteers who serve the Town so well without financial compensation. She wanted their hard work to be publicly acknowledged. Lemon suggested expressing the Board's appreciation at the opening of the Annual Town Meeting. Magi agreed, but said that she wanted to do more besides; Arguimbau concurred. Young suggested possibly holding some type of event. Arguimbau wanted to hold a meeting with towns like Warwick that have a 3-person Selectboard and the Attorney General's Office about the Open Meeting Law and the hardships it places upon small town Boards. Young said that the only permissible discussions between Board members outside of a public meeting are those regarding scheduling and availability for meetings. 8. Coordinator Report -- Arguimbau commented on the 29% increase in our Chapter 90 apportionment, which will be $229,667.00 in FY 12. Young gave much of the credit to Ways and Means Committee Chairman Steve Brewer. There was a consensus of the Board that a thank you letter be sent from the Selectboard to Senator Brewer. 9. New and Other Business -- None. V. Adjournment At 7:07 pm, Lemon MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari