Town of Warwick Selectboard December 29, 2008 Approved Minutes Members present: Patricia Lemon, Rick Abbott, Nick Arguimbau (arrived late) Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Calcari, Miryam Williamson, Scott Burns (Verizon), Rich Nalewski (National Grid), Richard and Patricia Shepardson, Jon Calcari, Warwick Police Officer David Shoemaker, Gail Beauregard, Paula Lundgren Robinson (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order The Meeting was called to order at 5:35 p.m. at the Warwick Free Library by Chairman Lemon. Lemon noted the passing of former Selectman and longtime Warwick resident Jon Cooke, who died December 26. II. Minutes Lemon and Abbott agreed to wait until later in the meeting to read and approve the minutes from the December 1, 2008, meeting, as Arguimbau was not yet present. III. Presentations/Discussions 1. State of Emergency - Lemon expressed her desire for input from the public on the December 11-20 ice emergency for use in preparing for future emergencies. She is working on establishing a telephone tree, and wants all residents to give her their best contact information for reaching them in emergencies of any sort. Lemon prefers that people to call her directly at 978-544-7463, so she may have a brief conversation with everyone regarding their individual needs. Williamson suggested an automated telephone service currently in use in New Salem, which prompted Young to say he will look into a similar service for Warwick. Lemon proposed that an open debriefing meeting where the residents could bring the Board their questions, comments, concerns, and suggestions for emergency preparedness and related procedures. Lemon expressed her appreciation of the work done by Verizon, National Grid, National Guard members, and the many residents (with special mention of Emergency Coordinator Jim Erviti, Former Selectman and Cemetery Commissioner Jim Toth, and Highway, Fire, and Police Department personnel) who provided assistance during the recent state of emergency caused by the December 11 ice storm. Lemon MOVED that the Board schedule an open meeting following their January 12 meeting at which residents could offer input on the December emergency to guide town government in coping with future emergencies. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Lemon set the meeting time and place for 7 p.m. on Monday, January 12, 2009, at the Warwick Free Library. The time having advanced to 6 p.m., Lemon MOVED to recess the Selectboard meeting in favor of the scheduled Shepardson Place Pole Hearing. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. POLE HEARING Rich Nalewski of National Grid explained that National Grid and Verizon were asking for approval for the placement of additional poles because the long spans of wire currently between the six existing poles on Shepardson Place no longer meet safety codes and are starting to fail, some of the steel conductor strands being broken and unraveled and hanging low enough to contact tall vehicles. In addition, the Amaductor, which carries high voltage current, needs to be replaced to bring it up to current safety standards. The installation of extra poles will shorten the spans of wire and enhance public safety. The proposal would allow for eleven poles with an average span of 150 feet between poles to better support the new, heavier wire and larger, more reliable conductor. Dick Shepardson wanted the fourth pole moved, out of the way of his annual haying. Both National Grid and Verizon representatives (the latter actually sets the poles) agreed to visit the site with Shepardson to discuss his concerns and wishes. They will have to submit a new, re-engineered proposal, which will require another hearing. They estimated it would take about 10 days to prepare and submit the new proposal. Lemon declared the Pole Hearing closed and the Selectboard meeting resumed at 6:20 p.m. RESUMED SELECTBOARD MEETING Lemon MOVED that the board take no action on this proposal, as it was not yet ready to be acted upon. Abbott SECONDED. Arguimbau offered and later withdrew a friendly amendment, whereupon, in the understanding that a motion was unnecessary, since the parties agreed to withdraw their proposal and re-petition, Lemon WITHDREW her Motion. Abbott and Arguimbau concurred. 2. Timber Sale - The Forestry Committee had proposed a sale of timber for the approval of the Board. Young explained that the proposal was for a selective cut of a stand of white pine in the vicinity of Wendell and Hockanum Roads, based on the health of the trees, the thinness of their tops, and their regenerative potential. The estimated 80,000 board feet of timber to be harvested would likely yield revenue for the Town in the range of $10,000.00. Young pointed out that the Forestry Committee recognizes the need for careful cutting as conditions dictate. A forester will be hired to mark the trees to be harvested. Lemon MOVED to that the board approve the Forestry Committee's the timber harvest as proposed on December 11, 2008. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANMOUSLY. 3. Renewal of Rod Whipple's Class 2 and 3 Licenses - These licenses, which have historically been grandfathered to Whipple annually, allow for him to deal in used or wrecked motor vehicles. Young showed the board Whipple's check for the license fees, and his proof of insurance. Lemon MOVED that the board approve Rod Whipple's Class 2 and 3 Motor Vehicle Junk Licenses as requested for the term of one year. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. FRCOG Assistance to the Open Space Committee - The Open Space Committee and the Planning Board asked that the board approve their plan to request technical assistance from FRCOG in updating the Open Space Plan. Young assured the board that any such assistance would be free of charge to the town. Lemon MOVED that the board authorize the Open Space Committee to apply for FRCOG's technical assistance as requested. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. Police Officer Reappointments - All police officers' performance has been evaluated positively. Lemon MOVED Brian Peters be reappointed Chief of Police, and Police Officers Brian, Darren, and Justin Gale, John Bartus, James Erviti, William Fisher, Bruce Kilhart, Dan Kimball, Robert Mallett, John Rowe, and David Shoemaker be reappointed, all for three-year terms ending December 31, 2011. Arguimbau SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. IV. REPORTS 1. Selectboard - Lemon informed those present of the upcoming Pandemic Influenza Planning and Preparedness Training offered by MEMA in partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. The training will take place February 3-5, 2009, in Shrewsbury. She also mentioned the Annual MMA meeting in January, 2009, during which a vote will be taken for the slate of officers. No Board member is available to attend either event. Arguimbau wanted the Highway Grant Tim Kilhart is applying for discussed to ensure that Kilhart understands that the board prefers that he not put all Chapter 90 funds into projects improving Route 78. Since there seemed to be some confusion about the implications of the grant proposal, Young explained that a Transportation Bond Bill grant could leverage another paving project, specifically Route 78 from the Mt. Grace picnic area north, to the NH line if sufficient funds were available. The grant, with a maximum award of $200,000, is a one-time award for a specific project. Arguimbau felt that secondary roads should receive attention next, proposing that Kilhart apply for the grant for the Route 78 pavement reclamation project, with the proviso that should the grant funds not be awarded, maintenance on secondary roads should be done instead. If no grant is awarded this year, then Kilhart should apply next year under the same terms. Arguimbau also wants some overview by the Selectboard on major Highway projects, in part to ensure some priority is given to secondary roads. Arguimbau MOVED that Tim Kilhart be encouraged to apply for a $200,000.00 grant as discussed. Lemon SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. Town Coordinator * Tax Rate - Young reported that the tax rate had been set at $15.05 per thousand, a decrease of 97ยข over last year's rate of $16.02. He also said that the environmental clean-up crew had been called in to the Mt. Grace picnic area after a recent tractor-trailer incident that was thought to have spilled oil. Since DCR called in the crew, Young understands that they will receive the bill. * Disability Insurance for Town Employees - Open enrollment for disability insurance at town employees' personal expense has begun. * Broadband Update - The American Tower lease has been submitted, and other work may be done while awaiting installation of the conduit. 9. DOR Municipal Finance Forums - An information item regarding two forums being held December 2, 2008 from 2-4 pm and 6-8 pm at the GCC downtown campus building. Young had previously notified the Board of Assessors and Finance Committee of these forums; since he and Lemon had attended the same forum earlier in the year, neither of them plans to attend. II. MINUTES At this point, the Board returned to the reading of the Minutes of the December 1, 2008, meeting. Lemon MOVED to accept the Minutes of the December 1 meeting as printed. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. IV. Public Comment Gail Beauregard sought information on the application procedure for a liquor license for the Copper Angel Bakery. Young said that there is one pouring license (previously held by the Warwick Inn) available, should the Selectboard choose to grant it. Beauregard said that she had met with Building Inspector Phil Delorey, who advised her of the need for a handicapped access ramp and parking, on which she may need to consult with the Planning Board and/or the ZBA, next to that ramp. Young and Beauregard will discuss the procedure further and proceed accordingly. V. Adjournment At 7:21 p.m., Lemon MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari Patricia Lemon, Frederick H. Abbott III, Nicholas C. Arguimbau Selectboard Chair Selectboard Vice-Chair Selectboard Member Rosa Fratangelo Calcari James David Young Selectboard Secretary Town Coordinator