Town of Warwick Selectboard February 4, 2013 Minutes Members present: Dawn Magi, Nick Arguimbau Member Absent: Patricia Lemon Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Fire Chief Ron Gates, Firefighter Joe Paul, Police Chief David Shoemaker, Buildings and Energy Committee members Steve and Janice Kurkoski, Nancy Kilhart, Zak Marti, Dave Rainville (Greenfield Recorder), Jon Calcari I. Call to Order Chair Magi called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm in Town Hall. Public Comment None. III. Minutes Arguimbau MOVED that the Board approve the minutes of January 22, 2013 with the printed corrections made by Patricia Lemon. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. IV. Presentations and Discussions 1. MGL 268:20D Exemptions--.Young explained that many broadband installations require installers to ascend rather high on ladders. He requested that the Board grant MGL 268:20D ethics exemptions for the conflict of interest law so that local contractors comfortable with high ladder work may be hired to assist in broadband installations. The three men are all members of the Warwick Fire Department. Arguimbau MOVED to grant Chapter 268 Section 20D exemptions to Joe Paul, Ron Gates and Bill Lyman. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. 2. Fire Department Report --Fire Chief Ron Gates turned the discussion over to firefighter and Public Safety Building Committee member Joe Paul for an update on the Public Safety Building. Paul said that he, Police Chief Shoemaker, Fire Chief Ron Gates, Jim Erviti and Brian Gale were nominated by the Public Safety Building Committee to oversee the project. He explained that the building will be built under the Firemen's Association and kept separate from the Town so as to avoid prevailing wage. Once complete, the building may be gifted to the Town and accepted by a Town Meeting vote. Paul said that the building design has changed a little but the basic plans remain the same. He said that all current code requirements must be met, and the engineering plans are currently being worked on. Paul and Chief Gates thought that the engineering plans might be ready within a month. Building and Energy Committee (BEC) member Steve Kurkoski suggested that thermal load calculations should be done to maximize efficiency and minimize the carbon footprint. Paul said that the Buildings and Energy Committee could be involved once the time comes for an energy audit, and also said that he would come to the next BEC meeting to discuss insulation and other related needs. BEC member Janice Kurkoski asked for a copy of the rough plans, which Chief Gates said that he will provide. Arguimbau asked for a mock-up of what the building will look like. Gates and Paul assured him that the Public safety Building will fit in with the other buildings in Town, and agreed to furnish him with the requested mock-up. Both Gates and Paul said that they hope to break ground this spring and expect to have the building constructed and closed in this year. Funding for the siding depends on donations and may not be available this year. Chief Gates also said that he will look to apply for grant funding next year for a new fire truck. Chief Gates said that the Highway Department has six or seven "Road Closed" signs, but more are needed in order to eliminate the use of cones when roads must be closed for reasons such as storm damage. Paul said that he can build some signs identical to the type used in Northfield for about $25 apiece. Because the funds are not available in the FY 13 Fire Department budget, Chief Gates was looking for an appropriation to build the necessary signs. Young said that he wanted Gates and Paul to first consult with Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart, as he is very familiar with the federal standards for signs, including the requisite reflectivity and size. Young said that conforming to federal standards will make the signs legally enforceable, and said that he would assist in the drafting of a warrant article for Annual Town Meeting. Young said that he did not think that the Town should bring in any more noncompliant signs. He estimated the cost of complaint signs at $60.00 to $70.00 apiece. Young said that an item could be placed on the next agenda and the Board could vote funding from the Mary Ann Hastings account. He pointed out that a Town Meeting vote is required to replace funds used from this account. Chief Gates said it is standard procedure that all firefighters have had CORI checks done because members go into people's houses as part of their jobs. The Chief also asked if funds could be appropriated so all members of his department could receive flu shots. Young suggested that health insurance providers usually cover flu shots, and noted that there was no specific budget provision for this in FY 13. The Chief ended his report by saying that seven members of the Fire Department have passed State Fire Courses I and II. Magi asked that he encourage the remaining five or six members to complete this training and provide for training in the FY 14 budget. Gates explained that the courses require a very large time commitment and is only offered twice a year. No missed time is allowed, so if anyone misses any time at all they do not graduate. The next course will be offered in the fall. 3. Police Chief Report --Chief Shoemaker said that he had nothing new to report at this meeting. 4. Warwick Broadband Service --Young gave a report on the first six months of Warwick Broadband in FY 13. He said that revenue for this period was about $51,000.00, expenses about $41,000.00 and profit about $11,000.00. He said that the FY 13 budget is in balance, as is the FY 14 budget. He said that currently there are 182 subscribers, and that he hopes to see sufficient profit to allow for reinvestment into the system. 5. Road Closings for Spring Mud Conditions--Young said that each year the Board votes to allow Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart to close dirt roads to vehicles over 10,000 pounds at his discretion. Arguimbau MOVED to authorize the Highway Superintendent to close dirt and gravel roads to heavy truck traffic because of spring mud conditions as he sees warranted. Emergency fuel deliveries, school busses and emergency vehicles are exempt and travel at their own risk. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. 6. Selectboard Reports--Magi said that she attended the January 24th FRCOG budget meeting, and gave highlights of the FY 14 FRCOF budget summary. 7. Coordinator Report --Young said that a National Grid pole hearing needed to be scheduled during a future Selectboard meeting. He also noted that if our Annual Town Election falls within a certain number of days of the Special Election to fill the Senate seat vacated by now Secretary of State John Kerry, the two elections could be held at the same time. He said that he would do further research and report at the next meeting. Young said that the last day to take out nomination papers for this year's annual election is Friday, March 15th. Positions up for election include Selectman, Library Trustee, Board of Health, Assessors Clerk, and all three Transfer Station Commissioners. Young said that he would also revisit this in two weeks. Young reported that the snow and ice expenses have increased recently due to icy conditions. He said that overall, 40% of the budget has been spent on salt, 13% on sand, 12% on employee wages and 16% on fuel. Lastly, Young showed the Board a graph from the Buildings and Energy Committee showing the decrease in fuel usage in Town buildings. Due to the Presidents Day holiday on February 18th, the next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 19 at 6 pm in the Boards Room. V. Adjournment At 7:30 pm, Arguimbau MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari