Town of Warwick Selectboard December 28, 2007 Draft Minutes Members present: Patricia Lemon, Jim Toth, Rick Abbott Others present: David Young, Rosa Calcari, Terry Kemerer, Jon Calcari, Paula Lundgren (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order The Meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. at the Town Hall by Chairman Lemon. II. Minutes Toth MOVED to approve the minutes of the December 17 meeting as printed. Lemon Seconded. VOTED. III. Presentations/Discussions 1. DHCD Community Assistance Unit - Lemon said she has been in contact with Ted Cady of the Planning Board regarding the possible development of a project list. In his written reply to Lemon, Cady pointed out that the FRCOG Planning Department Grant is funded by the DCHD. He also wrote that the DHCD is responsible for Community Development Block Grants, including one that funded the Town Hall elevator. Cady suggested to Lemon that the Selectboard "always have a project or two up their sleeve so they can be part of a CDBG application". Young stated that the DCHD favors planning services from non-profit, regional entities. 2. WCS Sprinkler System Test - Toth stated that he has the contact information for Bob Busolari, and will get in touch with him soon. Toth said that he had no new information on the contractor's progress, but hopes to have more to report by the next Board meeting. 3. Buildings and Energy Committee Report - Toth said that Warwick's DOER Energy Audit application has been received, and that we are number 16 in the queue. He explained that ten applications are handled at a time, and Warwick should have an expected start date of around February 8, 2008. 4. Consideration of Trench/Ditch Permit Authority - Toth cited his years of professional experience as an engineer, knowledge of excavation engineering, and his time as the administrator of the New Hampshire Department of Transportation's Ditch/Trench program as background for the job of Permitting Authority. He said he would want to create an uncomplicated program for Warwick that will facilitate and encourage compliance. He also noted that this new safety regulation stems from legislation which came about as the result of the tragic death of a child who fell into an unattended trench after hours. Abbott MOVED the Board appoint James Toth the Ditch/Trench Permitting Authority through June 30, 2008 and in that capacity he be assisted as needed by the Town Coordinator. Lemon Seconded. VOTED. 5. Town Employee Evaluation Tool - Young said he wants to tailor the evaluations to the specific job descriptions of the personnel being evaluated. The Board will conduct the evaluations of the Town Coordinator, Highway Superintendent, Police and Fire Chiefs, Tax Collector, Treasurer, and Accountant. The Warwick Evaluation Process developed by Alan Genovese and discussed by the Board up to the Annual Town Election on March 13, 2007 was once again on the table. Further discussions on this topic will take place at future meetings. 6. Report of the Town Coordinator - Young stated that he passed FEMA's Incident Command Structure (ICS)'s 100 test, but failed the 700. Toth explained that the ICS tests, which are taken following an online course, are necessary as they affect federal funding through Homeland Security. Toth said that the course helps prepare key municipal personnel to act effectively within the incident command structure in the event of an emergency. Young reported being contacted by DOR Management Review with a request for additional documents. He was able to supply all but the job description for the Assessor's Clerk, which will be supplied to the DOR by the Board of Assessors. Young said he expects it will be at least a month or two before the report is finished. Young stated that the Finance Committee will meet January 2, 2008 to consider Reserve Fund Transfer requests and FY 09 proposed budgets. Budgets already submitted include Highway Department, Tax Collector, Town Clerk, Library, Fire Department, Accountant, and Conservation Commission. All budgets are due by January 15, 2008. In reporting on Town Hall business, Young discussed the copier, which is now in the 17th month of a 60 month contract. He said he is still trying to locate a copy of the contract in its entirety. He noted that we are allowed 1500 copies per month, or 4500 a quarter, with any copies in excess of these numbers costing about two cents apiece. Kemerer obtained two HP LaserJet4 printers from state surplus and repaired them, which Young said he now uses as his default printers with printing costs at roughly one cent each. The new fire extinguisher for the elevator machine room was delivered. Currently all Town Hall and Highway Department extinguishers are set for one year. Toth mentioned that two new thermostats for Town Hall should arrive for installation this weekend. Young said he ordered a new computer from Tech One for use by the Accountant, whose old computer was outdated, underpowered, and did not manage memory satisfactorily. The new computer, which costs $550.00 plus $65.00 for data migration, features wireless capability and Windows XP Professional operating system. Installation is set for December 31st. Toth said that once the new computer is up and running the official surplus declaration process should commence. Young reported submitting the assistant tax Collector bond application to Massamont Insurance in the amount of $20,000.00, which is 25% of the Tax Collector's $80,000.00 bond. In referring to the deductible of $5,000.00 per incident on the Town's casualty insurance, Young said he did not recommend lowering the deductible to $2,500.00, as it would not be worth the additional cost of $176.00. 7. Selectboard Reports - Lemon said that she spoke with Dayle Doirin about the WCS Audit, which has repercussions on grant funding and the tax rate. The Board will stay informed as to the progress of the audit. Lemon also noted that if the Finance Committee does not wish to undertake the task of capital planning, the subject will need to be addressed by the Board. 8. Veteran's Benefits - A bill is sent monthly from Veterans Services directly to the Treasurer. For the foreseeable future, monthly transfers will be necessary. Toth MOVED the Board submit a Reserve Fund request to the Finance Committee in the amount of $855.00 for January 2008 Veteran's benefits. Abbott Seconded. VOTED. 9. Highway Department Snow and Ice Budget - Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart submitted a written request to the Selectboard for authorization of deficit spending of the Snow and Ice budget. Toth said that the Highway Snow and Ice Budget was, just prior to Christmas, approximately 75% expended. This figure includes salt and sand which has been ordered but has yet to be received. Toth MOVED to authorize deficit spending of the Highway Department Snow and Ice Budget. Abbott Seconded. VOTED. 10. January Meeting dates - Proposed dates: BOS Meetings on January 14 and 28, 2008 at 6 pm; Joint Hearing with the Planning Board January 16 at 7 pm. Lemon MOVED to accept the proposed dates. Toth Seconded. VOTED. 11. Pendant Panels for Warwick Sign - Lemon has been in contact with sign designer Jim Vitous of Custom Design of Keene, NH. She said she feels that a basic set of 4" letters would be adequate for the needs of any Town entities. This set has a total of 250 pieces at a cost of $275.00. Any organization that wishes to have a pendant panel to advertise events on the Warwick sign will be able to purchase one from Custom Design. 12. Correspondance - Mail received included the approval letter for the EPA Energy Star pledge, a letter of support from Senator Stephen Brewer for Warwick's Heritage Landscape application, and another invitation to join the North Quabbin Chamber of Commerce, after a previous invitation was rejected by the Board. Also discussed was a bill from MTSI for random drug testing of those holding CDL licenses and serving in the public sector. Al Mexcur has been designated to represent Warwick in the NQCC Fishing Tournament. Correspondence was reviewed and assigned to the appropriate Board, individual, or file. Public Comment None. IV. Adjournment Lemon MOVED at 7:15 pm. to adjourn the meeting. Toth seconded. VOTED. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari