Town of Warwick Selectboard December 27, 2011 Minutes Members present: Patricia Lemon, Dawn Magi Member Absent: Nick Arguimbau Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Jon Calcari, Jared Robinson (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order Chair Magi called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm in Town Hall. Public Comment None. III. Minutes Lemon MOVED to accept the minutes of December 12, 2011 as printed. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED by a vote of 2-0-0. IV. Presentations and Discussions 1. North Quabbin Energy Power Purchase Agreement Update--Young said that Town Counsel, as part of his review of the purchase agreement, is checking with the Attorney General's office. Young noted that all other towns in the district have an ownership basis in their projects, which include leases. Warwick's is different, in that it is solely a purchase agreement to buy power at a lower rate. Young said that town resident Andrea Woods of FRCOG is providing information to assist in Town Counsel's review. 2. Housing Rehab/Program Income Error Update--Young said that there has been no contact from FCHRA, which could be due in part to the holiday season. He noted that the property owners do not wish their name released. This issue will be addressed at a future meeting. Selectboard Reports --Lemon said that she would like to put on a future agenda the article that Nick Arguimbau had sent about a town in northern Germany that provides all of its own energy and also sells energy to others. Magi said that it has recently been brought to her attention that the PVRHS football team won the Division IV title, and that Warwick residents Joe Albert and Ben Lambert were instrumental in that championship game win. Magi asked that the accomplishment be acknowledged on the sign. She also said that the Board needs to keep track of the accomplishments of Warwick youth. Lemon agreed, and added that we should give local youngsters as much encouragement as possible. Lemon offered to print out certificates to be presented to Albert and Lambert if Magi would compose the text for them. Lemon inquired about the 250th anniversary celebration. Magi said that she planned to attend the next Women's Guild Meeting to see if any Guild members would be interested in serving on the 250th anniversary committee. 4. Coordinator Report-- Magi asked about the response to the survey about residents' needs during a prolonged power outage. Young said that he had received 15-20 responses. He noted that no one wanted to go to a regional shelter, and people favored the Town Hall as a drop-in location. Magi said that we should start to go forward on using the Town Hall as a shelter, or at least a first-step shelter. Young said that he wanted to consider moving the current WCS generator to Town Hall and installing a properly sized generator at the school. He noted that the Buildings and Energy Committee favors a small gasoline powered generator at Town Hall, as a more energy efficient and a lower maintenance option. There was a consensus of the Board that Young should pursue the options further. Young said that another layer of internet radios is being added. Nine units will be purchased with funds from the MBI grant. He explained that the wimax is 3.65 giga hertz and is licensed. Four units will be added to the Mount Grace Tower and the cell tower, plus an additional back-up. Young said that American Tower is close to giving us a notice to proceed, and work is also proceeding with DCR on the amendment to the agreement, which is now being considered to be a new contract. 5. Correspondence-- Magi spoke about the letter received by the Board from the Bernardston Selectboard. The letter requested Warwick's input on the school district's plans for increased compensation to staff and top-step positions, the labor negotiation process as it relates to increases, and the possibility of a level funded budget for FY 13. Magi said that she would contact Bernardston Selectboard Chair Robert Raymond. Young said that FRCOG had received another technical assistance grant and invited Warwick to suggest regional planning priorities. Young noted that Warwick has received help in the past on zoning and open space. He will check with Reva Reck on WiredWest to see if there is a need for assistance. New and Other Business-- Young said that the 2001 one ton GMC truck has sprung a leak in the head gasket, and is currently at Fairfield's in Greenfield awaiting repair. Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart wanted the Selectboard to approve repairs at an estimated cost of $4,200.00 - $6,400.00, depending on the extent of the damage. It was also noted that Kilhart intended to ask for a new truck at the 2012 Annual Town Meeting. Young pointed out that without the one ton truck, snow would have to be plowed either with the loader, or by a private contractor at $62.00 per hour. Young said that he had researched the matter, consulting his mechanic and checking engines online. He said the most reputable option comes from Jasper, and recommended a complete engine replacement with a two-year warranty. He projected another two years of use from this truck with a new engine, suggesting a portion of the cost be covered by the repair line item in the Highway budget, with the balance coming from a reserve fund transfer or a possible special town meeting. Lemon MOVED to authorize Coordinator David Young to 1) procure a complete Jasper duramax engine or equivalent for the one ton GMC truck; 2) procure installation of the above; 3) combine procurements if this is in the best interest of the Town; 4) ) obtain Selectboard approval for the award; 5) fund the replacement from the Highway Department repair line item with the understanding that supplementary funds will probably need to be sought from the Reserve Fund or from a future Special Town Meeting as well. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED by a vote of 2-0-0. VI. Adjournment At 7:07 pm, Lemon MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED by a vote of 2-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari