Town of Warwick Selectboard February 19, 2013 Minutes Members present: Dawn Magi, Nick Arguimbau Member Absent: Patricia Lemon Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Jon Calcari, Jared Robinson (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order Chair Magi called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm in Town Hall. Public Comment Magi noted with sadness the recent passing of several former residents of Warwick: Marie Kimball, Harold Copeland, Mrs. Jarvis, Alan Maynard, and Tommy Copeland. Magi said that just days before his death Tommy Copeland received his Purple Heart for his combat service in World War II. III. Minutes Arguimbau MOVED to approve the minutes of February 4, 2013 as printed. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. IV. Presentations and Discussions 1. MGL 268:20D Exemptions--Young explained that the Town Secretary had recently researched the past five and a half years of Selectboard votes to identify Special Municipal Employee designations and MGL Chapter 268 Section 20D exemptions. He explained that the votes for Special Municipal Employee are made generically to the position, and the 20D ethics exemptions are voted to specific individuals. Young recommended that the positions of Animal Control Officer, Animal Inspector, Town Secretary, Conservation Commission member and Open Space Committee member be designated Special Municipal Employee. The Town Secretary had not found previous votes on these positions. Arguimbau MOVED to declare Animal Control Officer, Animal Inspector, Town Secretary, Open Space Committee member and Conservation Commission member as Special Municipal Employees. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. 2. Recreation Committee Appointment --Young said that the Recreation Committee has requested that the Board appoint Holly Manson to the committee. Manson's focus will be on older youth. Arguimbau MOVED to appoint Holly Manson to the Recreation Committee. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. 3. WCS Generator Report --Young praised the work of Steve Kurkoski and Roland Weld, who have the generator at the School operating well. Young said the generator now starts and runs properly. Kurkoski and Weld adjusted the voltage output and tested it on school loads. Young noted that the three phase generator has not yet been converted to single phase, and operates on two phases of power. Magi said that we are lucky to have such people in Town, asked that Young send a letter of thanks to Mr. Kurkoski and Mr. Weld. 4. Town and Special Election Date --Young said that the Town Clerk has requested that the Board vote to set the date of the Annual Town Election to Tuesday, April 30, 2013 to coincide with the Special State Primary Election. This would also require a change in polling hours to 7 am - 8 pm. Arguimbau MOVED to hold the 2013 Annual Town Election on the same day as the Special State Primary on April 30, 2013 and to change the polling hours to 7 AM to 8 PM. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. 5. Snow and Ice Budget--Young said that Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart has asked that the Board vote to authorize deficit spending for snow and ice. Young also recommended that the Board grant Kilhart's request, as approximately 68% of the budget has been expended, and an additional 10% has yet to be placed on a warrant. Magi noted that she has heard many positive things about the Highway's road maintenance recently. Arguimbau MOVED to authorize deficit spending for snow and ice. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. 6. Federal Sign Standards--Young said that Kilhart has ordered six new plastic barricades and several federal standard compliant "Road Closed"," Road Closed to Through Traffic" and "Road Closed to Vehicles over 10,000 Pounds" signs. These will be paid for from the Highway Department budget. 7. FRCOG Emergency Rental Equipment Contract --Young said that FRCOG had been working on formal contract language for the rental of equipment between towns. He said that attorney Donna McNichols has reviewed the contract. Young explained that if a town Highway employee accompanies the machine for the term of the rental, we are covered under the Town's insurance. When just the machine is rented, the Town must first inform the insurance company and obtain a rider that includes accident and casualty. Both Magi and Arguimbau said that they were in favor of sharing as much as possible. 8. Social Security and OBRA--Young said that some part-time employees have a problem with the current retirement plan because their total yearly contribution is all but consumed by annual management fees. He said that Town Counsel is looking into whether or not we can offer Social Security as an option. He also said that the Treasurer is exploring other retirement funds, and recommended this approach rather than the Social Security option. 9. Retired Employees and Health Insurance--Young explained that per state law, it is not legal to participate in the Town's health insurance unless the person is considered to be employed full-time (20 or more hours a week). He said that it is legal for retirees who receive a pension from the county retirement system to participate if they pay 100% of the cost. 10. Tax Collector Retirement--Young said that the Board members had in their meeting packets the resignation letter from Tax Collector Terry Kemerer. The letter declared Kemerer's intention to retire. Young noted that Kemerer has agreed to supervise the Assistant Tax Collector and pay her from his salary. He also said that Kemerer intends to return as Tax Collector, if reappointed by the board, once his retirement is established and he can collect Social Security and his county retirement pension. Young proposed that the Board accept Kemerer's letter. Arguimbau MOVED to accept Terry Kemerer's resignation letter and his retirement. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. 11. DLTA Senior Housing Study--Young said that he had answered a FRCOG questionnaire about the Town's technical assistance needs and priorities. He said that he used input provided by Planning Board Chair Ted Cady, and asked that they look at our elder residents' interest in utilizing any senior housing if constructed in Town. Arguimbau said that he would like the Town or local organizations to increase public awareness of options and services available for elder citizens. 12. Designation of Official Town Hall Online Calendar--Young said that he wished to retire the physical write-on calendar outside the Selectboard office and designate the online calendar as the official Town Hall calendar. People who wish to schedule an event may consult the online calendar before contacting the Town Coordinator to schedule the event. Young said that those without internet access may contact him to check availability of a particular date and time. Arguimbau MOVED to designate the official Town Hall calendar as the online on at HYPERLINK " Calendar/index.html" /index.html . Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. 13. Selectboard Reports--Magi said that the Grand Ball was a success. She reported that there was a good turnout of all ages. Young estimated that all expenses were met and that there was a potential profit of around $300.00, which will go into the donation account for the 250th Anniversary. Magi thanked all those who contributed and participated in the Grand Ball. 14. Coordinator Report--Young noted that two cases of Bud Light not used at the Grand Ball would be donated to the Fire Department for their spaghetti supper fundraiser to be held at Town Hall at 6 pm on Saturday, March 2nd. Young pointed out that a one-day beer and wine license was needed for the Fire Department's Public Safety Building fundraiser. Arguimbau MOVED to authorize a one-day beer and wine license to the Fire Department for Saturday, March 2, 2013. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. Young said that the Board needed to set a date for a National Grid pole hearing. He suggested March 18, 2013 at 6:30 pm, during a regularly scheduled Selectboard meeting. There was a consensus of the Board that this date and time should be set and National Grid be notified. Young reported that he recently had a conversation with Bernardston Selectman Bob Raymond during which they discussed the Pioneer School District's proposed FY 14 budget. He noted that there would be a significant spike in the Town's contribution, well above the numbers used in the Town's draft FY 14 budget. V. Adjournment At 7:27 pm, Arguimbau MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 2-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari