Town of Warwick Selectboard December 5, 2016 Minutes Members present: Dawn Magi, Lawrence Pruyne Member via Remote Participation: James Erviti Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary and Town Clerk Rosa Fratangelo, Highway Superintendent Larry Delaney, Broadband Committee Chair Tom Wyatt, Planning Board Chair Ted Cady, Sharon Matthews, Jon Calcari, Jared Robinson (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order Chair Magi called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm in the Town Hall. II. Minutes Pruyne MOVED to approve the minutes of November 21, 2016 as printed. Erviti SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0: Magi - AYE; Pruyne - AYE; Erviti - AYE. III.Presentations and Discussions 1. Whipple Class II and Class III License Renewal--Young explained that these junk licenses are granted to Rod Whipple annually. Pruyne MOVED to approve Rod Whipple's Class II and Class III license renewals. Erviti SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0: Magi - AYE; Pruyne - AYE; Erviti - AYE. Magi and Pruyne signed the licenses. 2. Part-Time Plow Truck Driver--Highway Superintendent Larry Delaney said that he received three applications for part-time plow truck drivers, and that he wanted all three to be hired as it is good to have more than one to rely on. He said that only one driver would be used at a time unless a member of the Highway crew were out sick. Delaney noted that all three applicants - Martin Vogt, George Roaf and Robert Kirley - are Warwick residents. Young said that all three men had filled out the Town's four-page employment application. Erviti asked for copies of the applications; Young scanned and Emailed them to Erviti. Delaney said that the hourly pay rate for a full-time Highway worker is $18.14, and he wanted the part-time rate to be somewhat less. He suggested $17.00 per hour. Pruyne countered with $16.50; Erviti concurred with Pruyne's figure. Pruyne MOVED that the wage rate for part-time plow truck drivers be set at $16.50 per hour. Erviti SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0: Magi - AYE; Pruyne - AYE; Erviti - AYE. 3. Tree Warden--Young said that Sharon Matthews, after lengthy conversations detailing changes in the Tree Warden job since she served in the position, has agreed to be appointed Tree Warden until the 2017 Annual Town Election. He said she will receive a new copy of the Tree warden manual. Pruyne MOVED to appoint Sharon Matthews Tree Warden until the May 15, 2017 Annual Town Election. Erviti SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0: Magi - AYE; Pruyne - AYE; Erviti - AYE. Matthews was sworn in by the Town Clerk. 4. Planning Board Hazard Tree Policy--Planning Board Chair Ted Cady said that some time ago the Board had asked the Planning Board to develop a definition for hazard trees with the intent to clarify what does and does not constitute a hazard tree. He pointed out that a true hazard tree presents an imminent danger, but not every tree that exhibits some damage or is leaning is a hazard tree. Cady noted that the unseen job of the Tree Warden is to have National Grid cut as many trees as possible at their expense. He said that the Planning Board wants the Tree Warden to have eminent authority and asked the Board to adopt the Planning Board's definition as an adjunct to the Scenic Roads Cutting Policy. Young read aloud the six criteria that comprise the definition so Erviti could hear it, as he did not have a copy of the document in front of him. This definition had been adopted by the Planning Board on November 10, 2016. Erviti MOVED to accept the Planning Board definition of Hazard Trees. Pruyne SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0: Magi - AYE; Pruyne - AYE; Erviti - AYE. 5. Mobilitie Cellular -- Young explained that Mobilitie Cellular is conducting a densification cellular project for the Sprint network. He said that they have been granted one pole in Orange and are seeking at least one pole in Athol. Young noted that while we do not meet Mobilitie's basic business model of densification it is worthwhile to continue a dialogue with them to see if it could be effective for the Town. He pointed out that network topographies are different and not every carrier can be served by one piece of equipment. Young said that if we build with Mobilitie we might need to have Sprint as our carrier. He said that the company is looking for poles, internet connectivity to those poles and power. Further follow up will be necessary to determine if this can be a viable option for Warwick. 6. Energy and Green Communities--Young said that he is going to re-bid the Town Hall air source heat pumps project. He explained that the original bid was for one 3-ton unit, but now it will be for two two-ton units, each of which will serve two Town Hall offices and allow for a 50 degree set point in the offices when they are unoccupied. Young said that once a bid on the project has been accepted, it will cost roughly half of the remaining Green Communities grant funding to complete. Magi brought up the subject of wing plows and asked Delaney to look into ways to house a wing plow., as fuel consumption for Highway vehicles needs to be further reduced as part of an overall 20% reduction in fuel consumption within five years as required. Young said that the solar farm may be extending its completion date from January 6, 2017 to March 31, 2017. 7. Broadband--Wyatt said that he did not have much to report on the Broadband Committee since it has not met since the last Selectboard meeting. He did have a complaint about being left out of a recent meeting between Young and representatives from MBI's Board of Directors. Wyatt said that because he had been appointed by the Selectboard to be the contact person for MBI and Young had been appointed as the alternate, he should have at least been notified of the meeting. Young said that the MBI people contacted him directly and met with him. Wyatt asked that he be notified in the future, also acknowledging the work Young has done meeting with the engineers and working on the grant application. Pruyne said that as Wyatt was appointed by the Board and potentially offers another perspective, it is a good idea to include him in future meetings and discussions. Erviti concurred, saying that since Wyatt was appointed as lead person by the Board it is a matter of courtesy if nothing else that Wyatt be kept informed, given information and asked if he wants to be included. Young stated that he would take this as a directive. 8. Planning Board Request of Phase-One Environmental Study on Vacant Property--Cady said that FRCOG has petroleum hazardous waste site evaluation and clean up funds available. He said the McKnight property on Wendell Road is way behind in real estate taxes and the Planning Board wants to initiate a phase-one study on the property. Cady noted that he has spoken with Moore's Bond Beach Committee members and has the sense that residents of the neighborhood are in favor of getting the property cleaned up. He noted that the land could potentially provide additional parking for the Town beach. Cady pointed out that the phase-one study would be conducted at no cost to the Town and that it does not require going on-site as the purpose of the study is to review the property's history to determine the likelihood of hazardous material being present. Cady asked for the Board's approval to move ahead with phase-one. Young noted that the property is a tire dump, the foundation is filled with trash, the real estate taxes are seriously in arrears, and the situation continues to get worse. Pruyne MOVED to approve the application to the Franklin County Planning Board for evaluation of the McKnight property. Erviti SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0: Magi - AYE; Pruyne - AYE; Erviti - AYE. 9. Personnel Policy--Young suggested holding off on setting a hearing date until after the first of the year. Magi said that the Board would set a hearing date at a later date. 10. Selectboard Reports-- Pruyne thanked the Women's Guild for the fruit basket he was given after a short stay in the hospital. 11. Coordinator Report--There was nothing added to the Coordinator's written report. 12. Public Comment--None. 13. New and Other Business Unanticipated at Time of Meeting Posting --Matthews asked for a copy of the FY 17 Tree warden budget and blue paint. IV.Adjournment At 7:15 p.m., Pruyne MOVED to adjourn. Erviti SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0: Magi - AYE; Pruyne - AYE; Erviti - AYE. Documents consulted at this meeting: *Draft Minutes of Selectboard meeting of November 21, 2016 *Coordinator Report dated December 1, 2016 *Town of Warwick Planning Board Memo to Selectboard and Tree Warden dated September 12, 2016 *Inventory of vehicles owned by the Town of Warwick *Broadband information sheet *Letter from Town Counsel Jeremia Pollard to Peter Larkin dated November 28, 2016 Re: Warwick Broadband and Procurement *Draft letter to Peggy Sloan (FRCOG) from Warwick Selectboard dated December 5, 2016 *Town of Warwick Personnel Policies endorsed by Counsel July 2016 *Hazard Tree Definition adopted by Warwick Planning Board November 10, 2016