Town of Warwick Selectboard December 30, 2013 Minutes Members present: Dawn Magi, Nick Arguimbau, Patricia Lemon Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Fire Chief Ron Gates, Jon Calcari, Paula Lundgren Robinson (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order Chair Magi called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm in Town Hall. Public Comment None. Minutes Arguimbau MOVED to approve the minutes of November 12, 2013 as printed. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. IV. Presentations and Discussions 1. Goodwin Chapter 61 Release--Young said that the Chairs of the Planning Board and Open Space Committee both recommended that the Town waive its right of first refusal on the Goodwin property that is coming out of Chapter 61. A certified letter was received on September 28, 2013 in which James C. and Marlene A. Goodwin of 808 Orange Road stated their intention to sell forest land currently enrolled in Chapter 61. There is a 120 day waiting period for the Town to exercise its right of purchase. It is recommended the Goodwins be notified in writing that the Town will not exercise its option to purchase the property. Lemon MOVED to approve a Chapter 61 release of the Town's option to buy the Goodwin property that the Town has received notice is coming out of Chapter 61 and authorize Chair Dawn Magi to sign the release letter. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 2. Report on Meeting to Define Capital with Respect to PVRS --Arguimbau attended the meeting along with Buildings and Energy Committee member Janice Kurkoski. Arguimbau reported that nothing substantive came out of this first meeting, and said that various things were discussed that did not relate to the meeting's agenda. It was noted that Kurkoski tried to persuade PVRS to consider performance contracting in the future but did not get very far. Young said he will attend the next meeting himself. He also indicated that the towns of Montague and Gill have signed an agreement on performance contracting that the PVRS District could use as a paradigm. 3. Establish Timeline for Decision on Uses of Gale Road--Young said that this item was on the agenda at the request of Board member Arguimbau. Young recommended the scheduling of an agenda item in late March to make a decision on the continued use of a portion of Gale Road as a site to exercise draft horses. Young noted that by that time the Hurlberts will have had plenty of time to seek permission from the abutters of the abandoned roadway as an alternative site to exercise their horses. Young said that the Hurlberts would be invited to come before the Board at that time. 4. MBI 123 Middle Mile Fiber Project Update --Young said that 25 of 123 towns were operational, but that Warwick is not among them. He said that work has not been completed at the Mount Grace Tower, and noted that because the cell tower is not covered under the grant, work to complete a circuit at the cell tower will have to be done at the Town's expense. Young said that Warwick Broadband System (WBS) has installed a weatherproof box on a pedestal and conduit has been buried with pulls, which means that we will be ready to proceed once Axia, the network operator, takes control of the local network segment. Young said that once completed, the fiber feed will be at each of the towers and at Town Hall. 5. Documentation of Firefighter Compensation--Board member Lemon had requested that this item be placed on the agenda as a way to discuss the method used to document firefighter compensation. Fire Chief Ron Gates said that he does not feel that he needs to document for the Board the money given to Fire Department members. He said that he keeps records of all pay, and that as Strong Chief it is up to him to compensate his firefighters. Lemon said that when the Selectboard originally voted, at the request of then-Chief Gunnar Lambert, to allow compensation for the firefighters, Lambert and the Selectboard had agreed on conditions, which needed to be documented. It was stipulated that in order to receive compensation, the firefighter s had to respond to at least half of the calls and attend at least half of the training sessions. Young said that he brought this up with consultant Ernest Horn, who did not include it in his report. The Board sets the budget to be voted upon at Town Meeting, but as Strong Chief, Fire Chief Gates does not have to provide documentation, and Chief Lambert should not have agreed to the conditions because the Strong Chief has autonomy over the expenditure of his budget and the pay for members of his department. Lemon withdrew her request for documentation. Chief Gates said that he has been pushing his firefighters to train more, and said that there has been a large increase in the number of men showing up for training. The Chief noted that there is some very good state training happening in the next couple of months. He said that there are three firefighters who still need to complete Fire Certification 1 and 2, and that he is working towards getting them to complete their certifications. 6. Pending USDA Rural Development Grant--Young said that the USDA Rural Development public infrastructure grant we submitted has cleared the first review and awaits the next step. Young said that there is currently no funding available, but that our request should presumably remain in queue until funds become available. He aid that he would follow up on where the application stands. If grant funds are released to the Town, they would be put towards the new Highway truck. 7. DEP Illegal Dumping Case--Young said that the Board of Health sent a relatively mild letter to the resident giving him six (6) months to clean up an illegal dump near the intersection of Wendell and Wilson Roads. Young said that he intends to work with the resident to get rid of any tires and scrap metal at no cost to the Town or the offender. He noted that there is also a large quantity of household garbage and demolition materials to be removed. Young explained that due to serious arrearage in property taxes, the Town may someday take the property, but in its current state wit the illegal dump, this could result in a net financial loss to the Town. Young said that he will devote some time to improving this situation. 8. Question Regarding Students Enrolled in WCS--Young said that he had looked into the question that there may have been one or more students enrolled in WCS and living at a seasonal campground. Per the advice of Town Counsel, Young has referred this matter to the Superintendent. He noted that there had been a case where a child attending WCS even though the parents had moved out of state (Hinsdale, NH), and that the School was able to handle this matter. Young said that the Assessor's Clerk had told him that the campground has two houses and that this residency is most likely a rental property. 9. Colonial Costume Ball --Young said that the Second Annual 250th Anniversary Gala Costume Ball is scheduled for Friday, January 31, 2014 at 7pm in the Town Hall. The alternate storm date will be Friday, February 7, 2014. Young said that he will ask residents to bring a favorite dessert to share at the event. Young also said that the Moores Pond Beach Committee wishes to operate a cash bar, for which a one day license must be granted by the Selectboard. Young noted that the license must be granted to an individual rather than a group. Lemon MOVED to grant David Young on behalf of the Beach Committee a one day beer and wine license for January 31, 2014 or for a storm date of February 7, 2014. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 10. Approve Expenditure of $6,300.00 of MEMA 2013 Storm Loss Payment--Young said that the Town has received reimbursement from FEMA I the amount of $18,753.00. He proposed that the Board vote to authorize the expenditure of $6,300.00 for the purchase of a new radio and plow frame for the new Highway truck currently on order. Lemon MOVED to authorize the expenditure of $6,300.00 (six thousand three hundred dollars), of MEMA 2013 storm loss reimbursement that has been received by the Town, on new plow frame and new radio for the new Highway Department heavy duty truck that is on order. Arguimbau requested more information before offering a second to the motion. Young explained that the Accountant had verified that these funds do not automatically go into the General Fund and therefore can be appropriated by Selectboard vote; no Town Meeting vote is required in this matter. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Young said that there was no delivery date yet set for the new truck. 11. DLTA Grant Requests--Young said that FRCOG had sent out the 2014 Local technical Assistance Request Form to be filled out and returned by January 13, 2014. Young read through the various items to gauge the Board's interest, He said that he has distributed the form with a cover letter to Town boards and departments for input in compiling the final prioritized list. Projects that the Board showed interest in included Selectboard Continuing Education Workshops, Finance Committee Essentials, Regional Fire, and Regional Library Collaboration. Animal Control Officer Rosa Fratangelo Calcari recommended the Animal Control project. There was a consensus of the Board that Young would take the Board's interest and those from other departments and boards and compile the final prioritized list. Arguimbau inquired about the Medical Marijuana item. He noted that Planning Board Chair Ted Cady was against this. There will be one dispensary for each county; Young and Magi were also not in favor of Warwick's involvement. 12. Selectboard Reports--There were no reports. 13. Coordinator Report--Young handed out copies of the Summary of the Conflict of Interest Law for Municipal Employees. All employees must sign and date a form that acknowledges their receipt of this document. 14. New and Other Items Not Reasonably Anticipated Prior to Posting--None. V. Adjournment At 7:06 pm, Lemon MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari