Town of Warwick Selectboard March 23, 2009 Minutes Present: Board members present: Patricia Lemon, Rick Abbott; Nick Arguimbau Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Selectboard Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Miryam Williamson, Board of Health/Finance Committee member Dick Whiting, Buildings and Energy Committee member Janice Kurkoski, Tax Collector/Treasurer Terry Kemerer, Dawn Magi, Jon Calcari, Paula Robinson (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order Vice-Chairman Abbott called the Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Warwick Free Library. II. Minutes Arguimbau MOVED to approve the Minutes of the March 9 meeting as printed separately from the Agenda. Lemon SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. III. Presentations/Discussions 1. Renewal of 911 Agreement - The board needed to approve the 5-year agreement between Warwick and the Massachusetts State Police, allowing for the continuation of emergency dispatch from Shelburne Control. Arguimbau MOVED to authorize the Chair to sign the 5-year agreement between the Town and the State Police for 911 services. Lemon SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. Set Date for Chase Hill Road Pole Hearing - Young suggested April 20 (April 21 if April 20 is Patriot's Day), all three Board members agreed. 3. Perfecting Previously Voted Pole-Hearing Documents - Young explained that per Massachusetts General law, the Chair's signature is required on pole hearing documents. However, Verizon and National Grid wanted the signatures of all Board members for the Shepardson Place Pole Hearing documents. All three Selectmen signed the documents provided by Young. 4. Letter of Thanks to Gill for Loan of Sander Truck - Young had drafted a letter of thanks to Gill Selectboard Chair Nancy Griswold in appreciation for the loan of a sander truck. Young requested the Board approve and sign the letter. Lemon MOVED to authorize David Young to send the letter as it appears in the Agenda. Arguimbau SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. Authorize Town Coordinator to Accept and Execute or at His Discretion Reject April 7 FRCOG Fuel Bids - FRCOG fuel bids will be received when they are opened April 7. The Town will have just three days to accept or reject the bid. Young explained that the Selectboard would have to either hold a special meeting on April 8 to deal with the bid, or authorize the Town Coordinator to act on their behalf. He noted that the Town is using far less oil than in the past, and that his strategy is to bid on half of the anticipated fuel needed for the coming year and purchase the balance at market price to minimize the potential for being locked in at a higher rate for all fuel oil to meet the needs for FY '10. Lemon MOVED that Town Coordinator David Young be authorized to act in this matter on the Board's behalf with the assumption he will keep the Board informed. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED 2-1: Lemon and Arguimbau - AYE; Abbott - NAY. 6. Clarification of Transfer Attendant Hiring and Pay Rate - Board of Health member Dick Whiting had requested this item be placed on the agenda. He told the Selectboard of a problem involving the Board of Health Chair Rita McConville's interpretation of the terms under which David Shoemaker and Mary Thomas were hired. Whiting sought clarification, saying his understanding was that David Shoemaker was hired as the Transfer Station Attendant at a pay rate of $10.00 per hour and Mary Thomas as Alternate to fill in if Shoemaker was ill or away at the same rate of pay, whereas McConville had split the job between the two, alternating attendants at two-weeks intervals. Whiting expressed concern that Shoemaker would not be willing to continue under these conditions. He also said that McConville had been applying the former pay rate of $10.85 for the Attendant, despite the increase in the weekly hours, which necessitated the pay rate, be decreased in order to stay within the budget. Young thought the confusion might have stemmed from an interview question on job-sharing that may have been taken out of context. Whiting pointed out that the minutes of the Selectboard and the Board of Health meetings reflect the hiring of David Shoemaker as the Transfer Station Attendant and Mary Thomas as Alternate. Arguimbau said that it is the recollection of the two Selectboard members present at the January 26 meeting that Shoemaker's hiring as Transfer Station Attendant and Mary Thomas' as Alternate/ back up were approved. Lemon MOVED that the board affirm the vote taken on January 26, 2009, and inform the Board of Health that if it wishes to make changes as a body they must do so by vote and inform the Board of Selectmen in writing. NO SECOND. The Motion FAILED. Young said that he and Town Counsel had developed a memo stating a Board Chair cannot act unilaterally, and that any change must occur by vote of the full Board. Lemon MOVED that David Young be directed to send a letter of clarification making clear the terms under which David Shoemaker and Mary Thomas had been hired, with copies to the appointees and the Board of Health. Arguimbau SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Town Meeting Warrant Articles - Buildings and Energy Committee chair Janice Kurkoski spoke about her committee's newly prioritized Town Hall repair list for the consideration of the Selectboard in determining, along with the Finance Committee, how to recommend the town pay for the repairs. The committee has obtained estimates, and Kurkoski outlined what the Committee has identified as the most important repairs for FY '10. Young said the Capital $stabilization Fund is a possible funding source, along with the $5,000.00 in the Town Hall Improvement Fund. He and Abbott expressed support for having the Town Hall painted; Whiting agreed, but preferred to defer the project until FY '10. Young estimated that an additional $10,000.00 would be sufficient for FY '10. Lemon MOVED that David Young craft appropriate warrant articles and bring them back to the Board with his recommendations. Arguimbau SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Young said that the Firefighters want to get paid. Volunteer Firefighter Joe Paul had provided a small sample from which Young extrapolated an analysis of call hours per year. Young said this is not yet well developed and requires more data. He suggested referring the matter to the Personnel Committee, which is chaired by former, longtime Fire Chief George Day. Arguimbau wanted to see a breakdown of how much is spent out-of-pocket by the volunteer firefighters who seek reimbursement. It remains unclear whether the core issue is reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses or the end of the volunteer fire department, as we know it. Whiting suggested a five-year history of Fire Department calls and hours would make a better basis for decision-making. Arguimbau MOVED that the Board request that the Fire Department provide by 5 p.m. on April 3, 2009, a breakdown and total of currently un-reimbursed costs which could be covered by a warrant article, and that the "we want to get paid" issue be referred to the Personnel Committee for its review. Lemon SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. IV. Reports 1. Selectboard Reports - Arguimbau and Young had met with Highway Superintendent Kilhart to follow up on the snow-and-ice report. Arguimbau was particularly pleased with Kilhart's report that his crew members like the increased use of compensatory time and the decreased use of overtime. Arguimbau also said that Kilhart feels the complaint system is working well, as he likes that complaints now come to him first. Lemon reported on the MMA Legislative Breakfast meeting held recently in Athol, during which Senator Stephen Brewer gave an interesting, in-depth synopsis of the fiscal goings-on in Boston. She also spoke about the tentatively named Friends of State Forests in Warwick meeting held last week. Lemon said there were about 24 in attendance and that Warwick residents and members of the North Quabbin ATV Association had a polite and conciliatory discussion, but that ATV riders want access to the trails and approval to use them. The next meeting is scheduled for the third Thursday in April (4/16). Arguimbau said it was appropriate to restrict voting membership to Warwick residents. 2. Town Coordinator Report - Young reported on continued progress with the installation of Broadband. The Highway Department, Town Hall, and Library now have a working broadband connection. The Police Department will soon have a working broadband connection as well. In the interest of time, the rest of the report, which was printed in the agenda, was not discussed. V. Public Comment ACO Calcari reminded everyone about the annual Rabies Clinic on April 4th, praising Gardner Animal Care Center veterinarian Brian Hurley and his staff for their continued excellent services, which are provided at no cost to the Town. VI. Adjournment At 7:54 p.m., Lemon MOVED that the meeting be adjourned. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari. Patricia Lemon Frederick H. Abbott III Nicholas C. Arguimbau Selectboard Chair Selectboard Vice-Chair Selectboard Member Rosa Fratangelo Calcari James David Young Selectboard Secretary Town Coordinator