Town of Warwick Selectboard January 28, 2008 Minutes Members Present: Patricia Lemon, Rick Abbott Member Absent: Jim Toth Others Present: David Young, Rosa Calcari, Terry Kemerer, Ted Cady, Miryam Williamson, Janice Kurkoski, Jon Calcari, Chris Ryan, Keith Ross, Janet Conover, Paula Lundgren (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order The Meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m. at the Town Hall by Chairman Lemon. II. Minutes Lemon MOVED to approve the minutes of the January 16 meeting as printed. Abbott Seconded. VOTED. III. Presentations/Discussions 1. Selectboard Budget Proposal - Young summarized the Selectboard budgets, citing the Town Hall budget of $17,500.00 as the most significant. Young pointed out the FY 08 appropriation for Town Hall was $18,700.00. He commented that, based on actual costs from the prior year, the proposed budgets for Streetlights, Interoffice Supplies, and Selectboard Expense should be lower for FY 09 than the FY 08 appropriations. Level funded budgets include Copier, Legal Counsel, Legal Reserve, Custodian, Fountains and Grounds, and Town Reports. Young suggested that the Computer budget would need to be increased to $3500.00. He also recommended that the Selectboard Secretary budget be raised by $1248.00 to allow for an additional two hours per week. Lemon stated that she wants to increase the Town Coordinator hours to 30 per week, to allow for grant writing that should bring in more revenue than would be spent on the additional hours - although such revenue would go into other budget lines. She plans to discuss her proposal with the Finance and Personnel Committees. Ryan inquired about the FY 09 legal budgets, reiterating his opposition to putting aside $5,000.00 in the Legal Reserve Fund. He stated that he still feels strongly that a Reserve Fund transfer could be made to cover an initial emergency need for funds. 2. Proposed Zoning By-Laws for ATM Warrant - Cady was concerned that Town Counsel had yet to return a written opinion on the Subdivision Regulations. He said that the proposed Zoning By-Laws need to be sent to Town Counsel for review and returned by March 1, 2008. Cady asked that the Selectboard write a letter requesting Town Counsel to review the By-Laws. Lemon asked Cady to Email her all relevant information and she will draft a letter to Fred Dupere. Cady went on to explain that the presentation for the 2008 Annual Town meeting is currently 25 pages, but could be condensed to 20 pages. When he asked the Board members if they had any preference, Lemon said she wanted to review both versions before expressing a preference. Abbott concurred. Young recommended vigorous publicity to allow the people to become familiar with the proposed changes prior to ATM. Cady said he would welcome a more aggressive strategy in terms of publicizing the issues. Abbott inquired whether anything in the proposed By-Laws stands out as being controversial. Cady said nothing was apparent to him, but acknowledged that others might hold a different opinion. 3. National Grid Energy Audit Results - Kurkoski explained that the audit, conducted in mid-November, 2007, was performed at the two Highway buildings and the Warwick Community School. Warwick's 20% share of the proposed lighting upgrades for the Highway Department buildings will cost $634.00 if paid in one lump sum. Under this agreement, National Grid pays 80%, which amounts to $2,982.00. The estimated annual savings on energy costs is $1,333.00, and the payback period would be about seven months. Kurkoski reported that Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart is concerned that if this expense is met now, his budget will fall short in the Spring. She noted that waiting could cause Warwick to lose its chance at the contract, as other entities are waiting. Young recommended that the Board direct Kilhart to go ahead. Kurkoski said she wanted to confer with Toth and the DOER, to which Young replied that he has been speaking at length with Toth about this matter, and that Toth is not in favor of waiting. Lemon MOVED to instruct Tim Kilhart to sign the contract with National Grid. Abbott Seconded. VOTED. Lemon noted for the record that the Board acknowledges that this may create a need for a reserve Fund transfer later on in the fiscal year. 4. Policy on Town Website Postings - The lively discussion began with the Assessor’s Report as it appears in the Annual Town Report. Any condensing or formatting would be done by Lemon, but would need approval by the Assessors. Conover asked if any other reports are changed by the Board, to which Lemon responded that information and data are not changed, just fonts and spacing. Lemon emphatically stated that content will not be changed without proof being approved by those who submitted the report. Lemon turned the focus to the discussion on the Town web site, observing that there is no issue with reports submitted by entities under Selectboard supervision, noting that these makes up the majority of what is posted on the site. Ryan said that the Assessors had not been contacted or requested to post anything, which he attributed to a miscommunication that can easily be remedied. Lemon asked Young to write a letter asking for input from all Departments, Committees, and Boards. Conover contended that the departments and boards should be their own gatekeepers, and that neither the Selectboard nor the Town Coordinator should post to the website without first checking with the appropriate entity with necessary expertise in the subject matter. Young pointed out the fundamental difference between Board of Selectmen appointees and elected officials, specifically that elected officials are not employees and therefore only they must be responsible for whatever they choose to post. Ryan pointed out that it is often an issue of privacy when things are posted on the web, and reassured all present that social security numbers are not in the assessor's records. Williamson stated that she preferred personal information, including property values, not be posted on the website and said postings should best be limited to informational items such as forms, operating procedures, meeting schedules, events, and the like. Ross asked if there are currently any review procedures or criteria for acceptable postings. Lemon replied that the Board voted to establish the website but has not as yet addressed specific policies regarding what is posted and by whom it is posted. Conover wanted to know what the Board would post without first consulting those with expertise on the subject. Young stated that the protocol would be to respect the wishes of the Departments and Boards, and that in future, nothing would be posted prior to conferring with the appropriate parties and resolving any differences that may arise. As no policies were set, the subject will need to be revisited at future Selectboard meetings. 5. Report of the Selectboard - Abbott reported on an FRCOG meeting he had recently attended. He said that due to reassessments of property values, Warwick's share of the overall county levy will increase from 0.9% to 1.1%. Abbott also gave Young an emergency response planning map for Warwick's Emergency Management Director Jim Erviti. 6. Report of the Town Coordinator - Young first addressed ongoing matters that will require more work, including: FY 07 Selectboard Report; Selectboard budgets; development of an employee evaluation tool; IT backup and documentation; capital planning and capital inventory; and three working versions of the Town Hall Use Policy. He went on to detail tasks completed, which included a meeting with the Broadband Committee, contact with iDirect regarding a robust, non-proprietary internet system, and the acquisition of an unused Hughes commercial dish, along with an agreement from Hughes to provide service for this used equipment without a service contract. Williamson recognized Young for having fulfilled the initial charge given the Broadband Committee by the Selectboard - that of getting reliable broadband internet in Town Hall. Young broached the subject of increasing the mileage reimbursement from its current 32 cents to the IRS rate of 48.5 cents. Lemon MOVED to present to the Finance Committee for possible inclusion in the FY 09 Budget an increase in the Town's mileage reimbursement in the amount of 48.5 cents in accordance with the IRS rate. Abbott Seconded. After a discussion on the potential impact on proposed budgets already submitted and the historical precedent of voting on this matter at ATM, Lemon withdrew her motion. NO ACTION TAKEN. IV. Public Comment None. V. Adjournment Lemon MOVED at 8:05 pm. to adjourn the meeting. Abbott Seconded. VOTED. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari Patricia Lemon, Selectboard Chair Frederick H. Abbott III, Selectboard Member James J. Toth Selectboard Member Rosa Fratangelo Calcari Selectboard Secretary James David Young Town Coordinator