Town of Warwick Selectboard March 19, 2012 Minutes Members present: Nick Arguimbau, Dawn Magi, Patricia Lemon (arrived at 6:15 pm) Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Police Chief David Shoemaker, Bobby Hubbard, Jon Calcari I. Call to Order Chair Magi called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm in Town Hall. Public Comment Bobby Hubbard posed questions about protocol and procedures for snowplowing. He suggested that the Highway crew members should have pagers because they are on-call for storms. Hubbard also asked about a culvert on Chestnut Hill Road that diverts water directly into a stream. Board Chair Magi and Coordinator Young will schedule a meeting with Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart to discuss the snowplowing questions raised by Mr. Hubbard. III. Presentations and Discussions 1. Update on Proposed Conservation Restriction (CR) --Young said that Town Counsel had issued an opinion letter on liability for a public trail on the Ralph Jay land. He said that it is recommended that signs be put up. Young also noted that he has not yet seen the actual contracts. Lemon arrived at the conclusion of the discussion. 2. Minutes of Previous Meeting-- Lemon MOVED to accept the minutes of February 21, 2012 as written. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED by a vote of 2-0-0: Magi and Lemon - AYE; Arguimbau ABSTAINED, as he was absent from that meeting. 3. Police Department -- Chief Shoemaker explained that DARE Officer Dan Kimball was inadvertently left off of the recent reappointment list for police officers. He noted that Kimball is an Air Force veteran, a certified DARE officer, and has been with the Warwick PD since 2004. Lemon MOVED to reappoint Dan Kimball as DARE Officer for the Town for a term that corresponds with the other Police officers. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED by a vote of 3-0-0. Animal Inspector Nomination--Young said that the Board needed to nominate an Animal Inspector per state requirements. The official appointment is made by the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources. Animal Control Officer Rosa Fratangelo Calcari is the current Animal Inspector. Lemon MOVED to nominate Rosa Fratangelo Calcari as Animal Inspector. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED by a vote of 3-0-0. 5. Stretch Code--Young said that when the Stretch Code was placed on the 2011 ATM warrant, the Buildings and Energy Committee did not, as a committee, support it. He said that the BEC would discuss the matter at their next meeting. Lemon said that for now, she wanted to let it stand on the ATM warrant, and wait for the BEC to make its determination. 6. Employee Evaluations--Magi said that the Board needs to compile employee evaluations for the Town Coordinator, Police Chief, Highway Superintendent and Fire Chief, and that this should be done as soon as possible. She said that the respective job descriptions would be a tool in developing the evaluation forms. Chief Shoemaker had already submitted a copy of his job description for this purpose. Lemon said that she has drafted an evaluation based on job description, and would Email it to the other Board members. Young noted that when the Selectboard has the supervisory role, evaluations may be public. There was a consensus of the Board that two weeks would be sufficient time in which to develop the evaluation tools and to complete the evaluations. A meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, April 3rd at 2 pm to conduct the evaluations with the employees. One half an hour will be slated for each evaluation. 7. Nuisance Dog Hearing-- Magi said that she had heard that Kyle Whittier no longer resides in Town. The Animal Control Officer said that she was not aware that he had moved. She informed the Board that two weeks ago she had obtained dog licenses for both "Dozer" and "Koda", at which time Whittier had told her he would attend the meeting tonight at 6:30 to update the Board on his search for an appropriate electronic collar for Dozer". The ACO will contact Mr. Whittier and report back to the Board accordingly. 8. Update on WCS Energy Saving Betterment-- Young said that the Buildings and Energy Committee has been contacting counterparts in the other towns. Young noted that the Superintendent and school committee are opposed to the proposal. Young also said that the MSBA will meet later this month, and that the WCS roof repair may be on the agenda. 9. Update on Disaster Mitigation Planning--Young said that the first meeting was held to develop a disaster mitigation plan. Attendees included Young, Tim Kilhart, Jim Erviti, and Nick Arguimbau. Young will forward the notes on the meeting to Pat Smith at FRCOG. 10. FEMA/MEMA Contracts--Young presented the Board with a list of FEMA October 2011 Snowstorm Reimbursement, which comes to approximately $18,000.00. He requested the Board's approval for him to execute the contracts associated with reimbursement. Lemon MOVED to authorize Dawn Magi, as Board Chair, and David Young, as Town Coordinator, to execute contracts with FEMA and/or MEMA for the October 29 and 30, 2011 snowstorm, on behalf of the Selectboard. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED by a vote of 3-0-0. 11. FRCOG Elevator Bid--Young said that we could use FRCOG to solicit bids for an elevator contract, but actually do not need to bid as the job is valued at less than $25,000.00. There was a consensus of the Board that Young should seek the best terms from a reputable service company. 12. MAPC 2012 DLTA Project--Lemon has a letter printed and ready for the Board members' signatures. The purpose of the letter was to inform MAPC that Warwick is a municipality interested in participating in the LED Street and Outdoor Lighting 2012 DLTA Project. All Board members signed the letter. 13. Review FY 13 Draft ATM Warrant and Budget--Portions of the budget were reviewed. Magi inquired about the anticipated increase to the tax levy. Young said that much is from revenue side as free cash is down and last year we had a one-time windfall due to retirement of the original WCS debt. Lemon suggested adding an article to use the unrestricted CDBG program income to reduce the tax levy. Young said that sum is approximately $42,000.00. The warrant articles were reviewed next. Magi wanted clarification on Article 9, and both she and Young wanted an alternative to Article 15. Article 21 will be contingent upon the approval of all PVRS member towns. Lemon said that she was, once again, impressed with Young's work on the budget. 14. Selectboard Reports--Lemon said that Kenneth Johnson installed a shed at the Transfer Station for the collection of wood pellet bags. Lemon herself will continue to collect other types of plastic bags. Lemon said that she is in the process of contacting all households to determine their specific needs in the event of a prolonged power outage. She is especially concerned about identifying those who have medical needs for electricity. 15. Coordinator Report--The Board signed the FRCOG bid that allows FRCOG to bid on the Town's behalf for Highway materials, including salt and sand. Young said that the Board had received an invitation to participate in the parade celebrating Bernardston's 250th anniversary. The parade will be held on September 22nd, 2012. There was a consensus of the Board that they will participate. IV. Adjournment At 7:24 pm, Lemon MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED by a vote of 3-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari