Town of Warwick Selectboard April 10, 2017 Minutes Members present: Dawn Magi, James Erviti, Lawrence Pruyne Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo, Treasurer Beth Gilgun, Town Forest Committee member Keith Ross, Police Chief David Shoemaker, Highway Superintendent Larry Delaney, Broadband Committee member Tom Wyatt, Conservation Commission member Gregory Brodski, Planning Board Chair Ted Cady, Finance Committee member Steve Ruggiero, Colin Killay, James Kilroy, Lisa Vandersteldt, Olivier Flagollet, Jennifer Core, Clare Green, Bob Croke, Jon Calcari, Jared Robinson (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order Chair Magi called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Hall. II. Minutes Erviti MOVED to approve the minutes of March 20, 2017, March 27, 2017 and April 3, 2017 as printed. Pruyne SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. III.Presentations and Discussions 1. Execute Annual Town Election Warrant--The three Board members signed six copies of the Annual Town Election warrant and returned them to Town Clerk Rosa Fratangelo to be given to Constable George Day for his signature and posting. 2. Town Forest Committee --Keith Ross told the Board that the Town Forest Committee had taken the recommendation of the forester for the Town Forest timber sale. He said 21 bid notices were sent out and 7 were received for a 31,000 board- foot sale. Ross said the top bidder was Paul Davis and noted that everything will be chipped so very little debris would be left behind. He said the Town Forest Committee recommended that the Selectboard accept Paul Davis's bid of $4,700.00. Erviti MOVED to accept the $4,700.00 bid from Paul Davis. Pruyne SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 3. Surplus Property Declaration --Young said that the new Town Hall refrigerator will arrive tomorrow and the vendor will haul away the old one as was done with the old stove. He said that Janice Kurkoski recommended the old fridge be taken out of service and recycled properly. Young pointed out that the Board must vote to declare the refrigerator surplus property before it can be hauled away. Pruyne MOVED to declare the old Town Hall refrigerator surplus property. Erviti SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 4. County Emergency Dispatch Study --Police Chief David Shoemaker said that this is a feasibility study to go to a County emergency dispatch through the Greenfield Police Department. He said that he concurs with other Police and Fire Chiefs who recommend participating in this study. The Chief noted that this system would enhance or even replace Shelburne Control. Young pointed out that this is just a study and not a foregone conclusion and said the study will be done at no cost to the Town. Shoemaker noted that more participants will yield more accurate results. Erviti MOVED to participate in the County Emergency Dispatch Study. Pruyne SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 5. Highway Department--Highway Superintendent Larry Delaney said that he was not aware of a salt ban in the village center, but once it was brought to his attention an employee who has worked here longer showed him pictures of signs that used to be up. Delaney said that he will go back to a salt ban if it is desired. He noted that in his tenure on the Highway Department his use of salt or the amount put down on the roads has not increased. Olivier Flagollet said that he and his wife understood there was a no salt area and they were pleased by this when they were considering buying their home. He noted that the grass by the side of the road where his chicken like to eat used to be lush but since 2013 when the no salt signs disappeared the grass is dying and he has heard of wells being polluted due to contamination by road salt. Flagollet said he has spoken with people who told him that they voted for an ordinance for a no salt area and asked it once again enforced and signs be put back up as soon as possible because he wants to keep clean water here in Town. Young said that to the best of his knowledge no ordinance exists but that there did used to be signs for the village center. He said unless it was missed on a list compiled by the Town Secretary, no Selectboard policy has been enacted since 2000 regarding a salt ban and there is nothing in any Town Meeting minutes since 1991. Young noted there could have been a Selectboard voted policy in the early to mid-1990's. Flagollet said that his understanding of the collective memory of townspeople with whom he has talked is that an ordinance was passed in the mid-1980's. Jennifer Core said that many homes are near the road and the wells are exposed to road salt. Young said that from a budgetary standpoint it would be helpful to reduce the use of salt in the village center and that eliminating the use of salt on all roads merits consideration as it would cause people to slow down and buy good tires for safer driving. Erviti said that it is sufficient to plow, scrape and sand. Use of salt on dirt roads was briefly discussed. Delaney said that salt is not used on dirt roads, and that he informed the employee who did use salt on dirt roads for the school bus not to do it in the future. Jim Kilroy said that his well has been noticeably affected and is having testing done because of his business (the Barn Owl). He noted he does not serve his customers water from the well. Lisa Vandersteldt said that with regards to salt anything above 20 parts per liter is not good, especially for those with heart conditions and that Chris Ryan tested in 2001 and found 140 parts per liter and 115 parts per liter a few years later. Bob Croke said that his well is 100 feet deep and for the first time he now notices a salty taste to the water. Clare Green said that Gunner and Ann Lambert had to purchase a special spigot to purify the water due to high salt content. Young said that in late 2007 former Selectman Jim Toth, an engineer, told him that Warwick was second only to Greenfield in the purchase and use of salt in Franklin County. Ted Cady said there was a salt problem years ago and we may need a policy enacted before next winter season as the Selectboard has a responsibility to either identify and reinstate the old policy or develop a new one. Magi said that we should see if the old policy can be found; Young said if found it could be used to inform the new policy but otherwise a new one should be developed. Colin Killay said that other more natural products can be used but they are extremely temperature sensitive which can prove problematic. Delaney said that the DEP considers sand to be more polluting to the environment than salt. Cady said that the high concentration of older people in Town and shallow wells close to the road results in polluted water for those already more susceptible to high blood pressure and other medical conditions that are exacerbated by salt. He noted that the Board has a duty of care for the residents. Delaney said that over time snow and slush builds up without the use of salt. Magi said research into alternatives should be done and that the Board needs to study on the matter as we cannot have polluted wells. Delaney said that the ratio used is 2 buckets of sand and one bucket of salt mixed together as needed before a storm based on forecasted temperature. He said he could try reducing the ratio further. Pruyne said that wells must be safeguarded. Core said that a clear policy will provide continuity and all people will know what to expect. Delaney assured the Board that any area designated as a no salt zone will be a no salt zone and that new signs would be needed for the zones as well as signs warning of no salt zones ahead. Young said that he will gather information and do more research so the Board can revisit the issue after Annual Town Meeting. Young said that people with complaints about the Highway Department should first go directly to Superintendent Delaney. Forms for the reporting of complaints used by former Superintendent Tim Kilhart have been located and will be used by Delaney from now on. Delaney said that he is posting daily reports for the highway workers so the road crew knows what work will be done. Young said that the current snow and ice deficit stands close to $39,000.00 and noted that there is $36,000.00 unspent in wages and $25,000.00 underspent in highway expenses. He said that Town Counsel gave a legal opinion that because Town Meeting votes a categorical budget rather than a line item budget the Board can vote to allow the reallocation of these funds to cover the snow and ice deficit. Erviti MOVED to manipulate line items including wages within the Highway budget to zero out the snow and ice deficit. Pruyne SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Delaney said that he got a cold visit last week from a truck dealer and that the ball park figure for a new truck designed for a wing plow would be $200,000.00. He noted that the 2014 and 2009 trucks do not have stainless steel bodies and therefore neither have trade-in value. Delaney said that the 2009 truck body is rotting away and that significant repairs or replacement of the current body will be necessary. 6. Closing of Annual Town Meeting Warrant--Magi inquired whether there were any petition articles to be brought forward; there were none. Erviti MOVED to close the Annual Town Meeting Warrant. Pruyne SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 7. Conservation Commission--Conservation Commission member Gregory Brodski said that an enforcement order had been issued for the Killay property on Orange Road because they had started to change a stream bed and the DEP requires stream crossings to meet a certain standard. There is a huge water flow from the cemetery onto the Killay property. Delaney said that the flow of roadside water could be diverted to the other side of the road with two culverts. He noted that one culvert would work, but the location of the second may not have a suitable grade to make the culvert functional. Delaney said that the landowner needs to be contacted for his