Town of Warwick Selectboard March 9, 2009 Minutes Present: Board members: Members present: Patricia Lemon, Rick Abbott; Nick Arguimbau Others: Town Coordinator David Young, Selectboard Secretary Rosa Calcari, Dawn Magi, Jon Calcari I. Call to Order Chairman Lemon called the Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Warwick Free Library. II. Minutes Lemon MOVED to accept the Minutes of the February 23 meeting as printed and distributed. Arguimbau SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Lemon noted the death of Lee Joslin, who passed away March 4, 2009. III. Presentations/Discussions 1. Reconsideration of Recommended FY 10 Salary Increases - Young said that, due to more updated economic considerations, the Finance Committee had recently recommended lowering the recommended salary increases from the 5.4% previously agreed upon by the Board to 3%. Lemon agreed that it would be desirable for the FinComm and Selectboard to agree on a figure. Magi noted that these are not ordinary times, and surrounding towns are not giving any increases at all. Abbott said the FRCOG cost of living increase is 1.7% for the next fiscal year. Lemon said she preferred to wait until the first meeting in April to make a final recommendation, and Arguimbau was emphatic that employees should be assured that town officials must, and will, do everything possible to avoid layoffs. Arguimbau MOVED that the board reduce the recommended figure to 2% and request the Finance Committee to do the same, alert departments this has been done, and emphasize all this is being done with the understanding we will make every effort to avoid layoffs during the recession. Lemon SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. Adoption of Policy Regarding Worker Safety - Young said that a policy that provides incentives to work safely and avoid accidents will result in a reduction in workmen's compensation premiums of 5% per credit, for a maximum overall reduction of 20%. He explained that we get credits for agreeing to report incidents within 5 days, for being open to the insurer's loss control recommendations, for the a new employee-orientation procedure developed by Young and Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart, and for a worker safety reward or penalty policy. The adoption of a punitive policy would send a negative message, and, therefore, Young preferred a policy promoting worker safety in a positive manner. Abbott expressed considerable concern about injuries that are not the fault of the person injured. Arguimbau MOVED that the board adopt a worker safety violation policy that rewards employees in higher risk jobs (highway and transfer station) with incentives for working injury free. Lemon SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Adoption of Fairness Policy Regarding Use of Town Buildings - Recently, a group of citizens met at the Library during regular business hours for a letter-writing campaign against the re-licensing of VT Yankee Nuclear Power Plant. Despite the fact that this public facility is also open to competing interests, a resident complained to the Town Coordinator that this was an action of an unregistered PAC that should not be allowed to use a Town facility without paying a fee, and also threatened "a formal complaint to State Ethics." Young asked the State Ethics Commission for an opinion. The Commission urged the adoption of a written policy similar to the American Library Association code adopted earlier by the Free Library trustees. Young advised that, based on his consultation with the State Ethics Commission representative, he felt the Town would be very well served by the adoption of a policy that applies to all town buildings. Lemon MOVED that the board adopt the a fairness policy regarding use/rental of Town buildings: "The Town of Warwick does not discriminate against groups or individuals in use of facilities on the basis of origins, age, background, views, beliefs, or affiliations." Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. Authorization to Borrow Used Truck and Sander from Town of Gill - Young explained that during routine maintenance, it was discovered that the new International Harvester truck had sustained damage to the transmission and bell housings. The truck is currently at the dealer's establishment, and the estimated repair is $14,000.00. The transmission must be returned to the manufacturer. The dealer (Nutmeg) claimed this damage was not covered by warranty; Young filed an insurance claim. Kilhart was looking for help from another town to provide some sanding coverage, and Gill came forward with an offer to lend us under our mutual-aid agreement a 1989 sanding truck they were retiring. Warwick will not be charged, but will be responsible for any damage. The truck, picked up early on Monday, will be operated by our Highway crew and be used solely to sand the roads. Arguimbau MOVED that the board accept with thanks the Town of Gill's offer of mutual-aid use of its heavy-duty sander truck. Lemon SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. Animal Inspector Appointment - The Board of Selectmen must appoint an Inspector of Animals annually for confirmation by the Bureau of Animal Health in Boston. Lemon MOVED to appoint Rosa Fratangelo Calcari Inspector of Animals for the term of one year ending April 30, 2010. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Rabies Clinic - About four years ago, a previous Selectboard adopted a policy prohibiting pets other than service dogs in all town buildings. Since then, a yearly vote was taken by the Board to allow pets in the building used for the annual Rabies Clinic. Arguimbau MOVED to make a policy exemption and allow pets in any Town building used during the annual Rabies Clinic. Lemon SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. IV. Reports 1. Selectboard Reports - Arguimbau said that he and Young had met with Highway Superintendent Kilhart to follow up on the snow-and-ice report. He was particularly pleased with Kilhart's report that his crew members like the increased use of compensatory time and the decreased use of overtime. Arguimbau also said that Kilhart feels the complaint system is working well, as he likes that complaints now come to him first. 2. Town Coordinator Report - Young spoke about the use of community policing grant funds that had either to be spent or returned to the State. He cited the building and maintenance of a positive relationship between children and police officers as the reason that he and Police Chief Brian Peters choose to spend $5,000.00 of grant funds on a video projection system. This system, which will be installed in Town Hall, includes a custom made 90" x 160" wide screen and a projector, and will be tied in to the existing sound system. Peters' main concern was security, that this system would not get stolen, so it will be alarmed as well. This will be available for non-commercial use, and also has training applications. Young said he had begun research on CCTV system/video surveillance for Warwick Community School as a preventative measure and deterrent to break-ins. He said that the cost for available hardware for stations and recording starts at about $1,000.00. V. Public Comment None. VI. Adjournment At 7:17 pm Lemon MOVED that the meeting be adjourned. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari. Patricia Lemon Frederick H. Abbott III Nicholas C. Arguimbau Selectboard Chair Selectboard Vice-Chair Selectboard Member Rosa Fratangelo Calcari James David Young Selectboard Secretary Town Coordinator