Town of Warwick Selectboard April 18, 2008 Minutes Members present: Patricia Lemon, Jim Toth, Rick Abbott Others present: David Young, Rosa Calcari, Miryam Williamson, Jim Deming, Nick Arguimbau , Chris Ryan, Dick Whiting, Jon Calcari, George Day, Paula Lundgren (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order The Meeting was called to order at 6:02pm at the Town Hall by Chairman Lemon. II. Minutes Lemon MOVED to approve the minutes of the April 7 meeting as amended and corrected. Toth Seconded. VOTED. MOVED to approve the minutes of the Executive Session of May 14, 2007. Abbott Seconded. VOTED. Toth MOVED to approve the minutes of the Executive Session of May 14, 2007. Abbott Seconded. VOTED. Toth MOVED to release the minutes of the Executive Session of May 14, 2007. Lemon Seconded. VOTED. III. Presentations/Discussions 1. Buying Green Energy for Town Hall - Toth discussed the advantages to buying green energy from New England Wind Power. He said the minimum charge is $100.00 per year, and puts the Town in the green energy pool. The $100.00 cost will be returned in the future, as incentive funds are 100% matched per household or business that signs up. If 7 more households sign up by June 30, 2008, Warwick will receive a $500.00 bonus to be used for limited energy related uses. Even if the quota of 18 accounts is not met, the Town will still receive back a percentage. Toth MOVED the Board of Selectmen authorize $100.00 payment to New England Wind Power Green Energy out of Town Hall Account. Lemon Seconded. VOTED. 2. Annual Town Election Ballot Question—Young read the proposed ballot question regarding debt exclusion for the Highway Department truck: "Shall the Town of Warwick be allowed to exempt from the provision of Proposition 2 ½, so-called, the amount required to pay for notes issued to purchase a new heavy duty dump truck and sander?". He explained that the debt exclusion would allow the Town to temporarily increase the tax levy for the length of the loan. Young stressed that the raised tax levy limit would not be permanent, it could be lowered at the end of the loan period. Toth MOVED the ballot question as read. Lemon Seconded. VOTED. 3 Review and Signing of Annual Town Election ballot for posting - The ballot was reviewed and signed by all three Board members. 4. Town Clock Update - Day reported that D'Avanza had completed repairs to the clock, and that the chimes were tested and found to be working properly. As Day showed several photographs, he said that D'Avanza recommended that the clock run for a couple of weeks without striking to see how the clock runs. A wedge has been placed to block the striking mechanism. Before leaving to check on it, Day noted that the clock had stopped just today. He later reported that it was human error, as he had inadvertently done something that caused the clock to stop. Day fixed the problem without difficulty or incident. He also said he did not want to wait until Memorial Day to set the clock chiming. It was agreed upon that the first official striking of the chimes will occur at 7 pm on Monday, May 5, to mark the start of Annual Town Meeting 2008. 5. FY 09 Omnibus Budget and Review of Warrant Articles for Annual Town Meeting - With the Finance Committee present to confer with the Selectboard, the budget was discussed at some length. Deming said that the issues he felt needed to be addressed were the manner of funding for the Highway truck and the PVRSD budget recommendations. Warrant articles were re-ordered so those relating to the proposed purchase of a new Highway truck will appear before the omnibus budget, and other related to one another grouped together. Williamson said the townspeople will want the Finance Committee recommendations in print. It was agreed that the column with the FY 09 requested figures be re-titled "Requested and Recommended", as the Selectboard and Finance Committee are recommending these numbers. Ryan noted that the $13,000.00 in overlay surplus, unused monies previously set aside to cover tax abatements, can be applied, either all or in part, to reduce the tax rate. Toth said he wanted a summary of what the Town will get for the requested increase in the Town Coordinator budget. Lemon, who submitted the request, said that the 30 hours per week upon which the budget is based, is closer to the 2004 recommendation from the Personnel Committee that this position be 32 hours per week. Deming commented that Warwick now has a professional in the position, and he should be rewarded as such. Ryan concurred, saying that Young shows every sign of moving in the desired direction. Arguimbau also expressed his approval, saying we now enjoy greater efficiency for our dollars. Toth MOVED to keep the Town Coordinator requested salary at 3.5%. Abbott Seconded. No Vote Taken. Further discussion revealed that the requested amount, if voted, would be available but the vote would not require that they be used. Lemon said the funds should be allocated to give the future Board decide to the option of making the position 30 hours per week, but thatthere has been no formal consideration of such action. Toth strongly stressed the need for discussion and consideration before committing to increased hours, saying this might make it a new position that would require posting and a new round of applicant interviews. He then amended his motion, which did not require a vote given that the seconder, Abbott's concurred: Toth Moved the Board support the amount for the Town Coordinator salary as requested, with the recommendation that the new Board review job description and adhere to personnel Policy in filling the position. Abbott Seconded. VOTED. Abbott noted that Article 34 should be designated as "by petition". In the discussion of Articles 21-23, which deal with retiree health insurance, Young said that Town Counsel Fred Dupere advised that the Town must first adopt the provisions of MGL 32B:9A and MGL 32B:18 prior to defining what the Town actually wants to offer for eligible coverage. Lemon MOVED the Annual Town Meeting warrant be posted as discussed and amended. Toth Seconded. VOTED. Board members will go into Town Hall individually to sign the revised warrant, which Young said should be ready by the end of business Tuesday, April 22. 6. Economic Target Area Application - Young said this program will make Warwick residents eligible for tax benefits and will allow developers to secure tax increment financing. This will serve as economic development tool for the Town. A letter addressed to George K. Mazareas, the Director of Economic Assistance, requesting that Warwick be designated an Economic Target Area awaited signature. Toth MOVED to authorize Patricia Lemon to sign the letter on behalf of the Selectboard. Abbott Seconded. VOTED. 7. Town Treasurer - Treasurer Dana Robinson submitted his resignation, as he is taking a fulltime job as CFO at Pete's Tire Barn, beginning Monday, April 21. He agreed to remain Treasurer until a new one could be appointed, and to assist in the transition. Lemon said that Robinson recommended appointing Tax Collector Terry Kemerer to the position. Toth expressed adamant opposition to the appointment of Kemerer. Young presented the Board with copies of the Town's Personnel Policy, which was reviewed for the purposes of making a temporary appointment. Lemon MOVED to appoint Terry Kemerer as Temporary Treasurer to finish out the term of appointment of Dana Robinson, which is June 30, 2008. Abbot Seconded. Lemon: AYE. Abbott: AYE. Toth: NAY. VOTED. The position is already posted on the public bulletin board, and will be advertised in the Warwick Community Newsletter and Athol Daily News, with an application deadline of May 19, 2008. 8. Employee Evaluations – Lemon said that it is time to begin employee evaluations for Accountant Janice Barrett and Tax Collector Terry Kemerer. She wanted Young to begin formulating the outline for the evaluation. Lemon MOVED to authorize David Young to begin work on the employee evaluation process for Janice Barrett and Terry Kemerer. Abbott Seconded. Lemon: AYE. Abbott: AYE. Toth: NAY. VOTED. 9. Selectboard Reports - Lemon discussed the four proposed designs for a Town flag. She wants to have a display the designs at Annual Town Meeting or Annual Town Election which shows and ask townspeople to vote their preference, much as was done with the "Welcome to Warwick" sign at 2007 Old Home Days. Toth reported that the Perambulation of Boundaries has resumed. Toth, Mary Williamson and Nick Arguimbau perambulated boundaries today, and plan to continue Wednesday, April 23, at 9 am, leaving from Arguimbau's property on Kirk Road. Sunday, May 4 has also been slated for perambulation. Toth MOVED the Board appoint Nick Arguimbau as a Designated Perambulator. Lemon Seconded. VOTED. Abbott spoke of his interest in meeting with Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart to discuss long range plans for use of Chapter 90 funds and the development of a plan for replacement of vehicles, equipment, and parts. 10. Town Coordinator Report - Young has ordered hosted voice mail for Town Hall, and prepared am office space in the Board Room for Building Inspector Lorne Petrain. He has printed post cards for the Annual Town Meeting notifications, which will be mailed out next week after Selectboard Secretary Rosa Calcari has placed mailing labels and postage on them. Young also reported meeting with Moderator Al Mexcur to review the ATM warrant, and attending a STAM meeting on highway grants. Young said he developed a "best case" budget reflecting a potential increase in state grant [reimbursement] to mitigate the Town's payments on the Community School bond debt, which will be adjusted prior to setting the tax rate next Fall. He reported processing the final payment request for Philip D'Avanza's clock repair and expressed his appreciation of Accountant Janice Barrett's having gone back into the warrant after she had completed it to add the invoice, which will allow it to be paid in full this coming week. to the warrant, even though this required her. Young also said he had forwarded a FRCOG highway map and Emergency management map to the Planning Board for review. IV. Public Comment None. V. Adjournment Toth MOVED at 9:15 pm. to adjourn the meeting. Abbott Seconded. VOTED. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari Patricia Lemon, Frederick H. Abbott III, Nicholas Clapp Arguimbau, Selectboard Chair Selectboard Member Selectboard Member Rosa Fratangelo Calcari James David Young Selectboard Secretary Town Coordinator