written permission of culvert placement, and that the pipe is sitting in the yard and a backhoe is available. He said the water needed to be moved from the west side of Orange Road to the east side. It was noted that the water that comes from the cemetery is under the purview of the Cemetery Commission. Brodski said that the cemetery drainage is more problematic due to the DEP's stream crossing standards. Colin Killay said that the water comes down onto his property from the hill. He said that he met with Delaney and members of the Conservation Commission last Thursday to try to decide what to do about the water flow onto his property and how to divert the flow of water to end the washouts on his land. Killay said that he was looking for the Town to take care of the water problem and at least slow the flow of water, and that he was looking for a plan and some guidance. Shoemaker said that he was asked to attend as a member of the Cemetery Commission but he is not informed enough to comment on the matter at this time. Erviti said that he would like copies of Conservation Commission minutes regarding this issue; Shoemaker said he would also like copies. Delaney said that everything flows on to one corner of the Killay property. Young said the issue is mostly for the landowner, Highway Department, Conservation Commission and Cemetery Commission. 8. Review of Omnibus Budget--Young said that this warrant has twenty-three articles and that no petition articles were submitted to him, the Selectboard or the Town Clerk. He noted that he level funded requested amounts for the Accountant in the Mileage and Meeting/Conference line items. Young said that there is a $3,000.00 increase for Fire and Police Accident insurance. He said the figure for line 475 needs to be verified after checking the Governor's FY 18 budget. Young pointed out that the total for Fire Department articles is $7,800.00 excluding the brush truck. 9. Review of Town Meeting Warrant--A meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, April 18 at 3 p.m. for final review and execution of the May 1, 2017 Annual Town Meeting warrant. 10. Selectboard Reports--Erviti said that the Treasurer should be producing the payroll warrant while the Accountant reviews it, but currently it is being done in the reverse where the Accountant handles the warrant and the Treasurer reviews it. Erviti said a shift must occur. He noted that per the new Personnel Policy there is a necessity to appoint an immediate supervisor for the Accountant. Erviti said it needs to be someone who is in Town Hall when the Accountant is in her office and wanted to assign the supervisory role to David Young. He said that should an issue arise the Accountant must be able to have immediate contact with her supervisor. Pruyne MOVED to have the Town Coordinator be the immediate supervisor of the Town Accountant. Erviti SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Young said that the Accountant has been catching up but needs some work with prioritization and scheduling of office hours. Erviti said that the Accountant's job description also needs to be better defined as well. Magi announced that she would have to resign from the HEART Study Committee due to an issue with her back. Young said he would put a notice in the May newsletter looking for someone to replace Magi. In response to a question asked at the last meeting, Magi said that HEART stands for Honest Education And Retaining Trust. 11. Coordinator Report -- No report given this meeting. 12. Public Comment--Ruggiero spoke about water running across the Northfield Road. He asked Delaney if a culvert could be placed from the intersection of Flower Hill Road to the recent work done on Northfield Road. Delaney said that work on Northfield Road was interrupted by the winter season and will be completed this year once the ground has thawed out and dried out. Ruggiero noted that to keep a three-man crew will save on the Highway Department wage line item. He suggested tha6t either Tech School students or a retired person be hired to fuel and wash the trucks and perform minor mechanical repairs so the trucks are ready to go each morning and free up time for more work by the Highway workers. Delaney noted that students cannot move the equipment. 13. New and Other Business Unanticipated at Time of Meeting Posting --None. IV.Adjournment At 7:57 p.m., Pruyne MOVED to adjourn. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Documents consulted at this meeting: *Draft Minutes of Selectboard meetings: March 20, 2017, March 27, 2017 and April 3, 2017 *Coordinator Report dated April 6, 2017 *DRAFT FY 18 Omnibus budget *DRAFT Warrant for May 1, 2017 Annual Town Meeting *Email from Town Counsel Jeremia Pollard to David Young dated April 3, 2017 Re: need opinion *Email from David Young to Jeremia Pollard dated March 2, 2017 Re: wage versus expense line items *Email from Janice Kurkoski to David Young dated April 8, 2017 Re: old fridge *Town of Warwick Timber Bid Results April 7, 2017 *Broadband Report dated April 10, 2017