Town of Warwick Selectboard April 17, 2012 Minutes Members present: Dawn Magi, Patricia Lemon (arrived at 6:09 pm), Nick Arguimbau (arrived at 6:29 pm) Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Jessica Foote, Noah Foote, Jon Calcari I. Call to Order Chair Magi called the meeting to order at 6:10 pm in Town Hall. Public Comment None. Minutes Magi MOVED to accept the minutes of the Joint Selectboard/Finance Committee meeting of April 10, 2012 as printed. Lemon SECONDED. Motion CARRIED by a vote of 2-0-0. Lemon MOVED to accept the minutes of April 2, 2012 as printed. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED by a vote of 2-0-0 IV. Presentations and Discussions 1. Recreation Committee Appointment --Young introduced Recreation Committee member Jessica Foote, who in turn introduced her infant son Noah, whom she brought to the meeting. Young explained that the Rec Committee should have three members, but with the vacancy left by David Lambert, only Foote and Erica Cooke are currently on the committee. Colin Killay has been nominated for appointment by Foote and Cooke, and Young recommended that the Board vote to appoint Killay, who is willing to accept an appointment. Killay currently serves as the coach for both basketball and baseball. Magi MOVED to appoint Colin Killay to the unexpired term on the Recreation Committee previously held by David Lambert. Lemon SECONDED. Motion CARRIED by a vote of 2-0-0. Foote said that Rodney Hunt is the sponsor for the uniforms and hats for the baseball team. She also said that Colin Killay brings great energy to the Rec Committee, co-coached the baseball team last year and now is the sole coach for the team. Foote also said that Mindy Gibbons is helping out with a summer soccer program, and noted that more families are getting involved in Rec Committee activities. Lemon mentioned the 250th anniversary planning, and asked Foote if the Rec Committee might be willing to help get the children to rehearse old-style games and dances to be incorporated into part of the anniversary celebrations next year. Magi asked Foote to attend the next planning meeting on Thursday, April 19th. Foote agreed to attend the meetings on behalf of the Rec Committee. GLC Insurance Letter-- Young explained that GLC is the default city/town/state health insurance provider. The Town received a letter from the state regarding Warwick's choice of a health insurance provider. The State is pushing for GLC as a cost-saving measure. Young said that we are insured through the Hampshire Council of Governments, and save more than $9,000.00 per year over the GLC option. Young asked that the Board sign a report from our insurer that documents the cost savings and should satisfy the State's inquiry into the matter. Lemon MOVED that Board members sign this letter. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED by a vote of 2-0-0. Update on KyleWhittier, Kim Gravelle and "Dozer" the Dog -- Animal Control Officer Rosa Fratangelo Calcari informed the Board that as of earlier in the day "Dozer" the dog and another dog "Koda" were still heard barking inside the house at 171 Shepardson Road, despite the appearance that no one is actually living there at this point. She explained that MSPCA Law Enforcement had been contacted to check into the situation, but because Whittier and Gravelle each contacted him and told him that Gravelle still resided at that address, that both dogs were now hers and that she wanted to keep both dogs, investigator Sergeant Peter Oberton will have no further dealings with the matter. Calcari said that certified letters she sent to Whittier and Gravelle have not yet been picked up. Lemon asked if from a public safety standpoint the issue seemed to be under control, to which Calcari replied in the affirmative due to the dogs apparently never being let out of the house. Magi asked that Calcari update property owner Paul Hadsel, Jr., and Young concurred. Calcari said that she will contact Hadsel and keep an eye on the situation, as she explained that there is still the issue of animal welfare involved. Arguimbau arrived during this discussion. Update on WCS Performance Contract Proposal--Young said that he attended a Bernardston Selectboard meeting and presented the performance contract concept to the Board members, who are taking the matter under advisement. Young noted that the Buildings and Energy Committee is meeting with their counterparts in Northfield, and that Jim Toth is cultivating a relationship with Leyden. Young said that while headway is being made, this matter will continue into next year, as the agreement of all towns must be voted at town meeting. 5. ATM and Annual Election Warrants--Young said that due to the Patriots Day holiday yesterday, he did not see Town Clerk Jeannette Fellows and has yet to obtain the election warrant. He noted that the ballot was ready, and he would make the warrant available for Board members' signatures as soon as possible. Young said that while the warrants are not required to be posted until April 30th, he suggested that the Board sign at this meeting. Lemon MOVED that Board members sign the Annual Town Meeting warrant and authorize the signing of the Election warrant. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED by a vote of 3-0-0. 6. Selectboard Reports--Magi said that she attended a meeting of the FRCOG Personnel Committee last week. She said that two positions are up for promotion, and that an increase was approved for Executive Director Linda Dunleavy. Arguimbau said that he was very happy to see that Colin Killay had been appointed to the Rec Committee. Coordinator Report-- In response to a question from Arguimbau, Young said that Mr. Silva had contacted him regarding the ZBA special permit for a temporary living facility, and that he expects things to advance at a pace acceptable to Arguimbau. Young also said that he and Tim Kilhart picked up some used furniture from FRCOG. Young explained that a member of the Highway crew is out with a back injury. He recommended that, in view of the upcoming paving and gravel projects that the Board authorize the hiring of a temporary worker to fill in until the crew member's return. He pointed out that this would not alter the Highway budget, and would allow Tim to tackle the projects with a full crew. Lemon MOVED to authorize the Highway Department to hire a temporary full time truck driver/laborer to fill in, as needed, for an injured worker during the regular employee's period of convalescence. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. The subject of appointment requirements for Registrars of Voters was discussed. Janet Conover had questioned the appropriate length of appointment for these positions, contending that these are three-year appointments, although the Town report lists them as serving one-year terms. Young explained that our current Registrars of Voters include one Republican, one Democrat, and one Unenrolled. He also pointed out that the Town Clerk is automatically a Registrar of Voters as well. There was a consensus of the Board that before the next round of appointments, the proper length of term for Registrar of Voters will be checked into. IV.Adjournment At 6:54 pm, Lemon MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED by a vote of 3-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari