Town of Warwick Selectboard March 17, 2014 Minutes Members present: Patricia Lemon, Nick Arguimbau Member Absent: Dawn Magi Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Police Chief David Shoemaker, Open Space Committee Chair Mary Williamson, Finance Committee member Bill Foote, Jon Calcari I. Call to Order Vice Chair Arguimbau called the meeting to order at 6:04 pm in Town Hall. Public Comment Open Space Committee Chair Mary Williamson inquired about the proposed Highway project for reconstructing Winchester Road. She said that she wanted to learn more about it, especially as it may affect Open Space issues, and possibly lead to increased traffic through the Gulf. Young said that there is not yet any written confirmation, but verbal confirmation had been given to Interim Highway Superintendent Larry Delaney for the $480,000.00 which was applied for by former Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart. Young explained that the project is to regrind and resurface Winchester Road from the New Hampshire line to the vicinity of Robbins Road. He said that the $3.2 million requested for this project as part of the Transportation Bond Bill made it through the Senate, and that Representative Andrews supports it. Young said that he does not expect to have any paperwork for awhile and may be able to take the first step of hiring an engineer in about one year. Williamson said that she will have plenty of time to learn more about the project. Minutes Arguimbau noted that because there was not a quorum of Selectboard members who were present at the last meeting, he would move the minutes be accepted despite having not been present at that meeting. Arguimbau MOVED to approve the minutes of March 3, 2014 as printed. Lemon SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. IV. Presentations and Discussions 1. Broadband Compensation--Young said that he was requesting that Broadband installer John Bradford have his pay rate increased to equal that of the other current installers. He noted that Bradford has successfully completed his six-month review period and has proven to be a good hire. Young noted that the other installers, Terry Kemerer, Ray Lemek and Kevin Cooke, are compensated at $25 per hour and that Bradford deserved to be paid at the same rate. Bradford's current rate is $20 per hour. Lemon MOVED that John Bradford's pay rate be increased from $20.00 to $25.00 per hour. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. Lemon MOVED that John Bradford be made First Alternate to WiredWest to replace Patricia Lemon, and to make Patricia Lemon Second Alternate. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. Young said that he would bring the MGL 268:20D form to the next meeting so the Selectboard could vote to allow John Bradford to hold both positions. Young said that he was requesting that the Selectboard authorize additional compensation for himself as Coordinator for administration of the Warwick Broadband System (WBS). He explained that the funds would come from the Broadband Enterprise Fund and not from tax money, and that last year WBS had shown a $20,000.00 profit. Young noted that the size and scope of WBS has increased, and that the hours he typically spends each week on WBS, including nights and weekends put him in excess of his 30 hours per week as Coordinator. His request of $100.00 per week to augment his salary comes after six years. Young noted that his Coordinator hours have been formally increased from 30 to 32 per week. Lemon MOVED to pay David Young $100 per week from the profits of Broadband. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. Arguimbau asked about how this would be reflected at the Annual Town Meeting. Young said that it would be included in the Broadband budget and not in the Town Coordinator line item, and would be disclosed that way at the ATM. 2. Fuel and Diesel Bid Authorization --Young said that he will soon be completing the fuel oil and diesel bid submissions through FRCOG. He said that he is working with Larry Delaney on the diesel fuel bid and on his own for fuel oil. Young noted the volatility of the energy markets and the short period of time from the opening of bids and the acceptance of a fixed price, and asked that the Board again authorize him to lock in a price if an acceptable one is offered. This has been done in years past as well. Lemon MOVED to authorize David Young to lock in a price at his discretion on our behalf and contract on behalf of the Town. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. 3. Set Date for Special Selectboard Meeting to Discuss Proposed Gas Pipeline--Lemon said that she was still waiting for a reply from DCR on what they may have signed relative to the proposed gas pipeline. Arguimbau said that he wanted it passed along to the State that they should not sign anything. Young said that Planning Board Chair Ted Cady had sent an Email offering to have the Planning Board organize and host the meeting. There was a consensus of the Board to hold the meeting on Wednesday, March 26, 2014 at 6pm in Town Hall, and that Arguimbau will follow up to confirm that this date and time will work for Cady and the Planning Board. If not, Arguimbau will negotiate with Cady to arrive at a mutually acceptable date and time. 4. Set Date for Gale and Hastings Heights Scenic Road Hearing --Young said that a joint Scenic Road hearing with the Tree Warden and Planning Board needed to be scheduled for proposed work on Gale and Hastings Heights Roads. There was a consensus of the Board to hold the Scenic Road hearing on Wednesday, April 9, 2014 at 6pm in the main hall of Town Hall. 5. Selectboard Reports--Lemon said that she, Dawn Magi and John Bradford went to Goshen on Saturday, March 15th for a lengthy but good meeting on WiredWest. Lemon said that the State may be willing to guarantee the bond issue but that a Special Town Meeting may be needed in case the Town needs to guarantee its portion of the bond that is Warwick's responsibility. Should the State underwrite the bond we would not need to guarantee. Arguimbau discussed the capacity of fiber optics bandwidth. He wanted an accurate figure, which he had heard was about one (1) TeraByte. 6. Coordinator Report--Young said that the Board needed to adjourn around 6:30pm to reconvene at PVRS library in a special meeting for member Town boards to discuss the FY 15 school budget. Young pointed out that the school makes up about half of our annual Town budget. He said that last year we told the school that we could bear a 2.5% increase, but our share came out at 2.9%. Young said that we absolutely cannot bear to exceed 2.5% for an increase for FY 15. Young said that he wrote a letter to the FCC in support of the New Hampshire Fast Roads/Cheshire County FCC Rural Trials infrastructure project that proposes to interconnect Warwick Broadband and MBI's 123 middle-mile fiber with the New Hampshire middle-mile fiber. Fiber would be installed between Richmond, NH and Warwick through Winchester, NH. 7. New and Other Business Not Reasonably Anticipated Prior to Posting Notice-- None. V. Adjournment At 6:34 pm, Lemon MOVED to adjourn the meeting and reconvene at the Pioneer School District budget subcommittee meeting at the Library of the Regional School located at 97 Sumner Turner Road in Northfield. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari The minutes of the PVRSD meeting follow this because there was a quorum of the Warwick Selectboard present at the meeting. PIONEER VALLEY REGIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMITTEE BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING Monday, March 17, 2014 Pioneer Valley Regional School PVRS Library 7 p.m. Minutes Present: Jane Dutcher, Ginger Budness, Lois Stearns, Jed Proujansky, Brian Hervieux, David Lorenz, Eric Engmann, Jeff Niepp, Chris Maguire, Tom King, Bob Clancy, Gail Healy, Pat Shearer, David Rainville, Mike Sharry, Bill Wahlstrom, Sharon Jones, Bob Raymond, Lance Fritz, David Young, Pat Lemon, Nick Arguimbau, Beth Roberts, Dayle Doiron, Peggy Kaeppel Chair Bill Wahlstrom called the meeting to order at 7:05pm I. Citizen's Concerns: There were no citizens concerns not on the agenda. II. Minutes: The minutes of the January 28, 2014 meeting were approved on a motion by Shearer, second by Sharry (unanimous) following clarification being sought as to whether or not there had been support to make sure the operating budget included funds to address the current poor heating and cooling of the central office. Discussion: A general discussion concerning the funding of the FY 15 technology replacement plan took place. After considering a variety of options, the consensus was to further explore outright borrowing options and bonding for a five year term for the $400,000.00 amount. It is anticipated that the technology replacement needs will be between $150 and $200 thousand in both FY 16 and FY 17. PVRSD Budget Trends: Dayle reviewed the budget data packet showing revenue, assessment, spending, and enrollment trends over the past six years. Governor's Budget (H1) Estimated Receipts and Minimum Contribution Information: Dayle reviewed the sheets provided detailing the Chapter 70 aid and minimum contribution figures carried in the Governor's (H1) budget. She noted that a joint resolution has been struck that should guarantee that Chapter 70 aid will be no lower than the amount carried in the Governor's budget and minimum contribution figures will remain unchanged through the budget process. Discussion of Towns' Capacity: Bernardston will support a 2.5% increase to their assessment; their annual town meeting is scheduled for May 21st. Northfield will support a 2.5% increase to their assessment; their annual town meeting is scheduled for May 6th. Leyden will support a 3% increase to their assessment; their annual town meeting is scheduled for May 17th. Warwick will support a 2.5% increase to their assessment; their annual town meeting is scheduled for May 6th. VII. Other: There was a brief discussion of the special articles, namely the capital requests for PVRS. VIII. Adjournment: On a motion by Shearer, second by Kaeppel, the meeting adjourned by unanimous vote at 8:16 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Dayle A. Doiron