Town of Warwick Selectboard March 21, 2011 Minutes Members present: Patricia Lemon, Dawn Magi Members Absent: Nick Arguimbau Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Planning Board Chair Ted Cady, Fire Chief Gunnar Lambert, Police Officer Bruce Kilhart, Nancy Kilhart, Yona Smith, Pam Kimball Smith, Mike Mankowsky, Jon Calcari, Jared Robinson (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order Vice Chair Lemon called the meeting to order at 6:04 pm in Town Hall. Public Comment None. III. Minutes Magi MOVED to approve the minutes of February 22, 2011 as printed. Lemon SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 2-0-0. Action on the minutes of March 7, 2011, was postponed until the next meeting, as Magi was absent from that meeting and Arguimbau was absent from this meeting. IV. Presentations and Discussions 1. Set Dates to Open and Close ATM Warrant for Articles by Petition -- Young recommended that the Board choose today as the opening date and two weeks from today as the closing date for submission of petition articles for the Annual Town Meeting. Lemon MOVED to open the Annual Town Meeting warrant period today and close it two weeks from today for articles submitted by petition. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 2-0-0. 2. Yona Smith's Report on Visit to Statehouse -- Yona Smith told the Board that she had recently been chosen by her teachers to participate in Project 351, where one student from each of the cities and towns in Massachusetts went to Boston to meet with Governor Deval Patrick, participate in discussions and perform community service. Smith noted that the students were chosen "for doing good things" in their communities. She said that she helped to clean toys, checked the condition of donated books and helped to categorize them for appropriate age and gender of eventual recipients, and helped to fill over 1,000 backpacks with school supplies. The toys, books, and backpacks were intended for distribution to children in need throughout the state. Much was accomplished during this one day event. 3. Adoption of Scenic Roads Cutting Policy -- The Conservation Committee voted to support the Scenic Road Cutting Policy at their meeting on March 8th , and the Planning Board had voted unanimously to adopt the policy at their March 10 meeting to use for guidance for scenic road hearings. Young recommended that the Board adopt the policy as well, to provide guidance to the Highway Department and Tree Warden. Lemon MOVED to adopt the "Scenic Roads Cutting Policy" as presented. Magi SECONDED. Magi said that she had reviewed the policy and had made grammatical changes. She also posed questions to Planning Board Chair Ted Cady concerning various points on which she sought clarification. Changes in wording were made by a consensus of the Board, and Magi noted all additional sentences and other changes on her copy of the policy. Motion carried by a vote of 2-0-0. 4. Firemen's Association Report -- Fire Chief Gunnar Lambert spoke about the plans for demolition of the old school. He said that things are moving along slowly. He said that the copper is out and that the oil tanks will be coming out of the basement very soon. Young said that he will be contacting the Tech School to help resolve the problems with the electrical hook-up, which Lambert had said was holding up progress on the project. Lambert said that hopefully the school would be able to come down in a month's time. Lemon asked Lambert if he had any problems with dirt roads in town. Gale Road and Rum Brook Road were identified as potentially troublesome roads for major trucks, but Lambert noted that he had been in contact with Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart, who has been doing some work to improve the condition of those roads. 5. Adoption of National Flood Insurance Resolution -- Young explained that the Board needs to approve the resolution so that Warwick residents will be able to participate in the national flood insurance program. His Coordinator report noted that once the resolution has been approved by the Attorney General's office, MEMA and FEMA, our by-law constitutes compliance with part 60. Lemon MOVED to adopt the National Flood Insurance Resolution. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 2-0-0. 6. Changing Town Election Hours -- Young explained that Town Clerk Jeannette Fellows has requested that the Selectboard consider shortening the polling hours for the annual Town election. State law requires the polls to be open a minimum of four hours, from noon until 4 pm. While the current practice in Warwick is for the polls to be open from 12 pm - 8 pm, historically the last hour is lightly attended. Closing the polls at 7 pm should prove to be more cost effective. Young noted that if the polling hours are changed, it will be well publicized. Lemon MOVED that the Town election hours be set from 12 noon to 7 pm. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 2-0-0. 7. FY 12 Review of Selectboard Controlled Budgets -- Young pointed out some changes for the FY 12 budgets over which the Selectboard has control. He pointed out that he had added a line under the Town Secretary salary line item. Young wanted to have a new line item for paid interns for projects such as digitizing town historic records. The line items for Secretary and Interns combined will equal the amount formerly budgeted for the Secretary. The funding left for the Secretary will be sufficient to meet historic expenditures, while broadening the tasks that will be completed for the same amount of money. Young said that an increase in the Town Accountant's salary is reflective of more hours, not an increase in hourly pay. More hours will allow for reports to be completed earlier in the fiscal year. Young said that there is also a slight increase in the Copier and Ambulance line items as well. Bruce Kilhart noted that Orange cannot bill the Town for ambulance service, and that the amount is a requested donation. Fire Chief Lambert mentioned Northfield as a possible alternative. Mike Mankowski said that Northfield is not manned 24/7, while Athol is. Young said that contributory insurance and school maintenance also have increased, and that there will be an article for a new Police cruiser. He said that the PVRSD budget will be out by the end of this week, and that the Finance Committee will meet to review the proposed FY 12 budget next week, once the PVRSD budget is set. 8. FY 12 Broadband Enterprise Fund Budget -- Young said that the budget of $102,700.00 is based on 100 customer and 40 new customers next year. He noted there are currently more than 100 customers, and that the borrowing will be paid off by the beginning of FY 12. Young pointed out that enterprise fund budgets need to be accepted by the Selectboard prior to being voted by Town meeting. Lemon MOVED to accept the Broadband Enterprise Fund budget and place it on the ATM warrant. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 2-0-0. 9. Copier Lease -- Young explained that the new Ricoh copier has twice the glass size of the current copier, which will make copying large documents such as maps much easier. Young had negotiated a new three-year lease with an option to purchase at fair market value upon lease end on statewide bid procurement. This copier functions as a scanner, fax, and network printer, and better meets the Town's needs than the current model. The lease cost increase is just $10.00 more per month. Lemon MOVED to approve the three year fair market value lease of a new Ricoh copier procured under the state bid with monthly payments of $97.00. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 2-0-0. 10. Inspector of Animals Appointment -- The Inspector of Animals appointment is done at the state level following the nomination of a candidate by the Selectboard. The position entails issuing quarantines to animals that have bitten or have presented with wounds of unknown origin, and the annual livestock and barn reports conducted every autumn. Magi MOVED to nominate Rosa Fratangelo Calcari as Inspector of Animals. Lemon SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 2-0-0. 11. Bottle Bill -- Young said that MASSPIRG sent a letter asking the Selectboard to adopt a resolution widening the scope of the Bottle Bill to include water, tea, and other beverage containers that currently do not carry the refundable $0.05 deposit. Lemon MOVED to sign the resolution in support of updating the Massachusetts Bottle Bill. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 2-0-0. 12. Selectboard Reports -- Magi said that the ad hoc Wood Cutting Policy Committee has made its recommendations, which will be discussed at the next Selectboard meeting. Lemon said that at a recent FRTA meeting it was decided that there will be a $1,500.00 to each town for service. Warwick, however, does not receive service. 13. Coordinator Report -- The Board had no questions on Young's written report, which was included in each member's meeting packet. 14. New and Other Business -- Cady apologized to Magi for her not being included on the list of people receiving pertinent Emails. He said that Rick Abbott's name and Email address were never replaced with Magi's after she succeeded Abbott as a Selectman last May. Officer Bruce Kilhart asked for clarification of last meeting's vote which allows him to replace son Tim Kilhart as a snow plow operator if necessary during Tim's recovery from surgery. R. Calcari mentioned the annual rabies Clinic set for Saturday, April 2, from 12 noon to 2 pm at the Fire Station. She pointed out that this is about the only clinic around that still offers rabies vaccinations for just $10.00. Lemon reminded everyone of the movie "Man with a Plan", which will show at 7 pm on Saturday, March 26 in Town Hall. Producer/Director John O'Brian will be present at the screening. V. Adjournment At 7:07 pm, Magi MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Lemon SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 2-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari