Town of Warwick Selectboard February 6, 2012 Minutes Members present: Patricia Lemon, Dawn Magi, Nick Arguimbau Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart, Police Officer Bruce Kilhart, Mike Mankowsky, Finance Committee member Kevin Alden, Anita Alden, Jon Calcari I. Call to Order Chair Magi called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm in Town Hall. Public Comment None. III. Minutes Lemon MOVED to accept the minutes of January 23, 2012 as printed. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED by a vote of 3-0-0. IV. Presentations and Discussions 1. Housing Rehab/Program Income Error Update --Young said that the Executive Director of the Housing Authority will be asking each Town to sign a contract and pledge all program income to the housing authority itself. Young recommends that the Board not sign such a contract. He said that there is about $1,000,000.00 in outstanding loans that will eventually come back to Warwick. Young said that he was seeking $20,000.00 out of the program income for a rehab loan for a resident who is willing to accept the old terms. Lemon MOVED to approve allocating up to $20,000.00 of funds that are restricted to eligible CDBG uses from Warwick's program income to a housing rehab loan under the old terms (full repayment upon transfer or sale of the property). Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED by a vote of 3-0-0. There was a discussion of alternatives to the proposed Housing Authority contract. 2. Chapter 268A Section 20 D Ethics Exemption--Young explained that Finance Committee member Kevin Alden had recently been appointed to fill a vacancy on the School Committee. He noted that the positions of both School Committee member and Finance Committee member had previously been designated special municipal employee. Lemon MOVED to grant a Chapter 268A Section 20 D ethics exemption to Kevin Alden to allow him to serve on both the Finance and School Committees. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED by a vote of 3-0-0. Highway Department -- Young said that Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart had been asked to attend this meeting to participate in a discussion of tandem plowing. Young said that he has received complaints about tandem plowing, and that he does not support the practice. Kilhart had written an eight-point explanation of why tandem plowing works. He fielded questions from the Board. The Highway Superintendent detailed the factors he considers when making his decisions on how and when to plow and sand. These factors included the time of day a storm occurs; the temperature leading up to the storm; temperature during the storm; temperature after the storm; amount of wind; amount and type of precipitation; whether or not there is anticipated melting after the storm. He said that freezing rain is the most dangerous condition with which to deal. Kilhart pointed out that tandem plowing has reduced the total hours on the road, and that he has been able to cut costs and remain under budget for snow and ice, even in 2011. He gave examples of cost savings. Kilhart deemed the tandem plowing to be very efficient and recommended no change in how the department plows. Young said that he favored a division of resources during heavy storms to get more roads passable at the same time. Kilhart said that plowing and sanding in tandem gets the salt and sand working faster. Arguimbau asked if there was any discernable pattern to the complaints. Kilhart responded that he had received no direct complaints, and that all complaints had come through Town Hall. Young said that people complain more when they see the tandem plowing rather than when they merely think about the concept. Warwick resident and firefighter Mike Mankowsky works in Northfield and spoke about that town's use of wings on their snow plows. He said that all routes in Northfield are plowed and sanded at the same time, and that while he personally likes plowing with the wing, breakage is not uncommon and can take a long time to repair. Kilhart said that he does not favor the use of wings on the plows, and that his crew does not want to plow with wings either. Mankowsky said that the decision of where trucks are needed is ultimately up to the person in charge. Police Officer Bruce Kilhart said that prior to Tim's becoming Highway Boss there was always an item on the ATM warrant for more money for salt and sand. He said from the Police Department's perspective, tandem plowing keeps the traffic on its own side of the road and makes for safer roads. He said he had spoken to Police Chief Shoemaker about this issue earlier in the day, and that the Chief concurred. Lemon MOVED that the Board take this under advisement and return to it at another time. Magi SECONDED. After some further discussion, Lemon WITHDREW the Motion. Arguimbau said that he was ready to dispose of the issue, as he agreed with Kilhart. He said that Kilhart is the expert in this matter and the Board members are not. Arguimbau MOVED to support Tim Kilhart's tandem plowing due to a lack of compelling reasons to do otherwise. Lemon SECONDED. Motion CARRIED by a vote of 3-0-0. Kilhart requested that the Board vote to authorize the seasonal road closings. This is done annually for dirt roads. Arguimbau MOVED to authorize Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart to temporarily close roads for mud conditions to vehicles over 10,000 pounds, excluding emergency vehicles, fuel deliveries, and school buses. Lemon SECONDED. Motion CARRIED by a vote of 3-0-0. Kilhart gave an update on the October snowstorm. He said that he had attended a meeting at the MEMA headquarters in Agawam, where he filled out forms for reimbursement from FEMA. Kilhart said that a FEMA representative came to the Highway Department office with new forms, and that he is scheduled to meet with the FEMA employee on Thursday, February 9th to finalize all paperwork. Kilhart said that he has coordinated with Fire Chief Gates and Police Chief Shoemaker and has consulted with Fire Department record keeper Brian Miner to obtain information on eligible items from those departments. Kilhart listed all things to be claimed for FEMA reimbursement. He noted that the reimbursement is 75% of the total claim, and that the State eventually reimburses up to the remaining 25%. The total claim will be between $26,000.00 and $31,000.00, depending upon whether or not an emergency culvert replacement is deemed eligible for reimbursement. Magi thanked Kilhart for all his hard work on the FEMA paperwork. 4. Nuisance Dog Hearing-- Magi said that the hearing scheduled for tonight at 6:30 pm had been postponed until 6:30 pm during the next meeting due to Kyle Whittier's inability to appear tonight. 250th Anniversary Planning-- Magi said that there will be a meeting on Wednesday, February 8th at 6:30 pm. She has invited the heads of all departments and committees to attend in hopes of forming sub-committees. WCS/PVRSD Lease Renewal-- Young recommended that the Board vote to authorize the Chair to sign the proposed WCS/PVRSD lease. He noted that the Massachusetts School Building Authority is checking into the WCS roof issues, but for them to cover the expense of repairs, the district would have to prove it has site control, for which the signed contract would provide evidence. Lemon MOVED to authorize the Chair to sign the proposed lease between Warwick and the Pioneer Valley Regional School District. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED by a vote of 3-0-0. PVRSD Debt Restructuring-- Young said that the district is seeking input from the towns on two proposed options for the restructuring of debt. He noted that Plan B offers more long-term savings than Plan A, and recommended Plan B. Lemon MOVED that the Board express a preference for Plan B but not strongly enough to eliminate Plan A. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED by a vote of 3-0-0. Appointment to Board of Assessors--Young said that new resident Erik Ross had agreed to serve on the Board of Assessors until the next Town election. Chris Ryan has resigned, leaving a vacancy. Young pointed out that Ross had met with the Board of Assessors, and they would be pleased to have him appointed until the election. Lemon MOVED to appoint Erik Ross of 111 Hastings Heights Road to fill the position on the Board of Assessors left vacant by Chris Ryan's retirement/resignation until the next Town Election on May 21, 2012. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED by a vote of 3-0-0. Termination of Elevator Contract--Young recommended the termination of the contract with Bay State Elevator because the five-year term exceeds the Selectboard's authority, and for past problems with their service. Magi MOVED to terminate the contract with Bay State Elevator. Lemon SECONDED. Motion CARRIED by a vote of 3-0-0. Net-Meter Electricity Contracting Update-- Young said that Town Counsel reviewed the net metering agreement for solar electricity and deemed it appropriate to sign the contract when presented. Selectboard Reports-- Lemon said that the marked trees at 88 Hastings Heights Road have been removed. She said that the Fire Department will meet tomorrow and discuss the burning of pallets on the Fellows property next to that address. Magi said that she attended a FRCOG meeting where the budget was passed. She also noted that Megan Weld was selected to represent PVRSD on Project 351, and was among a group of students sent to Boston for recognition. Coordinator Report-- Young spoke about the FY 13 budget process and projected equipment needs and expenses for the Fire Department. Young gave the Board members primary election warrants for each member to sign. The election will be held on March 6, 2012. Correspondence-- Young presented letters to Chris Ryan, George Day and Robert Day. The letter to Ryan thanked him for his two-plus decades of service to the Town in various capacities, most recently as an Assessor. The Day brothers worked on the water system and identified a problem that was affecting water pressure at the Town Hall and the Library. Chair Magi signed the letters on the Board's behalf. Young mentioned that sand and silt in the Town Hall water supply is causing the toilets to run constantly. The matter will be looked into further. New and Other Business-- Lemon inquired about dates for the opening and closing of the Annual Town Meeting warrant. No dates were set. V. Adjournment At 7:37 pm, Lemon MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED by a vote of 3-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari