Town of Warwick Selectboard March 24, 2008 Minutes Members present: Jim Toth, Rick Abbott Absent: Patricia Lemon Others present: David Young, Rosa Calcari, Miryam Williamson, Nick Arguimbau , Jon Calcari, Jack Cadwell, Janice Kurkoski, Michael Humphries, and Paula Lundgren (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order The Meeting was called to order at 6:04pm at the Town Hall by Vice Chairman Toth. II. Minutes Abbott MOVED to approve the minutes of the March 10 meeting as printed. Toth Seconded. VOTED. III. Presentations/Discussions 1. Consultant Report, WCS Sprinkler System - Toth reported on the inspection of the dry system conducted on March 20 by Bob Bussolari, Mike Dobbert, and Steve Field, with assistance from Tim Fairman. Toth read an Email sent to him by Bussolari, who wrote that "Dobbert appears to have corrected the piping runs that caused the problems two years ago." It was also noted that some hidden piping near the drains were found to be incorrectly sloped. Further work will be done by Dobbert, who will personally inspect the entire system to ensure all pipes are properly sloped. Toth explained that the issue of corrosion still needs to be addressed, but expressed optimism that the job is being done well. The system test will be conducted between April 22 and 24, and will consist of a 24-hour pneumatic test for leaks at 40 psi, followed by a 2-hour hydrostatic test at 200 psi. Assuming all work is done and the tests are successful, the system will be operational the week of April 28. 2. Building and Energy Priorities List - Kurkoski presented a list of priorities developed by the Buildings and Energy Committee regarding maintenance and repairs to Town Hall. The top five issues to be addressed are: Chimney Flashing and Roof; Insulation; Storm Windows; Interior Windows; Building Exterior. Kurkoski explained that the current roof shingles are about 22 years old, and are rated for 25 years. She said that the rotten tin around the chimney is causing leakage, but the building is not yet structurally compromised. Two approaches to this problem were discussed, the first of which would involve ripping off the existing shingles, laying down an ice and water shield, adding eave, sophet and gable vents, and putting down 50-year shingles, all at an estimated cost of $37,000.00. The second option would be to place a layer of 25-year shingles over the existing ones, plus adding shingle caps, at an estimated cost of $23,000.00. Kurkoski said that the exterior walls of the Main Hall, including the backstage area, and the offices need to be insulated. The estimated cost of this work is $5,300.00. She said heavy duty storm windows need to be installed on all windows. Cadwell said that all-aluminum storm windows are sturdy, seal better and will create a tight building envelope. The estimated cost for 45 storm windows is between $10,000.00 and $11,000.00. Cadwell noted that these are non-prevailing wage estimates. He said that the materials will cost about $8,140.00, and that there will be some volunteer labor to help take out the old windows. Kurkoski also mentioned new interior windows, and painting and carpentry repairs to the exterior of Town Hall. Estimated cost of scraping and painting, presuming there is no lead paint issues, is $18,765.00. Toth discussed the DOER energy audit, saying that while Warwick is now at the head of the queue, there are no available funds until July 1, 2008. Any money expended by the Town prior to the audit will not be matched. The performance contracting option was also mentioned, as it is a far more in depth audit than what has been performed to date. Cadwell asked when the Town Hall roof could be fixed, to which Toth responded that an application of "black goop" and flashing could last one year. Young said that there is about $5,000.00 in Town Hall Improvements Account, which is more than sufficient to address this issue short-term. 3. Legal Funds for Possible Litigation - Young explained that there are two zoning enforcement issues. One is an illegal trailer, the other an illegal dwelling; both are long-standing violations that need to be addressed. All other avenues and options have been exhausted by the Building Inspector. Toth Moved that the Selectboard authorize Town Counsel to draft legal motions on behalf of the Building Inspector in his zoning enforcement capacity so that the Building Inspector may begin litigation in two zoning enforcement cases; and to authorize Town Counsel to bill the Town's legal reserve expense line item for said work. Abbott Seconded. VOTED. 4. James Fuller Bronze Portrait - Young said that the Warwick Library currently has a collection of diaries and other items from the Fuller family on display. The Library would like to have the bronze portrait to be a part of the exhibit. Toth Moved that the bronze portrait of James Edward Fuller, architect of the Warwick Town Hall, which is located in the Town Hall entrance, be loaned to the Warwick Free Public Library for the duration of the Fuller exhibit. Abbott Seconded. VOTED. 5. Revisit Speed Zone Discussion - Toth said that this discussion revisits a hearing held a year ago, in which any decision by the Board was postponed in order to allow the Police Department to conduct speed studies in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws and MassHighway procedures. Toth's proposed road signage stems from discussions he has had with Police Chief Brian Peters. The two men agreed that the Town should adopt the provisions of MGL 90:17 and no other speed zones would be established under authority of MGL 90:18. Toth's proposal is as follows: post black-on-white 40 MPH signs with a second panel reading UNLESS OTHERWISE POSTED. Only the paved roads would be posted where they enter the Town. Two areas with THICKLY SETTLED signs with 30 MPH black-on-yellow advisory panels would be placed in the Village Center and Moore's Pond area. The School zone would remain as is (20 MPH). Toth defined the Moore's Pond area to be Wendell Road, from the Pine Street intersection to the Magi home. Toth is asking Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart to estimate the costs associated with the purchase of the proposed signs and posts. Should this proposal receive an affirmative vote from the Selectboard, Toth will propose a Town Meeting warrant article to raise and appropriate funds for the signs rather than have the money come out of the Highway budget. Williamson urged simplicity, consistency, and the removal of all ambiguities. Young said he had spoken at length with Lemon, who told him she would be comfortable with the Board making a decision at this meeting. Abbott wanted time to study on the proposal before discussing the issue further at a future meeting. 6. Heritage Landscape Inventory Program Update - Toth spoke about the March 20 site review, when consultants and townspeople visited all specified priority sites, plus some "also-rans". Toth asked for assistance in locating old maps that show the locations of all mill sites. 7. Annual Town Meeting Warrant - Young said that five new articles have been submitted: a petition article to decommission Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant, two articles from the Franklin County Technical School, one from the Tax Collector, and one from the Building Inspector. Toth Moved to close the Annual Town Meeting Warrant. Abbott Seconded. VOTED. 8. Town Coordinator Report - Young said that the Scanlon CPA Firm who performed the most recent audit sent him an extensive spreadsheet detailing the Town's capital property, which will prove most helpful in tracking assets and developing a capital replacement plan. Young noted that the FRCOG annual bids on fuel oil and diesel are due in early April. Toth Moved to appoint FRCOG to contract on our behalf for #2 fuel oil and diesel for FY09 subject to our award decision, and agree to pay FRCOG the cost of $145.00 per product even if Warwick rejects the bid. Abbott Seconded. VOTED. Young said that the Police and Fire Departments and EMS are nearing a schedule for ICS 300 training in Warwick, which must be completed by the end of this fiscal year. Young again addressed the broadband issue, saying that he has initiated talks with WCS/Pioneer about sharing their connectivity for public purposes (Town Government, Public Safety, and Highway). He also established a solid wireless bridge to the satellite connection, a separate WiFi on a different radio channel than the Library, and an independent wired LAN for the Town Hall. 9. Selectboard Reports - Abbott pointed out that there will be a joint meeting of the Board and the Finance Committee at the April 7 meeting. Toth confirmed that Tim Kilhart has been invited to attend, as the main subject of that meeting will be the funding for a new Highway truck. Abbott also inquired about how to fund the $1,000.00 compensation voted at last year's ATM for Tax Collector Terry Kemerer if he completed certification, which he has. Toth said that this cannot be considered an unexpected expense, and therefore would go against the Reserve Fund intent. Abbott wants to bring up the matter with the Finance Committee at the joint meeting April 7. IV. Public Comment None. V. Adjournment Abbott MOVED at 8:10 pm. to adjourn the meeting. Toth Seconded. VOTED. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari